Thursday, September 6, 2012

Political Compass

In the last two weeks both parties have ran their National Conventions. I truly hope you watched at the very least a little of both!  Remember, regardless of your political beliefs it is important to know the platforms of both parties in order to make a informed decision in November. I know, you are saying I can't vote yet, BUT, you have a voice and you can influence those around you that do place their vote. Today you are going to take a political typology quiz to see where you fall on the political scale.
First click on the word below and take the test: 

Second, blog your results!! What did the political compass say about your beliefs? Do you agree or disagree? 

We will be following the Presidential election closely, this will be one tool to help you know where you stand politically. 


Anonymous said...

in the test thing i laied in the purple and i don't know what it meant :( Also, a lot of the questions stumpd me and i dont know what they meant. So i just disagreed when i didnt know what it said!

Anonymous said...

My results said I was a Left wing Libertarian. I didn't exactly understand the way the test explained the results but I think it got me rather well. I agree with it a bit but if I took the test again I might end up in a different spot but in the same area of the compass.

Anonymous said...

My political compass shows that I am a moderate republican, and also and Authoritarian. I disagree when it comes to the Authoritarian aspect, as i believe that a government should and will always recieve it's power from it's people. Government should always be small and not become involved in the affairs of the free market. I also like to think of myself as much more conservative than the test stated I was.

Anonymous said...


yeah i agree

cspencer5 said...

My graph told me that I am on the right wing side. I agree with my results because I feel that I am more republican then democratic.

Anonymous said...

My political compass said that I was more on the Democratic side. I am raised in a democratic house hold, but I am free to believe what I want to believe and I do believe in the democratic governments opinions strongly.

Anonymous said...

My political compass shows that i'm in the middle i do agree with it that i am an independent and i pick on who to vote instead of a party.

Anonymous said...

I'm a right authoritarian but I thought I would be a left libertarian.

Anonymous said...

I scored a libertarian. I am what it says. I agree that economic and social dimensions should be considered. Our economy is too tightly regulated. I feel that this tight regulation is what is making our country so poor. I've given up on America. I am moving to France.

Anonymous said...

My results placed me in the Right-wing Libertarian section, very close to the middle and right on the x-axis. I mostly agree with my results, although I believe I am more right-wing than it placed me. I feel like some of the questions asked do not influence my political beliefs. For instance, I believe the questions relating to theaters, museums, and art forms placed me closer to the left. I answered them that way because I, myself, am artistic, but I feel that my views on art do not affect my political views.

Anonymous said...

I'm a right authoritarian but I thought I would be a left libertarian.

Anonymous said...

My result was a left wing libertarian. I didn't really understand the explanation, but I saw it was close to Ghandi's point and that seems somewhat right to me. However I thought I'd end up more neutral.

Paula said...

Im on the Left wing Libertarian. I didn't really understand all the questions so I might have agreed with really horrible statements..

Anonymous said...

My results depicted that i was in the center but more toward the upper right where the Republicans would be. I do not know what I believe politically, so it was interesting to see where I would stand.

Anonymous said...

Left Libertarian. Yes, I agree.

Anonymous said...

Garet Brown

It said I was a Authoritarian, and I guess I agree. I do agree that people need to take care of their selfs, and not be so dependent on the gov. So i agree

Anonymous said...

Left Libertarian, is where I was at, Yes I agree, And maybe I will watch them more closely.

Anonymous said...

According to the test, I'm in the more collectivism side and anarchy. I agree with this because I think that everyone should contribute to help eachother. I help people a lot so that is accurate.

Anonymous said...

istand more on the left. so my point would be right at (1,-1)

Anonymous said...

The test said that I was a Authoritarian, I feel like this suits me, but I feel that I am not closer to being a communist rather than a Neo-Liberalist. I feel mutual. I fell that the people should be able to take care of themselves, but i also feel as though the people should help each other out. They should not depend on the government for everything, but the government should have somne involvement.

Anonymous said...

it was a wast of time i did not like the endin thing at all from the thing i just took i do not what to do this again THAT IS IT & NO MORE

Anonymous said...

istand more on the left. so my point would be right at (1,-1)

Anonymous said...

Im on the left but in the middle. People should take care of themselves.

Anonymous said...

im on the left but straight in the middle. And i agree with garet!

Anonymous said...

In my Political Compass graph I'm above purple for liberation and that people needs to care about themselves, other people, the economy, and the environment to help our people facing difficulty problems so I agree.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I got left liberation and I do agree that i'm on this side.

Anonymous said...

The test said that i was in the middle. I think the test was pretty accurate. I think people should be self sufficent but if they really need help they should get it. Also the government should not be in everyones buisness on certain things. I think we need government but not to much

Anonymous said...

My results said I was an Authoritarian on the left side, which I don't really understand what it meant but I answered all the questions honestly and mad sure I understood them so I'm thinking its accurate

Nicolle Giannotti said...

i agree with my results of wanting to help people and have little government. I think people, no matter how rich or their race should get the same amount of rights

Anonymous said...

The Political Compass said my beliefs are closer to Gahndi's. It was in the green, the Libertarian left, section. I agree with this because I feel like freedom is the most important right we hold as americans and I feel like that would be the thing I would undoubtfully stand for if needed to.

Anonymous said...

2nd hour Garet is Imara

Anonymous said...

i am a left libirtarian, i want the govenmentto control everything but have the interest ofthe world outway the country.

Anonymous said...

The Ploitical Compass says that im just to the right of gahndi's point. I feel that it is correct because I belive that freedom(s) is so important because the forefathers gave them to us and i would fight tooth and nail to defend them.

Unknown said...

My results were in between communism and anarchism. I don't really agree with this too much because I thought I believed more into democracy but this might have changed my political thoughts though. I learned a little more about politics as well.

Madi Sowerwine said...

The political compass said I am more on the side of communism and facism than anarchy and liberism, I was in the top left part of the axis. I agree that I think the government should have control, but not all of it (facism) and that everyone's opinion is important, no matter how important the person. But I also think of myself as very conservative, and I'm not sure it shows that well enough in the graph.

cspencer5 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

My results were in between communism and anarchism. I don't really agree with this because I don't believe in communism. But it did open my eyes to more politics and I learned more.

Anonymous said...

i guess im more of a libertarian i guess but government doesnt really matter to me. if i had to say i think the government should have some envolment in peoples lifes but not much. i think people should be able to take care of them selves at a certain age.

Anonymous said...

My results were between Neo liberalism and Anarchism Libertarian. Yes i do agree with it because i believe in the same things that they said. I learned alot.

Anonymous said...

Right libertation and i agree with my chocies

Anonymous said...

My results were between Neo liberalism and Anarchism Libertarian. Yes i do agree with it because i believe in the same things that they said. I learned alot.

Anonymous said...

My results were between Neo liberalism and Anarchism Libertarian. Yes i do agree with it because i believe in the same things that they said. I learned alot.

Anonymous said...

My results are definitely true. I think helping people should be the main concern, and government should be more limited in other areas. Everyone needs moral obligations.

Anonymous said...

My results stated that I am in the high left libertarian. I agree with this a to a degree. I think the government should have power, but not to excessive amounts, while I think people have certain rights as humans.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Political Compass stated i was in the Purple right libertarian section. I do not agree with it because i do feel we need government at sometimes to help our society out.

Anonymous said...

The political compass put me in the green, between collectivism and anarchy. I agree with this because I feel that the government shouldn't have so much control over people and there personal lives but everyone should have a say because we all should have our voices heard.

Anonymous said...

My results said i was barely in communism and barely in facism. I really don't understand what it meant but i answered he questions honestly.

Anonymous said...

My results were that i was a Libertarian. I don't know really what that is, but i guess I'm one. And I don't quite understand the point of this test.....

Anonymous said...

I was put right on the first notch right underneith the x axis on the left green side of Liberarian. I would probably agree with that because it is where most of the class is at too.

Anonymous said...

my results said that i am in the low left, which means i am libertarinan. i believe thats correct and that it fits me well. i am with Gandhi and i feel special.

Anonymous said...

I was put in the upper-right box. I think that's the communism area, but I'm a communist. I don't agree with communism. I mean I'm not gonna lie, it sounds like a good idea, but I know that it wouldn't work for us. I'm not thinking of Russia communist, I'm thinking of the other subtle kind. I thought this test was kind of weird. Some questions were really hard to answer.

Anonymous said...

My results showed that I was a a low left. which means that I was in the Collectivism. I believe that there should be as little government as possible. I am with Gandhi. I disagree with this test because I believe that there should always be someone above you to lead you.

Anonymous said...

In the test I got left wing Libertarian. I guess it was pretty accurate with me. It will probably change in the future but for now its pretty close.

Anonymous said...

My political compass said I was a Libertarian. I guess I agree with it because I am what I am. Most of my family don't really agree with Liberals though. I couldn't really understand what some of the questions were saying, but most of the ones I answered related to me.

ZombiePirate said...

I answered the questions honestly, but didn't really understand them. I don't really understand my results either, I got libertarianism and communism.

Anonymous said...

Political compass said i was an authoritarian and i do not agree with it.

Anonymous said...

My political compass stated that I was a Social Libertarian and I agree with that.

Anonymous said...

My results shoe that Im in the middle of the graph, which means that I think that the government shoul help people that need help but also that people should try to help themselves.

Anonymous said...

My political compass was very close Ghandi's, and however peaceful I do find myself to be, I also believe I'm more of an anarchist against the establishment. There is a massive amount of opression and segregation between people. NEWS FLASH: Everyone is unique, and just because they don't believe the same things you do doesn't make them any less human. I personally believe that a person is entitled to their opinion and it shouldn't affect how their country is run. Thus, I feel there shouldn't be a set system and method to how America should be. Let people do what they love. That's sort of what "the pursuit of happiness" is implying and no one had the right to take that away from ANYONE.

Anonymous said...

it says i stand between political and social witch have know idea what that means, i also know that i dont like obama so yeah.

Taylor GiPr said...

I got left libertarian. Yeah I agree.

BrennaPatrick said...

i got left libertarian, yes i do agree with what i got.

Anonymous said...

The results said that i am a libertarian. I don't know what that is but i agree because i answered all the questions with honesty so it should be accurate.

Anonymous said...

I'm was more to the right authoritarian.

Anonymous said...

The results said that I was libertarian. I suppose I agree with the results because I did my best to answer all the questions.

Anonymous said...

I somewhat disagree and somewhat agree with what the test said I was. It said i was close to the middle but more to the right than left. I feel that the questions were not clear to me and i could not give a for sure answer on most of them. No one else can put a title on you only you know what you believe and what you dont and where you stand on matters.

Anonymous said...

The political compass showed on the scale that I was on the bottom left hand side toward the center of the graph. So that means from what, I answered and my understand of how they show the results, my stand point is communism/libertarian. I agree with the libertarian part but not the communism part really. It also was kinda hard to answer the questions because they were weren't as detailed as I would have liked or i got really confused.

Anonymous said...

My results stated that i was a libertarian.That is i believe in the supreme value of each individual.I honestly do believe in the individuality of each person.That is because each person is unique and has different ideas. In addition i have a impulse stop of opposition of strong law and order positions.Although i don't agree with is political discription of me,i truly believe in strong law because that's the only way society will manage to stay stable most of the time. Lastly i supposely don't believe in taxes that much.But in my perspective i do,because that how are public schools and centers work. This survey did target some of my political views but not all.