Thursday, September 19, 2013

Do Violent Video Games play a role in shootings?

This week there was another mass shooting and the gunman was an avid gamer of violent video games. 

Read the following articles and answer the Title question.
Make sure to give your reassoning to  your answer and comment
on another classmates answer with respect and insight.



Anonymous said...

I think violent video games do have an effect on how people act and play a role in shootings. For example if you are playing Call of Duty for 3-4 hours a day like some people do I believe that you will be more likely to go out and shoot someone.

Anonymous said...

I think people play grand thieft auto to much but from like black ops 2 and other no

Anonymous said...

tryler uh do you think black ops is like shooting or is it grand theft auto

Anonymous said...

I play plenty of violent video games, and sure I get angry every once in a while, is it because of the games? No. Is violent game gonna make me go slaughter 13 people, or go on some massive violent rampage? No. Theses cases of people killing people because of a video gamed are all linked to one mental disease or another.

Anonymous said...

i played alot of game in my life mostly racing but i do play shooting alot to

Anonymous said...

i played alot of game in my life mostly racing but i do play shooting alot to

Anonymous said...

It's no mystery that a majority of video games are influencing a lot of killing and violent acts, but I don't think that can be the reason behind a mass shooting spree, there is always something else behind it, like anger, depression, anything of that nature. We'll never know what goes on in another human beings head nor will we ever know their full life story. Video games are a dangerous thing for some young kids and teens to get a hold of, but as far as it spiking the idea of mass murder, It is a long shot for it to go that far.

Anonymous said...

Well I only play like Racing games and Skate games so i wouldn't know. But like Ash said I think it is just a mental state of mind that is killing innocent people. Maybe the Killer gets pleasure of seeing people getting shot? I don't think violent gaming has a effect on the person doing the killing.

Anonymous said...

I strongly disagree with the statement "video games cause violence." Sure video games have violent content within them but that does not make them the source to why people are making destructive choices.

Anonymous said...

I've read about this before: playing too many violent video games can cause huge amounts of violence in the real world.

Anonymous said...

Tristen I don't think people can play GTA or call of duty to much.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

justin me and you are alike what your record in racing

Anonymous said...

justin me and you are alike what your record in racing

Anonymous said...

It is possible that whatever is rolling around in some mad mans head is like a.. feeling of pleasure when killing someone, I wouldn't be surprised, there are some twisted people in this world, and maybe a game can cause these lunatics, or mad men to act upon what there heads tell them to do.

Anonymous said...

This stupid topic ruins my whole day every time I think about it. The article says that the man had a mental illness, and the man is an adult who can think for himself.

Anonymous said...

I've read about this before: playing too many violent video games can indeed cause increased amounts of violence. It's best to stay away from violent video games, or at least don't play them all the time.

Anonymous said...

Video games do sometimes cause people to be violent, but it does not cause people to go out and kill 10 people. Also the fact that most the people that do these shootings are one adults and should be mature enough to play a video game, and two usually are very depressed or even mentally ill due to past experinces that have happened to them. I do not think that video games are the cause for things like the current shootings.

Anonymous said...

I think that video games don't and shouldn't influence someone to act foolishly violent. I'v played violent video games almost my whole life and it has not taken a role in the violence toward people. It depends on the person. If they're or you're influence by video game, then you are weak minded to reality.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Donovan, If you're a grown man or woman playing a mature game you should be mature enough to play it without it causing real life problems.

Anonymous said...

Its hard to start with this topic, only because I grew up with gaming and this topic is down my alley. Gaming can cause violent but not to a certain point of killing in real life. Most of the time you see people who shoot up a crowd are not in there right minds, as in they are crazy. I would know who isnt in there right minds because I have a cousin who is crazy. Whenever a huge shooting happens EVERYONE starts to point fingers. Either its games or terrorists. As a well known fact games can help you in really life. I grew up with games and it honestly taught me more that anything I will know in the future. I just bought Grand Theft Auto 4 for xbox and you dont see me coming to school shooting up the place. You have to think about the person behind the weapon. All I have to say about this topic is that you cant blame the video games, blame the person behind it all.

Anonymous said...

I think that violent video games may cause people to become more violent because they play it for long extended periods of time. so for someone to blankly shoot someone that is living is never an accident they have to have had some motivation, so i think the play in video games may put the idea of wanting to try shooting a gun in someones head and it would stick there. from there it could manifest to something bigger when constantly playing those games to actually send them on their way to do shoot a gun but at a person i don't think someone would just do that they at least have to not like that person or have been hurt by that person in some way shape or form. If they shoot one or more people it could be power of that gun in there hand causing them to shoot off another round.

Anonymous said...

Tristen, I agree: playing too much Grand Theft Auto can most likely encourage people to steal vehicles.

Anonymous said...

ash i like what you said.

Anonymous said...

I could comment on someone else's post, but I would just say to anyone who post the unnecessary post like a part of a conversation like their talking on this or just random things. Its unnecessary.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gage in the fact that there is always somethings else influencing those outbreaks that happen to harm people.

Anonymous said...

I think that there is a grey area on whether video games cause mass shootings. I think it is ok for a kid who has no emotional problems to play violent video games. But for those who are already violent and crazy video games just influence to do more crimes, Video games don't kill people, people kill people

Anonymous said...

i think video games are only helpful in this world because they entertain the bored people that have nothing else to do. if a violent video game changes someone to to want to do what they would in the game than they are just a stupid human being.

Anonymous said...

Honestly unless a video game is like "BE A SERIAL KILLER, IT'LL BE FUN!" then I don't feel like a game can cause anyone to be a psychopath, unless it directly influences them to do it.

Anonymous said...

The only reason why the media is making a story about this is because they think all gamers are violent. Most kids that are younger and are playing shooting games tend to be more aggressive when they get older. Maybe the parents should not be buying their kids these violent video games. Or maybe game designers can make it a little less gory. But then the games are so realistic, just like the new gta that came out. It is pretty much very realistic and a lot of people might really go out there and do those things. I think that its more of the parents fault, because why would you let your kids play for so long and why blame statistics?

Anonymous said...

Tyler, I disagree with you because many people do play call of duty for 3-4 hours a day and don't kill people.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That all depends on how people can handle violent games. Some people can handle them really good and some don't.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ash i think mental the game can put the idea of shooting a gun in their mind but to shoot a person i have no clue why.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think to say that playing viloent video games increase the desire to go out and shoot small children or innocent people is a dumb assumption to make, i feel that is a generalization about that genre of video games. They said that every time that there is a shooting it comes out that the kid was playing cod or gta and that caused it, when there are literally millions upon million of young kids growing up in bad neighborhoods or with conditions that have never touched a video game ever, and with that being said there are even more that own and play violent video games on a daily basis and have never had a violent action or even thought and me being one of them, i feel that if every kid that played violent video games were more aggressive that the percentage of nice empathetic adolescent children today would be very low, you would be hard set to find more than a couple hundred kids in any high school that has never played a violent video games

Anonymous said...

I think that video games with violent shooting in them are not good for small kids . they might just do to act cool or try to impress there friend. For kids our page i think its okay because they know from right and wrong. They shouldt play it 24/7 at least an hour or two.I think they do take affect on people just depends on the person.

Anonymous said...

I think video games make people more aggressive yes but I don't think it makes someone shoot people or want to kill anyone. I feel like if someone feels the need to kill someone it has a lot to do with them mentally and they shouldn't be blaming games for the cause of it. People are going to do what they want and video games isn't going to change how they think or feel.

Anonymous said...

In think violent video games make people easier to shoot, but you have the opinion if you want to shoot or not so you can not say the video game is blame. Violent video games do not shoot at people but they help to make it easier.

Anonymous said...

The reason for these past random violent acts cannot be pinpointed to just video games. It would be impossible for every killer's actions do be traced back to a video game addiction. Most of these violent people are suffering some sort of depression, not getting their killing inspiration from video games.

Anonymous said...

how about dback and dodger series is bs

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jonathan if your going to play dont do it all the time

Anonymous said...

This is a huge topic to me. How are you to determine what triggers homicidal thoughts in someone's mind. I play games almost nonstop and I've never gone out and beat the crap out of someone for no reason. As a matter of fact, I've been playing the Grand Theft Auto series ever since play station 2. I also play a ton of call of duty. The people who do this have a deeper reason on doing this other than the fact that they play games. Millions of people play. If anything, the games help calm angry people. How are you to say that person has a horrible home if they can afford this stuff.

Anonymous said...

I feel violent video games get people mad at times but not mad enough to mass murder. But if someone has anger problems this is more likely to get the going and should get off once they feel this anger coming on. Even if someone gets that anger to kill someone, then they already had some sort of problem already going on inside them.

Anonymous said...

I do not think playing violent video games influences killing , if you go and shoot multiple people there is something else terribly wrong with you. You cant blame violet video games for the decisions crazy people are making.

Anonymous said...

I think violent video games have an effect On how people play And act in a role of shooting. i dont like children should be allowed to play those types of violent games because , you never know they will react when they get older

Anonymous said...

I agree with you shells video games isn't going to make someone make bad choices.

Anonymous said...

Marcus you and your comment is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

>Blog about violence in video games
>Posts about Dodgers and Dbacks

Anonymous said...

I think violent video games don't create situations like this. violent people and people with lack of judgement do, there was a case a couple weeks back where a 9 year old kid shot his grand mother after playing GTA 4. this was lack of judgement on the guardians part, it had nothing to do with the game it had to do with the 8 year old having no idea what a gun can do. the shooting this weekend if i had to guess i would say mental illness was the cause.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you babe <3

Anonymous said...

I agree with you babe <3

Anonymous said...

i think that video games make people more violent but like the article said it doesn't affect everyone, it has a lot more to do with their mental situation and what that person has been through.

Anonymous said...

well i think violent games make part of the shootings, but doesn't mean that its the video games fault, its the person who educes to believe that killing people is good and that is fun people are the one who should be test before buying a game

Anonymous said...

I think violent games can affect people who has mental problems. One example is when a Norwegian man went to a teenager camp two years ago, and shot 70 teenagers. He played a lot of video games before he did it, and he said that he practiced his shooting on the game. So I think video games makes some people more violent, people like him. But I don`t think normal healthy people get more violent by playing video games.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that the violence in video games does play a part in the violent outcome in witch teenagers get so caught up in the fantasy world.. it becomes real to them, the first part that it becomes real is they can be mad about something.. maybe their parents were abuseive.. whatever.. the violent video games become their outlet and they get caught up in their world away from the bad one and sometimes it becomes too real and they end up getting violent and in alot of cases i've seen kill the person who they think is the "Villian" I've seen so many stories on this kind of violence that violent video games becomes the outcome in even more violent events, but its not just the video games that make people violent.. its the abuse of the abuser and trying to :get back" at the abuser. that in their minds justify the volence for them.. it also depends on the mental state of the person who commits a violent act.

Anonymous said...

@Maribirk i believe the same thing

Anonymous said...

About 3,621 have been killed from a huge typhoon that hit the Philippines and 12,000 people are injured and homeless. One of the main problems they are having is thirst,shelter and food. I think the 4 picture in it is the best because it shows that everyone is trying to help out in this major crisis and that everyone is working together. I think that all the nations possible could help out a little because if everyone puts some time in it they can be rebuilt and have life be easier on them.