The highest measure of democracy is neither the 'extent of freedom' nor the 'extent of equality', but rather the highest measure of participation.
A. d. Benoist
Friday, August 24, 2012
What era of American History interests you the most and why? Make sure that your blog post are at least two paragraphs long in order to get full credit. This is your chance to shine, your opinions are important. Start letting people know you have a voice and are planning on using it.
The World War II era is the era I find most interesting. It is in this time period we see great growth in our attitude towards our country and it's power. After Pearl Harbor, USA was in fear of a war on it's home front. Under direction of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States kept it's head and fought. It was during World War II that USA saw the success of the Manhattan Project. Regardless of the ethics of the decision to drop atomic bombs of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the development of the atom bomb was a great feat for Americans that most still take pride in to this day. The 40's era not only brought about more pride in the spirit of the American people, but also drew them closer together. The use of propaganda to bring the people to a common opinion of the war may have been a less moral way to bring the citizens together, but regardless the idea of strengthening the citizens to agree on a common goal was genius. The time during World War II was one of perserverance and pride for one's country.
The era that interests me the most is the 1960s. This time period was a crucial part in music history. Without many of the bands from the 60s we would not have the music that we do today. The totally changed the tempo and sound of music. Before bands like The Doors or the eagles it was like jazz or swing music. This was the first time that music had deep lyrics and that the drums were a huge part of the music its self. Before the drums were just there to set the beat and keep every one else on time but in the 60s music took a huge turn. The drums became the leading part in some of the songs. So people might say the 60s rock and roll sucks but if you like todays music you should be thankful for those bands.
The Colonial Period is the most interesting period in my perspective. This period is a time of inventions and new beginnings. In early America, the colonies are still becoming situated in their new land. In this period of American history, they know how to live by themselves and want to become independent from the chains of Britain. Some amazing events, that are crucial to the building of our nation, happened in this time period. The Mayflower Compact as well as the very first Thanksgiving took place during this time. Also, Benjamin Franklin invented Bifocals, the stove, the odometer,the fire department and many more crucial things that still help our country to this day. If he did not create these things, or if these events did not happen, America would not be the same.
The 1950's era most intrestes me because i love the whole feel for it from the cars to the style of the pinup's. I would have loved to been there during this time. I love the cars because this is when they started to change the style which in fluenced the 60's and the cars then. I love the style of the pin ups from the 50's. they just have that sort of spunk to them. the cloths and the style of the hair just always looks awesome.
My favorite era of American History is the "Roaring Twenties". I like this period because America's culture changed a lot. This was a time were jazz music popular and the Charleston was the dance of the century. Classic authors became known and write classic American literature such as Ernest Hemingway and Carl Sandburg. Times were simple and fun, and the economy was in full swing under President Harding.
During the twenties women in many countries finally could have a say and vote! Technology became rampant and cars, such as the Ford model T, was a common car you would see. Heros such as Babe Ruth were looked up to and American fashion was in full swing with flappers. People during the twenties lived life had few worries. This was a period were America had great growth and society was changed.
I think I prefer the one were learning about right now with the colonies because its easy. I learned about it in 8th grade and i don't know the teacher made it fun for us so we learned most of it. This era of American history is important because its like the story of how the United States began. We get to see step by step how it got to where it is now. So I bet most people find that interesting.
The era of American History that interests me the most is Colonial America. I find the endeavors of the colonists that formed the beginnings of America interesting. The struggles that they went through and the forming of our current government system is very fascinating. I find the individual stories of the different colonists to be enthralling to listen to and learn about. Also, I find the opinions and views expressed by the different loyalists and patriots great subjects for debate and discussion. The American Revolution ties into this interest of mine as well. The transformation from Colonial America to becoming our own country is a giant part of our history. This early history of our country makes me think about what it might have been like back then and what positions I might have held towards the revolution and government system and ideas being contemplated during the colonial to America transformation.
what ear of American history interests me the most? the ear in american history that interests me the most is when the united states became a real state. iv always been interets in knowing the states and how they got there. how'd they get there names?, how'd did they get there?, who made them states?, there with never stop beeing something new to learn about the states. and i would love too learn where and how we got here on the states.
I think that the era that intreats me the most is the Revolutionary Era. There was so much that happened in this time. This is when we formed our country on what we believed in, and we started to become a free country. This is why people today die for our country, because of what happened this era. We wanted to be a free country with realistic rights,whatever religion we wanted, and thats what we have become. During this time the greatest heros of America rose up, and fought the British together. This is the time period when the Declaration of Dependences was created. Also the Bill of Rights, our the system of our government, congress, state lines etc. This is what our country is most known for, how Americans have rights and freedoms that other countries do not have. This is also why alot of countries do not like us. We can express ourselves,and become anything we want.
My favorite era in American History right now is The Great Depression. What made me first interested in this era was hearing stories from a family member of mine about this time period. She has a unique view of it since she was in her 20 and living in farming land. She had been in a depression for awhile thou. In 1920's there were many dust storms and droughts that lead to many farmers not being able to buy equipment and other things. What I have learned from looking up more about this era is that it all really started on what's called "Black Tuesday". It was October 29, 1929 when most of the stocks went down. Everyone started to loses their jobs, houses and cars. President Hoover didn't want to help when Governors, Congress, and Mayors asked for him to set up public service jobs. He thought it was up to the local government and private organizations.
The New Millennium, is the era in American History that interests me the most. Although I was born and raised in the new millennium, I have never sat and thought of the historical and importance of it in my everyday life. The new millennium started in 2001, and is gong until current date. It included the terrorist attack of September 2001, Afghanistan and Iraqi Wars, election of the first black President, Obama, an economic downturn, and illegal immigrants. This era interests me the most because it shows even in our darkest times, our country can stand back up and become stronger than ever. On September 11, 2001, our country was hit by terrorist in New York City, killing over 3,000 innocent and brave people. Our country was quick to react and many police men and fire fighters risked there lives in order to sustain others. This shows the strength and power of our country in a time of crisis, coming together and helping others. Also, in 2008 our country elected our first black president, Barack Obama. The significance of this moment will never be forgotten. It shows how far our country has come, from once keeping blacks as slaves, and treating them as if they were nothing, to now electing one as a president. As from all I have wrote, I make my point in how I think this era is the most significant, by how it shows our unity and strength as a country, that continues to grow each day.
I seriously don't actualy have an intrist in any era of american history that i'm interested in because I don't know about any era of american history.
World War II is the era that interests me because that the united was beat up at the beginning.The United states came back and showed germany,france,japan who was superior.
My favourite era in American History would have to be the 1920's. I am interested and intrigued by everything that went on during the 1920's like the Prohibition Era and all the advancements in technology they came up with. During the 1920's cars, planes, and other technologies were being made better and more reliable due to the first World War. The country between the times of the World Wars was rich and intriguing, full of jazz, fashion, and hope. I also really enjoy the fashion, music and culture of the 1920's. The slang the people used and the ingenuity they showed was amazing. The people of America never let anyone tell them no and this time was a great example of this.
The Great Depression to the World War 2 Era most interests me. The Great Depression was a time of hardship where it isn't as easy as it is now. I recently read the book Grapes of Wrath and was amazed and astonished at what the migrants had to go through. The california natives were scared of the migrants, when all they wanted was a little money to keep themselves alive. I think that the Great Depression showed flaw in the government and how cruel man can be. The World War 2 era also interest me. I am fascinated once again at how cruel man kind can be. Yet amazed at what difference it can make. I find it intriguing what strategies they used during war. And what technological advances where going on in that era, especially the German advances that were never completed.
The time period that I think is interesting is the 1960's to the 1990's. At this time we were building on top of old inventions. Such as the radio sparked the idea of the TV. Then instead of writing with a feather and ink went to the type writer and ended up today as a computer. Our everyday usage of cell phone and ipods all had to start with something such as a letter tied to a birds leg carried miles away. Machines were being built that change the world and who knows what will come next in the future. America was at war for a huge chunk of this time. I think thats how we were really formed as a country because it showed how much people were willing to fight for our freedom.
The era that interests me the most is the 1800's. In the 1800's, people were inventing all sorts of machines left and right that influenced what we still use today. Our society would be totally different without these discoveries. Before the 1800's people had to use fire for light, get pulled around by horses or walk everywhere, and there were no sewing machines or steamboats. CAn you imagine not being able to just walk into a room and turn on a light? Or be able to just get in your can and go wherever you need to go? Without the genius' in who invented these in the 19th century, who knows where we'd be today. The 1800's not only was when all of these inventions were made, but it also, in my eyes, brought a sense of hope for the future to everyone. I know if i was living back then and someone had just made a car or a computer or a steamboat i would only be able to imagine what would come in later years. The 1800's was the most important time in american history because it influenced our technology and lives, and will keep influencing them for many years to come.
The era that interests me most would be World War I. I find this era rather fascinating because that was the first major war this world has seen. It helps show who our enemy is and who our allies are. It showed which countries we can trust for support if there shall ever be another World War. It allowed us to develope new weapons and it made our country more aware of what is going on outside our country. This war also caused World War II due to the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles stated that Germany would pay back all reparations and Germany was not allowed to build up their military. This caused Germany great inflation. It also made Germany team up with Russia, which was a huge mistake. Stalin turned on Hitler and Germany ended up fighting over Stalin Grad. Stalin did not care about his people and Hitler had yet to realize that. Stalin said "Protect the city at any cost." Hitler had strategy, but Stalin had numbers, eventually Germany retreated because Hitler knew he could not defeat Stalin.
The era that i am most interested in 1860's because thats when the civil war was. I really enjoy learning about the civil because everything about the cicil war is interesting. So many things were going on at the same time, thats part of the reason why its so interesting. There is so many different battles and legal fights going on at the same time, its just really fun to talk about and also have different types of debates over different things in the civil war. It is such an interesting time period. There is also a lot of interesting things about slaves during that time. Abraham Lincoln is a very important figure in the US history.
I find that 1920's is a great era because it is the years of European immigration peaked. Immigration years are very interesting to me because America changed, the people of America changed. Immigration caused many pros and cons for the United States. Pros are that there was more help in the factories created more product for the demands across the states. Also it was influenced more inventions to be created which made businesses grow. When the businesses grew it increased international marketing. The 1920s had also caused many problems to America when the more immigrates started to work the weathly people started to cut pay down which made the people go on labor strikes around the East Coast. Immigration caused a lot of racial violence. As you can see the 1920s had many interesting events occur.
I find any era war there is warr not because i like violence or anything but, to me finding out who and how many people died for or country is very important to know. i think its great for us to honor thoses people who have served our country so that we can continue to be free.
The twentieth century is the most interesting to me. It is a critical time to our nation. World Wars, the Great Depression, and other events make it to be one of the most eventful centuries in our nation. Civil Rights and abolition of slavery were two major events that took place. It was critical because we learned a lot as a nation and helped us grow into the country we are today, despite the difficulties along the way.
The twentieth century had decades that changed so much in our nation. From the different genres of music to the style of clothing, we were constantly changing. The twentieth century was arguably one of our most culture filled centuries. Not only did it present change, but it nostalgic about how we became the nation that we are now. The twentieth century is also a prelude to the twenty-first century where modern society has overrode the retro style.
The era that interests me the most is the civil war times. The reason I find it so interesting is because it was a time when our country was at war with each other over such a huge topic. It was the time of slavery, and segregation. A time when one of the most known people in history made a difference, when one of our best presidents was in charge. Another reason why I find this era so interesting is because people were so different back then, much different from people today. Society as a whole was completely different from today. Of course society changes every era but I think that comparing the era of the civil to ours would be the most differentiate comparison. Today we do not have that much racial issues , back then we started a war over it. I find it interesting also how people used to dress back then. You could tell by the way someone dressed how much money they have. Those are all topics about that era that make that era the most interesting era in American history. The difference between today and then is incredible.
The era that interests me the most is the civil war times. The reason I find it so interesting is because it was a time when our country was at war with each other over such a huge topic. It was the time of slavery, and segregation. A time when one of the most known people in history made a difference, when one of our best presidents was in charge. Another reason why I find this era so interesting is because people were so different back then, much different from people today. Society as a whole was completely different from today. Of course society changes every era but I think that comparing the era of the civil to ours would be the most differentiate comparison. Today we do not have that much racial issues , back then we started a war over it. I find it interesting also how people used to dress back then. You could tell by the way someone dressed how much money they have. Those are all topics about that era that make that era the most interesting era in American history. The difference between today and then is incredible.
The era I find the most interesting is the 1990's. During the 90s the grunge bands came over and took over knocking the 80s hairbands off the map so it was a big step for rock and roll. Instead of turning on MTV and seeing Twisted Sister or Poison, you see these dirty guys that look like they're homeless, but they play awesome music, like Nirvana. They paved the way for many bands today. Without Nirvana we wouldn't have the Foo Fighters. But not only was it the grunge era it was also the era of the boy bands. You had N'SYNC, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees. They also made an impact on the music world, I mean they gave us Justin Timberlake. What more of an impact do you want?
My favorite era in American history is World War 2. My grandpa was in WWII, and he would tell me about it and I always found it interesting. I liked learning about it in World History last year too. I learned WAY more about my country than I originally did because of that topic. I think World War 2 really brought our country together with all the major conflicts they had. With the bombings in Japan and several others.
I find the mid-1800's one of the most interesting eras in American History. During this time, we had just experienced the California gold rush and the First Industrial Revolution. Those were very big, and important steps we needed to grow as a nation. But coming from all the goodness that was occurring, we went right back into the depths of despair. There was the whole issue of slavery, the underground railroad, the civil war, exc.
The time of slavery was a huge part of our history, as it was one of the only times in our history where our own country couldn't decide what to do, so we went to war with our own country. I find it sad that instead of talking it out and coming up with some sort of agreement, we went to war over it. I think there were some other ways we could've gone about this problem, but after everything was said and done, it made us stronger as a nation. We learned from our mistakes, and will hopefully never have to experience something like that again.
I find the mid-1800's one of the most interesting eras in American History. During this time, we had just experienced the California gold rush and the First Industrial Revolution. Those were very big, and important steps we needed to grow as a nation. But coming from all the goodness that was occurring, we went right back into the depths of despair. There was the whole issue of slavery, the underground railroad, the civil war, exc.
The time of slavery was a huge part of our history, as it was one of the only times in our history where our own country couldn't decide what to do, so we went to war with our own country. I find it sad that instead of talking it out and coming up with some sort of agreement, we went to war over it. I think there were some other ways we could've gone about this problem, but after everything was said and done, it made us stronger as a nation. We learned from our mistakes, and will hopefully never have to experience something like that again.
The era of american history that interests me the most is the 1950's and 60's. I really like this era a lot and I sometimes wish i was born in that time period. The way women dressed was really nice and they all stayed home with the kids and did not have to work was really cool. I liked the flappers way of dressing to. I thought it was really pretty how women would always have their hair curled and wear the red lipstick.
I also liked the music from back then it thought it was really fun and catchy. Men treated the women well in that time period also. When men went to war the women did a lot to help out the men in the war and they became nurses to help out the injured men.
I think WWII is the most interesting time. There were so many new advancements and countries involved. Also it is unbelievable how many lives were lost. Though any war is tragic, it is important to learn from the past. So now we can continue moving forward. Also my grandpa served in WWII so it is part of my family history. So it really brings me into the situations.
For me, the most interesting era in history is the 1990's. The 90's just seemed like a great time for everything. The economy was great, movies and TV shows were great, and the music was undefinable. Some of the best movies came out in the 90's. Such as: Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Titanic, and The Truman Show. For TV show's, the biggest television show throughout the 90's, was Seinfeld. Everybody watched Seinfeld because it was a show about nothing. Seinfeld changed and inspired a new generation of television shows in the 21st century. Almost any adult will tell you that they watched the Seinfeld series finale because that's what everybody did on that night that it aired. An estimated 76 million people watched it, making it the third most viewed series finale in history. Another big aspect of the 90's was music. When people define music by generations, they usually think of one thing. For example: When people think of the 60's, they think of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and drugs. When people think of the 80's, they think of keyboards. But during the 90's music just exploded and there was all sorts of genres that people were playing. But what started it all was the grunge explosion in Seattle. Four bands (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and Nirvana) changed music in the early 90's. Music would never the same since then. This time era blows me away and i have a great appreciation and respect for it.
The bombing at Fort McHenry is most interesting. This interest me because of all the men who sacrificed there life's to keep the U.S flag up and off the ground. This also interest me because Francis Scott Key wrote the National Anthem while the bombing was happening.
the most interesting era of american history would be the industrial revolution era. i think this because it is the time of rational thinkers and industrialism. the industrial revolution was the time in which nicala tesla lived. he was the greatest inventor of our time. tesla was so ingenious that he was having constant dilutions and hallucinations. tesla once gave an interview to a reporter in which he told them about his true love, a magic pigeon that shoot lasers out of his eyes. thomas edison acualy cheeted tesla out of 1 million dollars. this era is the era that people started moving forward.
The early 1940's to the 60's is my favorite era. During the forties you see great innovations, patriotism, and style. Once the U.S. joined, it was amazing how people felt to get so envolved with war effort. It astounds me how different the times have changed. Next the fifties; I also like the fifties because the cars were cool, the music energetic, and the greaser look raised to the top. Last but not least the 60's. John F. Kenedy is my favorite president. I like the he sounded, what he stood for(near the end) and he was a terrific speaker. Not to mention that it seems when you mention the 60's they immediately think of the atrocities during the Vietnam war but there is more to it than that.
The era that intrest me the most is the great depression. I am intereted by that because then you get to know what they went through. Like they didnt have anything and people now complain about stuff they want but if you think back then you would be happy if you had a house to live in. That is why it intrest me the most
To me, the 60s were most important. I think that this particular era was a breakthrough in society in many aspects. One of them, was, of course, music. You know those people that absolutely LOVE music? I'm one of those people. Genres began to expand and amazing musicians such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Henrix, and my personal favourite, The Beatles emerged. They revolutionized music. Because of a more laid back way of life for many, people such as these musicians were able to freely express themselves and their viewpoints on the world. Which, ultimately, brought people together in a sense that they shared these common thoughts.
Another reason I have a shining for the 60s is because of people's efforts to have unity on Earth. The "hippies" of that time were giving their all for world peace and love, which I feel is needed today. There's a lot of segregation and superiority/inferiority issues that come up now, which is what people did everything in their power to ERASE from our culture. John Lennon, an icon of the era, exemplified the benefits of just loving one another among many other musicians, which is incredibly sentimental to me.
The 1920's through the 1930s is what I find to be the most interesting era. The prohibition and the original American gangsters were so amazing. The gangsters were so care-free and way better than the ones now. They did not try to be who they were. They were named gangsters because they did the bootlegging. Also the music. It was freeing and easy to move to. There was also the Great Depression though and even though it was sad people still managed to try to have fun. That is why it was my favorite era.
The era that i am most interested in would have to be the colonial era. I find this era the most interesting because it was a time period of inventions and everything had just began to come together. The colonist had begun to settle and start their own forms of government which allowed everyone to experience a new start. The challenges they faced starting from scratch must have been very hard to overcome. One of the challenges for the colonist that interests me were the struggles they had to go through to find resources to survive . This was also the time period of inventions. Ben Franklin was one of the key inventors to this time periods success. He invented some of the most important inventions that are used in our daily lives today. Like the stove and glasses. Without these inventions america would be so different today.
My favorite era of american history would have to be world war II. I find world war II my favorite because it had a major impact on our country. The united states after the pearl harbor bombings was in shock of going to war again. They were more fearful that it would end up being on our home land. During these times is when technology started to become more advanced and more powerful for military uses. The atomic bomb was a crucial part of these advancements especially when the united states bomb hiroshima and nagasaki. The A-bomb was a major part of technology and we take pride in having such a weapon in our hands. The worst era i did not like was probably vietnam. vietnam was a time of depression because young men were being deployed to a foreign land to aid the non communist vietcong. This war suffered huge amounts of casualties and left many men shocked and traumatized from the horrific scenes. After the soldiers came back home people treated them like they were strangers and physchos. This war did not help our country at all but crippled it a little bit. It did this because the united states spent millions and millions of dollars towards this war and ended up with way more then they bargained for. World war II was one of the most important era's in American History.
The most interesting era to me is the Cold War era. In this time the USA was in a bitter cold war against the Soviet Union, and the spread of communism. During this time the Soviet Union and the United States used "Puppet States". So no actual head to head conflict would have to occur. If conflict did occur, it was widely thought that nuclear war would take place. Killing millions, if not hundreds of millions of people. An example of a Soviet puppet state was East Germany; And an example for the USA was South Korea.
The American History era that most interest me is the Civil War. That is because this war was a fantastic example of when a society of people don't agree on something which causes them to revolt against each other. The south and north had two different ideas of how to run the United states back then, which caused them to erupt which at that time and nowdays meant war. It also interested me that both sides had it obstacles to manage to stay in the war but overcame it. For example the south had problems with the military supplies and more. Although at first the battles seemed to always by won by the Confederate states. They had more experience in battle for the reason that they lived more in the country side.As for the north that lived in mostly cities and weren't very experienced.It shocks me that both sides didn't give up their idea of running a goverment and were ready to do anything to win. The American history era was a like a new brand , something that the United States of America had never been through as well as some other countries. That is why I think this era is outrageous, it was unique.
In addition the Civil War was also a time of giving freedom to everyone. It's extremely interesting that it took that whole war to finally give the slaves their natural rights that they deserved from the begining . The North was for myself the most reasonable. They wanted to give these slaves a important part in society. As for the South ,they wanted to stay the same and be ruining someone's life in order for them to live like kings and queen's. Although i think the Civil war is the most interesting era because it helped us learn from their mistakes and changed are country for the good of us. It helped us see how are country was being raised and think back and realize that if that war hadn't occur we would maybe be living in a world of non-democarcy, Lastly we can see if some south thinkers are still being raised in this country and try to correct their ideas,to ideas of justice and equality.
The era I found most interesting is World War II. Now during this era we all know that Hitler tried to take over the world. We also know that he created concentration camps to exterminate Jews. How D-day was the largest invasion. However what we don't know is that Hitler had secret projects that could of change the outcome of the war. Some of those projects were weapons so advance that even now they don't exist. Hitlers military tried developed the first ground ground to air defense. Also there were some files where it talked about a laser gun that could destroyed any aircraft. There were also files about a rocket been developed. And the same scientist working on that project are the same that work a rocket in the US. I find this era very interesting because of how the war would of change if this weapons were successful.
The World War II era is pretty much fun and interested for me. In this period we can see what really was the great growth and all about it. USA just had so much problems with Japan and then they had so bad war. With bombs and arms. In that time a lot people lost their life and a all around was demage.
And long time ago we just can see the bads brtweeent those country.
The era that interested me the most was the World War II era. It interested me the most because many things happened that changed the world. There were different weapons and war styles to fight the war.
The most interesting part of American History for me would probably have to be the Civil War. The civil war abolished slavery and made this country what it is today. The Unions beat out the confederates to end slavery for good. The causes of the war have been controversial ever since the war begun. The slavery issue was about whether or not it was an anachronistic evil. If not for the civil war slavery might still be going on.
I think learning about the civil war is amazing. How the union and the confederates fought. I love to figure out where the battles where. The one in particular battle that I love to learn about is Vicsburg. I also like hearing about Gettysburg. Hearing about how many died in Vicsburg is really amazing to me. Also, the fact that the river turned bloody was fascinating Because waster is always moving. learning about Gettysburg is amazing too. That was the like the finale battle in the war. Learning about the Civil war is pretty amazing and i always love it.
I think learning about the civil war is amazing. How the union and the confederates fought. I love to figure out where the battles where. The one in particular battle that I love to learn about is Vicsburg. I also like hearing about Gettysburg. Hearing about how many died in Vicsburg is really amazing to me. Also, the fact that the river turned bloody was fascinating Because waster is always moving. learning about Gettysburg is amazing too. That was the like the finale battle in the war. Learning about the Civil war is pretty amazing and i always love it.
The World War II era interests me the most out of all American History eras. We would not be where we are today without the advancements in technology and international relationships. Throughout World War II, there was continuous international rivalry. Each country wanted to get ahead, and believed if their armies and ammunition were bigger and newer, it would give them a head start. We went from fire arms that could on shoot once, then you had to pump it. Due to War II, we now have machine guns, and enormous and powerful weapons. World War II affected every international relationship.
I think World War II is my most favorite topic in american history,because it fasonates me, it makes me proud to be an american, and it is my favorite war ever. World war II favonates me because, My 8th grade teacher really got me interested in it and to this day it still grabes my attention. I ;
The most interesting era of American History is the Prohibition Era. The 18th amendment was passed saying that people could not drink alcohol. Of course that did not go over very well, so that was repealed by the 21st amendment. During the time it was active the crime rate rose tremendously. People always found a way to get alcohol disconcerning the law. The Prohibition Era was also the time that well known Al Capone as the Public Enemy No.1, he also grew very wealthy. I believe this era was a good example of why people should always question, the government is not always right about everything. It shows that just because it is ideal to them does not mean it is what is best for everyone after you stop and think it through.
The era of American History that interests me the most is the 1990's. why is't the most interesting era is because of the music, TV shows and movie. One kind of movie that cam out was Disney princesses. Also one kind of TV show that come out was Nick JR. also playhouse Disney came out with a lot of TV shows in the 90's. that is why the 90' is the most interesting era to me.
The era that intrigues me most is the 1800's. Everything that went on, the western expansion, the Gold Rush, Lewis & Clark Expedition and the War of 1812 all deeply fascinates me. The little facts that you learn, like how denim was first created by miners in California to have sturdier clothing to work in, I can't get enough. The courage it must have taken for Lewis & Clark gets a lot of respect from me. I'd never be able to go into an unknown land like they did. If it weren't for this era, we would have missed so much.
This was also the Civil War era. Two parts, north and south, fighting against each other takes the issue of slavery to the max. Abraham Lincoln being president and the events leading up to the abolition of slavery are intriguing. It make me happy to know some people- the north, saw slavery as wrong. How can you own a person and think of them as nothing, a mere possession? It disgusts me how our ancestors were.
The Great Depression is the era I find the most interesting. It was a time of great economic downfall and grievance for our country. It led to widespread unemployment, halts in industrial production and construction, and a huge percent decline in stock prices. This era really tested the strength of our country. What first interested me in this era is how people continued to strive and live in a time of great poverty. Meanwhile unemployment continued to rise, the stock market continued to fall, and wages for those who still had a job kept lowering. People lost their homes and farmers lost their land all due to this crisis. It wasn't until 1954 that the stock market regained all it's losses. The Great Depression was a big downfall in America during the 1930's, but showed the true strength of our country.
I think World War II is my most favorite topic in american history,because it fasonates me, it makes me proud to be an american, and it is my favorite war ever. World war II favonates me because, My 8th grade teacher really got me interested in it and to this day it still grabes my attention. I feel that WWII was pivotal in the change of war. Hitler has extreme ideas about how gthe would should be run, and we saw much persecution against Jews and Christians who held onto there belief systems and were brutally punished for them.
Another change that came about in WWII is the us the Airplanes, ships, and the telegrapb and use of secret codes which could hlep the troops on the ground so that they could gain a better position against the enemy. Our Airplanes and ships were pivitol in securing land and bombing the enemies so that our troops could gains more ground and over come obsticals that were in the way. WWII changed the ways of war forever because it brought technology into the picture,
My favorite era is the world war II era because it was the most intense battle to me. I was really amazed on how the war started and how it end. The battles in world war II was all interesting and how all end it up. I really got interested when I heard of all the ideas for weapons like airplanes and U-boats. My favorite part of the war was when the world got introduce to the first ever nuclear weapon.
The era that interest me the most in American History is WWll. I like learning about WWll because when i learn about all the tragedies that happened in that era it makes me very sad but it makes see things in another way.I think that with all the tragedies that happened in WWll it brought the USA together. I also think that USA got stronger during WWll because of all the things that happened. Their was all of things that happened that changed that way the US was. The attack on Pearl Harbor really opened US eyes. We also let Japan know that we weren't afraid of the them. Their was many injured people. D-day was the biggest war during WWll. What Hitler did with all the Jews really makes me sad because that was so unfair. i know they that history repeats itself i really hope it doesn't even though it kinda already is let's just hope it doesn't get worst. I think that WWll is my favorite era because their are just so many things that happened that we can learn about.
The most important era in American history is the era of the decleration of independence. This is the most important era because it was a time when our country because free and independent. Some of the most important people in history signed this valuable document. We earned the rights of liberty,freedom,and the pursuit of happiness (back then was the right to own property.) We still have these rights today. Another reason why this is my favorite era is because the Sons of Anarchy was formed to stop the Stamp act. A group of hard-working determined rebels that were trying to gain freedom from Britain. If it weren't for them we would still be under the control of Britain. All of these factors are reasons why this is my favorite era. If it weren't for this era we wouldn't have our rights or our independence.
The era that interests me the most is the time around the American Revolution. The events happening in that time, for example the declaration of independence, were so important in shaping the US the way it is today. The US went from being 13 colonies ruled by England, to become one of the biggest and most powerful countries in the world.
I find it so interesting how the Americans did what they did and stood up to the superpower at that time. They felt like their own people and made it the truth, I think that really deserves respect.
The era in history that interested me the most was the Great Depression. So much happened during this period of time. The stock market crashed, people went on debt, and the dust bowl. All of these events led to the breakdown in the economy in the United States. What is amazing about this is that it found a way to stabalize their economy. They would benefit both the unemployed and the government by providing factory jobs. This era goes to show that no matter what the this country always finds a way to manage itself.
The era that interests me the most would be the Civil War era. In that time period a lot of changes happened that affect how our lives are today. If it weren't for people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks we could still be living a very divided life. Even though I am aware of the way people were treated it is still a wonder to me that it went on for so long. There is a lot of information that you could learn about that era.
The Civil War was a big change for us. Not only did we end slavery but we started a bond between two races. Had we not had the civil war there would not be multi-racial marriages and such.
The era that interst me the most is The great depression, because thats when people had real struggles, everyone was going bankrupt expecially the people who couldnt reach the bank in time to get there money before they closed the bank.. It was a very sad and hard time, also for the farmers, because the invention of the tractor came out and there was no need for farmers to do manual labor so why would they get payed for a machine to do the job, and then the dust bowl hit and drought came... This is what interest me the most in American history and i I would like to know more about what happened and not what i read of google....
The World War II era is the era I find most interesting. It is in this time period we see great growth in our attitude towards our country and it's power. After Pearl Harbor, USA was in fear of a war on it's home front. Under direction of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States kept it's head and fought. It was during World War II that USA saw the success of the Manhattan Project. Regardless of the ethics of the decision to drop atomic bombs of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the development of the atom bomb was a great feat for Americans that most still take pride in to this day.
The 40's era not only brought about more pride in the spirit of the American people, but also drew them closer together. The use of propaganda to bring the people to a common opinion of the war may have been a less moral way to bring the citizens together, but regardless the idea of strengthening the citizens to agree on a common goal was genius. The time during World War II was one of perserverance and pride for one's country.
The era that interests me the most is the 1960s. This time period was a crucial part in music history. Without many of the bands from the 60s we would not have the music that we do today. The totally changed the tempo and sound of music. Before bands like The Doors or the eagles it was like jazz or swing music. This was the first time that music had deep lyrics and that the drums were a huge part of the music its self. Before the drums were just there to set the beat and keep every one else on time but in the 60s music took a huge turn. The drums became the leading part in some of the songs. So people might say the 60s rock and roll sucks but if you like todays music you should be thankful for those bands.
The Colonial Period is the most interesting period in my perspective. This period is a time of inventions and new beginnings. In early America, the colonies are still becoming situated in their new land. In this period of American history, they know how to live by themselves and want to become independent from the chains of Britain.
Some amazing events, that are crucial to the building of our nation, happened in this time period. The Mayflower Compact as well as the very first Thanksgiving took place during this time. Also, Benjamin Franklin invented Bifocals, the stove, the odometer,the fire department and many more crucial things that still help our country to this day. If he did not create these things, or if these events did not happen, America would not be the same.
The 1950's era most intrestes me because i love the whole feel for it from the cars to the style of the pinup's. I would have loved to been there during this time. I love the cars because this is when they started to change the style which in fluenced the 60's and the cars then.
I love the style of the pin ups from the 50's. they just have that sort of spunk to them. the cloths and the style of the hair just always looks awesome.
My favorite era of American History is the "Roaring Twenties". I like this period because America's culture changed a lot. This was a time were jazz music popular and the Charleston was the dance of the century. Classic authors became known and write classic American literature such as Ernest Hemingway and Carl Sandburg. Times were simple and fun, and the economy was in full swing under President Harding.
During the twenties women in many countries finally could have a say and vote! Technology became rampant and cars, such as the Ford model T, was a common car you would see. Heros such as Babe Ruth were looked up to and American fashion was in full swing with flappers. People during the twenties lived life had few worries. This was a period were America had great growth and society was changed.
I think I prefer the one were learning about right now with the colonies because its easy. I learned about it in 8th grade and i don't know the teacher made it fun for us so we learned most of it.
This era of American history is important because its like the story of how the United States began. We get to see step by step how it got to where it is now. So I bet most people find that interesting.
The era of American History that interests me the most is Colonial America. I find the endeavors of the colonists that formed the beginnings of America interesting. The struggles that they went through and the forming of our current government system is very fascinating. I find the individual stories of the different colonists to be enthralling to listen to and learn about. Also, I find the opinions and views expressed by the different loyalists and patriots great subjects for debate and discussion.
The American Revolution ties into this interest of mine as well. The transformation from Colonial America to becoming our own country is a giant part of our history. This early history of our country makes me think about what it might have been like back then and what positions I might have held towards the revolution and government system and ideas being contemplated during the colonial to America transformation.
what ear of American history interests me the most?
the ear in american history that interests me the most is when the united states became a real state. iv always been interets in knowing the states and how they got there. how'd they get there names?, how'd did they get there?, who made them states?, there with never stop beeing something new to learn about the states. and i would love too learn where and how we got here on the states.
I think that the era that intreats me the most is the Revolutionary Era. There was so much that happened in this time. This is when we formed our country on what we believed in, and we started to become a free country. This is why people today die for our country, because of what happened this era. We wanted to be a free country with realistic rights,whatever religion we wanted, and thats what we have become. During this time the greatest heros of America rose up, and fought the British together.
This is the time period when the Declaration of Dependences was created. Also the Bill of Rights, our the system of our government, congress, state lines etc. This is what our country is most known for, how Americans have rights and freedoms that other countries do not have. This is also why alot of countries do not like us. We can express ourselves,and become anything we want.
My favorite era in American History right now is The Great Depression. What made me first interested in this era was hearing stories from a family member of mine about this time period. She has a unique view of it since she was in her 20 and living in farming land. She had been in a depression for awhile thou. In 1920's there were many dust storms and droughts that lead to many farmers not being able to buy equipment and other things.
What I have learned from looking up more about this era is that it all really started on what's called "Black Tuesday". It was October 29, 1929 when most of the stocks went down. Everyone started to loses their jobs, houses and cars. President Hoover didn't want to help when Governors, Congress, and Mayors asked for him to set up public service jobs. He thought it was up to the local government and private organizations.
i already wrote my blog but i was on firefox and it deleted it.
The New Millennium, is the era in American History that interests me the most. Although I was born and raised in the new millennium, I have never sat and thought of the historical and importance of it in my everyday life. The new millennium started in 2001, and is gong until current date. It included the terrorist attack of September 2001, Afghanistan and Iraqi Wars, election of the first black President, Obama, an economic downturn, and illegal immigrants. This era interests me the most because it shows even in our darkest times, our country can stand back up and become stronger than ever.
On September 11, 2001, our country was hit by terrorist in New York City, killing over 3,000 innocent and brave people. Our country was quick to react and many police men and fire fighters risked there lives in order to sustain others. This shows the strength and power of our country in a time of crisis, coming together and helping others. Also, in 2008 our country elected our first black president, Barack Obama. The significance of this moment will never be forgotten. It shows how far our country has come, from once keeping blacks as slaves, and treating them as if they were nothing, to now electing one as a president. As from all I have wrote, I make my point in how I think this era is the most significant, by how it shows our unity and strength as a country, that continues to grow each day.
i was on firefox and it deleted it.
I seriously don't actualy have an intrist in any era of american history that i'm interested in because I don't know about any era of american history.
World War II is the era that interests me because that the united was beat up at the beginning.The United states came back and showed germany,france,japan who was superior.
My favourite era in American History would have to be the 1920's. I am interested and intrigued by everything that went on during the 1920's like the Prohibition Era and all the advancements in technology they came up with. During the 1920's cars, planes, and other technologies were being made better and more reliable due to the first World War. The country between the times of the World Wars was rich and intriguing, full of jazz, fashion, and hope.
I also really enjoy the fashion, music and culture of the 1920's. The slang the people used and the ingenuity they showed was amazing. The people of America never let anyone tell them no and this time was a great example of this.
The Great Depression to the World War 2 Era most interests me. The Great Depression was a time of hardship where it isn't as easy as it is now. I recently read the book Grapes of Wrath and was amazed and astonished at what the migrants had to go through. The california natives were scared of the migrants, when all they wanted was a little money to keep themselves alive. I think that the Great Depression showed flaw in the government and how cruel man can be.
The World War 2 era also interest me. I am fascinated once again at how cruel man kind can be. Yet amazed at what difference it can make. I find it intriguing what strategies they used during war. And what technological advances where going on in that era, especially the German advances that were never completed.
The time period that I think is interesting is the 1960's to the 1990's. At this time we were building on top of old inventions. Such as the radio sparked the idea of the TV. Then instead of writing with a feather and ink went to the type writer and ended up today as a computer. Our everyday usage of cell phone and ipods all had to start with something such as a letter tied to a birds leg carried miles away. Machines were being built that change the world and who knows what will come next in the future.
America was at war for a huge chunk of this time. I think thats how we were really formed as a country because it showed how much people were willing to fight for our freedom.
The era that interests me the most is the 1800's. In the 1800's, people were inventing all sorts of machines left and right that influenced what we still use today. Our society would be totally different without these discoveries. Before the 1800's people had to use fire for light, get pulled around by horses or walk everywhere, and there were no sewing machines or steamboats. CAn you imagine not being able to just walk into a room and turn on a light? Or be able to just get in your can and go wherever you need to go? Without the genius' in who invented these in the 19th century, who knows where we'd be today.
The 1800's not only was when all of these inventions were made, but it also, in my eyes, brought a sense of hope for the future to everyone. I know if i was living back then and someone had just made a car or a computer or a steamboat i would only be able to imagine what would come in later years. The 1800's was the most important time in american history because it influenced our technology and lives, and will keep influencing them for many years to come.
The era that interests me most would be World War I. I find this era rather fascinating because that was the first major war this world has seen. It helps show who our enemy is and who our allies are. It showed which countries we can trust for support if there shall ever be another World War. It allowed us to develope new weapons and it made our country more aware of what is going on outside our country. This war also caused World War II due to the Treaty of Versailles.
The Treaty of Versailles stated that Germany would pay back all reparations and Germany was not allowed to build up their military. This caused Germany great inflation. It also made Germany team up with Russia, which was a huge mistake. Stalin turned on Hitler and Germany ended up fighting over Stalin Grad. Stalin did not care about his people and Hitler had yet to realize that. Stalin said "Protect the city at any cost." Hitler had strategy, but Stalin had numbers, eventually Germany retreated because Hitler knew he could not defeat Stalin.
The era that i am most interested in 1860's because thats when the civil war was. I really enjoy learning about the civil because everything about the cicil war is interesting. So many things were going on at the same time, thats part of the reason why its so interesting. There is so many different battles and legal fights going on at the same time, its just really fun to talk about and also have different types of debates over different things in the civil war. It is such an interesting time period. There is also a lot of interesting things about slaves during that time. Abraham Lincoln is a very important figure in the US history.
I find that 1920's is a great era because it is the years of European immigration peaked. Immigration years are very interesting to me because America changed, the people of America changed. Immigration caused many pros and cons for the United States. Pros are that there was more help in the factories created more product for the demands across the states. Also it was influenced more inventions to be created which made businesses grow. When the businesses grew it increased international marketing.
The 1920s had also caused many problems to America when the more immigrates started to work the weathly people started to cut pay down which made the people go on labor strikes around the East Coast. Immigration caused a lot of racial violence. As you can see the 1920s had many interesting events occur.
I find any era war there is warr not because i like violence or anything but, to me finding out who and how many people died for or country is very important to know. i think its great for us to honor thoses people who have served our country so that we can continue to be free.
The twentieth century is the most interesting to me. It is a critical time to our nation. World Wars, the Great Depression, and other events make it to be one of the most eventful centuries in our nation. Civil Rights and abolition of slavery were two major events that took place. It was critical because we learned a lot as a nation and helped us grow into the country we are today, despite the difficulties along the way.
The twentieth century had decades that changed so much in our nation. From the different genres of music to the style of clothing, we were constantly changing. The twentieth century was arguably one of our most culture filled centuries. Not only did it present change, but it nostalgic about how we became the nation that we are now. The twentieth century is also a prelude to the twenty-first century where modern society has overrode the retro style.
The era that interests me the most is the civil war times. The reason I find it so interesting is because it was a time when our country was at war with each other over such a huge topic. It was the time of slavery, and segregation. A time when one of the most known people in history made a difference, when one of our best presidents was in charge. Another reason why I find this era so interesting is because people were so different back then, much different from people today. Society as a whole was completely different from today. Of course society changes every era but I think that comparing the era of the civil to ours would be the most differentiate comparison.
Today we do not have that much racial issues , back then we started a war over it. I find it interesting also how people used to dress back then. You could tell by the way someone dressed how much money they have. Those are all topics about that era that make that era the most interesting era in American history. The difference between today and then is incredible.
The era that interests me the most is the civil war times. The reason I find it so interesting is because it was a time when our country was at war with each other over such a huge topic. It was the time of slavery, and segregation. A time when one of the most known people in history made a difference, when one of our best presidents was in charge. Another reason why I find this era so interesting is because people were so different back then, much different from people today. Society as a whole was completely different from today. Of course society changes every era but I think that comparing the era of the civil to ours would be the most differentiate comparison.
Today we do not have that much racial issues , back then we started a war over it. I find it interesting also how people used to dress back then. You could tell by the way someone dressed how much money they have. Those are all topics about that era that make that era the most interesting era in American history. The difference between today and then is incredible.
The era I find the most interesting is the 1990's. During the 90s the grunge bands came over and took over knocking the 80s hairbands off the map so it was a big step for rock and roll. Instead of turning on MTV and seeing Twisted Sister or Poison, you see these dirty guys that look like they're homeless, but they play awesome music, like Nirvana. They paved the way for many bands today. Without Nirvana we wouldn't have the Foo Fighters. But not only was it the grunge era it was also the era of the boy bands. You had N'SYNC, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees. They also made an impact on the music world, I mean they gave us Justin Timberlake. What more of an impact do you want?
My favorite era in American history is World War 2. My grandpa was in WWII, and he would tell me about it and I always found it interesting. I liked learning about it in World History last year too. I learned WAY more about my country than I originally did because of that topic. I think World War 2 really brought our country together with all the major conflicts they had. With the bombings in Japan and several others.
I find the mid-1800's one of the most interesting eras in American History. During this time, we had just experienced the California gold rush and the First Industrial Revolution. Those were very big, and important steps we needed to grow as a nation. But coming from all the goodness that was occurring, we went right back into the depths of despair. There was the whole issue of slavery, the underground railroad, the civil war, exc.
The time of slavery was a huge part of our history, as it was one of the only times in our history where our own country couldn't decide what to do, so we went to war with our own country. I find it sad that instead of talking it out and coming up with some sort of agreement, we went to war over it. I think there were some other ways we could've gone about this problem, but after everything was said and done, it made us stronger as a nation. We learned from our mistakes, and will hopefully never have to experience something like that again.
I find the mid-1800's one of the most interesting eras in American History. During this time, we had just experienced the California gold rush and the First Industrial Revolution. Those were very big, and important steps we needed to grow as a nation. But coming from all the goodness that was occurring, we went right back into the depths of despair. There was the whole issue of slavery, the underground railroad, the civil war, exc.
The time of slavery was a huge part of our history, as it was one of the only times in our history where our own country couldn't decide what to do, so we went to war with our own country. I find it sad that instead of talking it out and coming up with some sort of agreement, we went to war over it. I think there were some other ways we could've gone about this problem, but after everything was said and done, it made us stronger as a nation. We learned from our mistakes, and will hopefully never have to experience something like that again.
The era of american history that interests me the most is the 1950's and 60's. I really like this era a lot and I sometimes wish i was born in that time period. The way women dressed was really nice and they all stayed home with the kids and did not have to work was really cool. I liked the flappers way of dressing to. I thought it was really pretty how women would always have their hair curled and wear the red lipstick.
I also liked the music from back then it thought it was really fun and catchy. Men treated the women well in that time period also. When men went to war the women did a lot to help out the men in the war and they became nurses to help out the injured men.
I think WWII is the most interesting time. There were so many new advancements and countries involved. Also it is unbelievable how many lives were lost. Though any war is tragic, it is important to learn from the past. So now we can continue moving forward.
Also my grandpa served in WWII so it is part of my family history. So it really brings me into the situations.
For me, the most interesting era in history is the 1990's. The 90's just seemed like a great time for everything. The economy was great, movies and TV shows were great, and the music was undefinable. Some of the best movies came out in the 90's. Such as: Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Titanic, and The Truman Show. For TV show's, the biggest television show throughout the 90's, was Seinfeld. Everybody watched Seinfeld because it was a show about nothing. Seinfeld changed and inspired a new generation of television shows in the 21st century. Almost any adult will tell you that they watched the Seinfeld series finale because that's what everybody did on that night that it aired. An estimated 76 million people watched it, making it the third most viewed series finale in history.
Another big aspect of the 90's was music. When people define music by generations, they usually think of one thing. For example: When people think of the 60's, they think of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and drugs. When people think of the 80's, they think of keyboards. But during the 90's music just exploded and there was all sorts of genres that people were playing. But what started it all was the grunge explosion in Seattle. Four bands (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and Nirvana) changed music in the early 90's. Music would never the same since then. This time era blows me away and i have a great appreciation and respect for it.
The bombing at Fort McHenry is most interesting. This interest me because of all the men who sacrificed there life's to keep the U.S flag up and off the ground. This also interest me because Francis Scott Key wrote the National Anthem while the bombing was happening.
the most interesting era of american history would be the industrial revolution era. i think this because it is the time of rational thinkers and industrialism. the industrial revolution was the time in which nicala tesla lived. he was the greatest inventor of our time. tesla was so ingenious that he was having constant dilutions and hallucinations.
tesla once gave an interview to a reporter in which he told them about his true love, a magic pigeon that shoot lasers out of his eyes. thomas edison acualy cheeted tesla out of 1 million dollars. this era is the era that people started moving forward.
The early 1940's to the 60's is my favorite era. During the forties you see great innovations, patriotism, and style. Once the U.S. joined, it was amazing how people felt to get so envolved with war effort. It astounds me how different the times have changed. Next the fifties; I also like the fifties because the cars were cool, the music energetic, and the greaser look raised to the top. Last but not least the 60's. John F. Kenedy is my favorite president. I like the he sounded, what he stood for(near the end) and he was a terrific speaker. Not to mention that it seems when you mention the 60's they immediately think of the atrocities during the Vietnam war but there is more to it than that.
The era that intrest me the most is the great depression. I am intereted by that because then you get to know what they went through. Like they didnt have anything and people now complain about stuff they want but if you think back then you would be happy if you had a house to live in. That is why it intrest me the most
To me, the 60s were most important. I think that this particular era was a breakthrough in society in many aspects. One of them, was, of course, music. You know those people that absolutely LOVE music? I'm one of those people. Genres began to expand and amazing musicians such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Henrix, and my personal favourite, The Beatles emerged. They revolutionized music. Because of a more laid back way of life for many, people such as these musicians were able to freely express themselves and their viewpoints on the world. Which, ultimately, brought people together in a sense that they shared these common thoughts.
Another reason I have a shining for the 60s is because of people's efforts to have unity on Earth. The "hippies" of that time were giving their all for world peace and love, which I feel is needed today. There's a lot of segregation and superiority/inferiority issues that come up now, which is what people did everything in their power to ERASE from our culture. John Lennon, an icon of the era, exemplified the benefits of just loving one another among many other musicians, which is incredibly sentimental to me.
The 1920's through the 1930s is what I find to be the most interesting era. The prohibition and the original American gangsters were so amazing. The gangsters were so care-free and way better than the ones now. They did not try to be who they were. They were named gangsters because they did the bootlegging. Also the music. It was freeing and easy to move to. There was also the Great Depression though and even though it was sad people still managed to try to have fun. That is why it was my favorite era.
The era that i am most interested in would have to be the colonial era. I find this era the most interesting because it was a time period of inventions and everything had just began to come together. The colonist had begun to settle and start their own forms of government which allowed everyone to experience a new start. The challenges they faced starting from scratch must have been very hard to overcome. One of the challenges for the colonist that interests me were the struggles they had to go through to find resources to survive .
This was also the time period of inventions. Ben Franklin was one of the key inventors to this time periods success. He invented some of the most important inventions that are used in our daily lives today. Like the stove and glasses. Without these inventions america would be so different today.
My favorite era of american history would have to be world war II. I find world war II my favorite because it had a major impact on our country. The united states after the pearl harbor bombings was in shock of going to war again. They were more fearful that it would end up being on our home land. During these times is when technology started to become more advanced and more powerful for military uses. The atomic bomb was a crucial part of these advancements especially when the united states bomb hiroshima and nagasaki. The A-bomb was a major part of technology and we take pride in having such a weapon in our hands.
The worst era i did not like was probably vietnam. vietnam was a time of depression because young men were being deployed to a foreign land to aid the non communist vietcong. This war suffered huge amounts of casualties and left many men shocked and traumatized from the horrific scenes. After the soldiers came back home people treated them like they were strangers and physchos. This war did not help our country at all but crippled it a little bit. It did this because the united states spent millions and millions of dollars towards this war and ended up with way more then they bargained for. World war II was one of the most important era's in American History.
The most interesting era to me is the Cold War era. In this time the USA was in a bitter cold war against the Soviet Union, and the spread of communism. During this time the Soviet Union and the United States used "Puppet States". So no actual head to head conflict would have to occur. If conflict did occur, it was widely thought that nuclear war would take place. Killing millions, if not hundreds of millions of people. An example of a Soviet puppet state was East Germany; And an example for the USA was South Korea.
The American History era that most interest me is the Civil War. That is because this war was a fantastic example of when a society of people don't agree on something which causes them to revolt against each other. The south and north had two different ideas of how to run the United states back then, which caused them to erupt which at that time and nowdays meant war. It also interested me that both sides had it obstacles to manage to stay in the war but overcame it. For example the south had problems with the military supplies and more. Although at first the battles seemed to always by won by the Confederate states. They had more experience in battle for the reason that they lived more in the country side.As for the north that lived in mostly cities and weren't very experienced.It shocks me that both sides didn't give up their idea of running a goverment and were ready to do anything to win. The American history era was a like a new brand , something that the United States of America had never been through as well as some other countries. That is why I think this era is outrageous, it was unique.
In addition the Civil War was also a time of giving freedom to everyone. It's extremely interesting that it took that whole war to finally give the slaves their natural rights that they deserved from the begining . The North was for myself the most reasonable. They wanted to give these slaves a important part in society. As for the South ,they wanted to stay the same and be ruining someone's life in order for them to live like kings and queen's. Although i think the Civil war is the most interesting era because it helped us learn from their mistakes and changed are country for the good of us. It helped us see how are country was being raised and think back and realize that if that war hadn't occur we would maybe be living in a world of non-democarcy, Lastly we can see if some south thinkers are still being raised in this country and try to correct their ideas,to ideas of justice and equality.
The era I found most interesting is World War II. Now during this era we all know that Hitler tried to take over the world. We also know that he created concentration camps to exterminate Jews. How D-day was the largest invasion. However what we don't know is that Hitler had secret projects that could of change the outcome of the war. Some of those projects were weapons so advance that even now they don't exist.
Hitlers military tried developed the first ground ground to air defense. Also there were some files where it talked about a laser gun that could destroyed any aircraft. There were also files about a rocket been developed. And the same scientist working on that project are the same that work a rocket in the US. I find this era very interesting because of how the war would of change if this weapons were successful.
The World War II era is pretty much fun and interested for me. In this period we can see what really was the great growth and all about it. USA just had so much problems with Japan and then they had so bad war. With bombs and arms. In that time a lot people lost their life and a all around was demage.
And long time ago we just can see the bads brtweeent those country.
The era that interested me the most was the World War II era. It interested me the most because many things happened that changed the world. There were different weapons and war styles to fight the war.
The most interesting part of American History for me would probably have to be the Civil War. The civil war abolished slavery and made this country what it is today. The Unions beat out the confederates to end slavery for good.
The causes of the war have been controversial ever since the war begun. The slavery issue was about whether or not it was an anachronistic evil. If not for the civil war slavery might still be going on.
I think learning about the civil war is amazing. How the union and the confederates fought. I love to figure out where the battles where. The one in particular battle that I love to learn about is Vicsburg. I also like hearing about Gettysburg.
Hearing about how many died in Vicsburg is really amazing to me. Also, the fact that the river turned bloody was fascinating Because waster is always moving. learning about Gettysburg is amazing too. That was the like the finale battle in the war. Learning about the Civil war is pretty amazing and i always love it.
I think learning about the civil war is amazing. How the union and the confederates fought. I love to figure out where the battles where. The one in particular battle that I love to learn about is Vicsburg. I also like hearing about Gettysburg.
Hearing about how many died in Vicsburg is really amazing to me. Also, the fact that the river turned bloody was fascinating Because waster is always moving. learning about Gettysburg is amazing too. That was the like the finale battle in the war. Learning about the Civil war is pretty amazing and i always love it.
The World War II era interests me the most out of all American History eras. We would not be where we are today without the advancements in technology and international relationships. Throughout World War II, there was continuous international rivalry. Each country wanted to get ahead, and believed if their armies and ammunition were bigger and newer, it would give them a head start. We went from fire arms that could on shoot once, then you had to pump it. Due to War II, we now have machine guns, and enormous and powerful weapons.
World War II affected every international relationship.
I think World War II is my most favorite topic in american history,because it fasonates me, it makes me proud to be an american, and it is my favorite war ever. World war II favonates me because, My 8th grade teacher really got me interested in it and to this day it still grabes my attention. I ;
The most interesting era of American History is the Prohibition Era. The 18th amendment was passed saying that people could not drink alcohol. Of course that did not go over very well, so that was repealed by the 21st amendment. During the time it was active the crime rate rose tremendously. People always found a way to get alcohol disconcerning the law. The Prohibition Era was also the time that well known Al Capone as the Public Enemy No.1, he also grew very wealthy.
I believe this era was a good example of why people should always question, the government is not always right about everything. It shows that just because it is ideal to them does not mean it is what is best for everyone after you stop and think it through.
The era of American History that interests me the most is the 1990's. why is't the most interesting era is because of the music, TV shows and movie. One kind of movie that cam out was Disney princesses. Also one kind of TV show that come out was Nick JR.
also playhouse Disney came out with a lot of TV shows in the 90's. that is why the 90' is the most interesting era to me.
The era that intrigues me most is the 1800's. Everything that went on, the western expansion, the Gold Rush, Lewis & Clark Expedition and the War of 1812 all deeply fascinates me. The little facts that you learn, like how denim was first created by miners in California to have sturdier clothing to work in, I can't get enough. The courage it must have taken for Lewis & Clark gets a lot of respect from me. I'd never be able to go into an unknown land like they did. If it weren't for this era, we would have missed so much.
This was also the Civil War era. Two parts, north and south, fighting against each other takes the issue of slavery to the max. Abraham Lincoln being president and the events leading up to the abolition of slavery are intriguing. It make me happy to know some people- the north, saw slavery as wrong. How can you own a person and think of them as nothing, a mere possession? It disgusts me how our ancestors were.
The Great Depression is the era I find the most interesting. It was a time of great economic downfall and grievance for our country. It led to widespread unemployment, halts in industrial production and construction, and a huge percent decline in stock prices. This era really tested the strength of our country.
What first interested me in this era is how people continued to strive and live in a time of great poverty. Meanwhile unemployment continued to rise, the stock market continued to fall, and wages for those who still had a job kept lowering. People lost their homes and farmers lost their land all due to this crisis. It wasn't until 1954 that the stock market regained all it's losses. The Great Depression was a big downfall in America during the 1930's, but showed the true strength of our country.
I think World War II is my most favorite topic in american history,because it fasonates me, it makes me proud to be an american, and it is my favorite war ever. World war II favonates me because, My 8th grade teacher really got me interested in it and to this day it still grabes my attention. I feel that WWII was pivotal in the change of war. Hitler has extreme ideas about how gthe would should be run, and we saw much persecution against Jews and Christians who held onto there belief systems and were brutally punished for them.
Another change that came about in WWII is the us the Airplanes, ships, and the telegrapb and use of secret codes which could hlep the troops on the ground so that they could gain a better position against the enemy. Our Airplanes and ships were pivitol in securing land and bombing the enemies so that our troops could gains more ground and over come obsticals that were in the way. WWII changed the ways of war forever because it brought technology into the picture,
My favorite era is the world war II era because it was the most intense battle to me. I was really amazed on how the war started and how it end. The battles in world war II was all interesting and how all end it up. I really got interested when I heard of all the ideas for weapons like airplanes and U-boats. My favorite part of the war was when the world got introduce to the first ever nuclear weapon.
The era that interest me the most in American History is WWll. I like learning about WWll because when i learn about all the tragedies that happened in that era it makes me very sad but it makes see things in another way.I think that with all the tragedies that happened in WWll it brought the USA together. I also think that USA got stronger during WWll because of all the things that happened. Their was all of things that happened that changed that way the US was. The attack on Pearl Harbor really opened US eyes.
We also let Japan know that we weren't afraid of the them. Their was many injured people. D-day was the biggest war during WWll. What Hitler did with all the Jews really makes me sad because that was so unfair. i know they that history repeats itself i really hope it doesn't even though it kinda already is let's just hope it doesn't get worst. I think that WWll is my favorite era because their are just so many things that happened that we can learn about.
The most important era in American history is the era of the decleration of independence. This is the most important era because it was a time when our country because free and independent. Some of the most important people in history signed this valuable document. We earned the rights of liberty,freedom,and the pursuit of happiness (back then was the right to own property.) We still have these rights today.
Another reason why this is my favorite era is because the Sons of Anarchy was formed to stop the Stamp act. A group of hard-working determined rebels that were trying to gain freedom from Britain. If it weren't for them we would still be under the control of Britain. All of these factors are reasons why this is my favorite era. If it weren't for this era we wouldn't have our rights or our independence.
The era that interests me the most is the time around the American Revolution. The events happening in that time, for example the declaration of independence, were so important in shaping the US the way it is today. The US went from being 13 colonies ruled by England, to become one of the biggest and most powerful countries in the world.
I find it so interesting how the Americans did what they did and stood up to the superpower at that time. They felt like their own people and made it the truth, I think that really deserves respect.
The era in history that interested me the most was the Great Depression. So much happened during this period of time. The stock market crashed, people went on debt, and the dust bowl. All of these events led to the breakdown in the economy in the United States. What is amazing about this is that it found a way to stabalize their economy. They would benefit both the unemployed and the government by providing factory jobs. This era goes to show that no matter what the this country always finds a way to manage itself.
The era that interests me the most would be the Civil War era. In that time period a lot of changes happened that affect how our lives are today. If it weren't for people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks we could still be living a very divided life. Even though I am aware of the way people were treated it is still a wonder to me that it went on for so long. There is a lot of information that you could learn about that era.
The Civil War was a big change for us. Not only did we end slavery but we started a bond between two races. Had we not had the civil war there would not be multi-racial marriages and such.
The era that interst me the most is The great depression, because thats when people had real struggles, everyone was going bankrupt expecially the people who couldnt reach the bank in time to get there money before they closed the bank.. It was a very sad and hard time, also for the farmers, because the invention of the tractor came out and there was no need for farmers to do manual labor so why would they get payed for a machine to do the job, and then the dust bowl hit and drought came... This is what interest me the most in American history and i I would like to know more about what happened and not what i read of google....
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