Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
It is important to study history.
Why/Why Not?
Write a paragraph answering the above question.
The highest measure of democracy is neither the 'extent of freedom' nor the 'extent of equality', but rather the highest measure of participation. A. d. Benoist
I think that history is important to study because we can learn from our mistakes. If you do something wrong and you get the consequences your are less likely to do it again.
History is important, but not down to the details that we have to memorize. I believe that if we understand the basic mistakes that have already occurred, then no further understanding is necessary. Why waste the time studying the specifics when one could be forging a way to create their own history? All in all, however, history is important to study, but just to a degree.
I think it is important to learn about history because, as Mr. Santayana said, you will repeat the mistakes many have made when you easily could have avoided it. If you could have all the answers for the test you have next week, wouldn't you be foolish to not study those answers and make sure you do it right? History is the same way. You can know about every major situation the world has faced, and it may relate to you and your situation. The answers are right in front of you, and it'd be ignorant to ignore them.
it is important to study history because of all the historical events. like all the wars for example theirs been war sense the beginning of time violent and non violent.
It is important to study history for many reasons. It provides a terrific opportunity to learn where we came from. And on top of that, it also helps remind students where America has gone wrong in the past so they do not repeat their predecessor's mistake. By reminding us where we came from, history helps us be more knowledgeable in our deep and rich history. By doing this, we can then make sure we do not repeat some of the mistakes that plagued our country in the past. This in theory should help to continue our country's growth as American people and help keep us true to our core values.
I believe that we do need to study history, for the importance to know everything. History is apart of life , If there wasn't history, there will be no us, we humans. History is the thing of the past, present and future and it will always stick with us like glue. If we forget the little or big things in history then we wouldn't know what happen. Our brains would explode or try to firgure out what happen, but will not find it. This is why we need history, This is why History is important!
It is important to study history. Our own history and the history of others teaches us about ourselves, and how we got to where we are today. Studying the past helps us to better understand our triumphs and struggles. Having this information better prepares us for the future by allowing us to learn from our failures and successes, and make changes to ourselves accordingly.
It is important to learn history because it is also part of our culture. Things like war and famine are what have shaped this country and others just the same. It also helps teach us lessons so that we will not make the same mistake twice. If we don't learn about the past then how will we know what to do with our future?
I believe it is important to learn about history because it is our legacy. The knowledge of our past can and will help us for our future. The quote stated by George Santayana reads, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it," is all the evidence we need to see to prove that history needs to be studied. If we do not learn from our mistakes how will we change the faults we have created. No one wants to repeat the world wars, or Hitlers reign. We study those events to learn about what we were fighting for and how we got to where we are today. History is knowledge and everyone should want to have it.
it is important to study history because of all the historical events that have gone by like all the wars their has been war sense the beginning of time
Yes, It's important because its not just knowing the battles we have won but the mistakes we made,showing us that we learn from these mistakes and we can find another way around them if present a problem again. It also helps us learn where we came from and what we did to get here
I think it is important to learn about History because you can learn things from that what happened in the past. The people did so many mistakes in the past, I think we should not do the same mistakes again. In the 20th Century were two World Wars and we know today that they was a big mistake. Probably the History can help you if you want to be a good citizen for your country because you can understand what the founders of your countries want to build. You know how hard the way was to a good and democratic state like today and with the history you know how to save it for the future too. History always help you to make a better future.
Why is it important to study history? because we can learn about what happened in the past and it gives us better learning experience. Studying history is a fun way to learn about what happened before we were born.
History is not necessarily the most important subject to study. Knowing the history behind you is interesting to learn about but history is not a vital tool for everyday living. History does help us learn from others mistakes in order to better ourselves. Having knowledge about the history in the past is important to know.
Studying history is very important. it helps us remember the bad things that have been done in the past as well as the good things. it helps us pay respect where it is due, as well as reminds us of the struggles that people have endured. History is a cause and effect chart that has already been tested, and can be learned from.
As they say, "History only repeats itself." Especially in these times, it is imperative to study history to understand one's rights, country, and world. For instance, if someone knows what their rights are, they can make certain that they aren't being violated by the government, an institution, employer, or another individual. Without knowledge of this, people can take one's rights away without them even knowing. In times like these, more and more people are less aware of our history, and ultimately this could lead to major corruption within governments as well, as people would not realize what is going on. There's a pattern seen throughout history: government forms, becomes too strong, and then gets overthrown. If we don't know the history, then we risk our ability to follow through on the last part, and the government becomes too strong.
It is important to know what happen in the past because as George Santayana said "Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it". With that philosophy one of our leaders or leaders of a foreign country who is ill informed might start nuclear war because they were not following the cold war or world war 2 and they don't know the true power that bomb holds.
If history was just forgotten, people of the world would repeat the mistakes made by people in the past. It is much easier to learn from, and better one's self, from mistakes made by others than it is to make the mistake and spend time correcting it.
It is important to study history because history repeats itself. From learning about history you will know what is to come.You will also know what mistakes happened in the past to ensure that they will not happen again. An additional reason why it is important to study history is to learn about the hardships that people went through. Learning about these hardships may make us feel more grateful. An example of this is in America. All the men and women that sacrificed their lives so that we can be here today will never be forgotten. By learning about history it may make us feel more appreciative.
It is important to study history because history is who we are. What happened in history are the roots of humans. Studying history and being interested in it helps people understand who they are, where they came from, who their past generations are and what they did. If one does not study history, then like George Santayana said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it". We see this happen mostly with wars between countries. For an illustration, say two countries keep bumping heads, and then go to war and fight their problems out. Then, a few hundred years later, they are bumping heads about the same thing again, and if one or the other country does not think about their actions or words beforehand, then history will repeat itself. The two countries will yet again, go to war with one another. Same situation goes for humans. More often than desired history repeats itself with the decisions humans make. History is a crucial element for every one to be knowledgeable about.
it is important to learn about past history because it teaches you what happened with out history we would not ever know about the holocaust or world war 2 with out teachers teaching history
It is important to study history because if we do not learn from the past we are doomed to make the same mistakes. We keep records of historical events and we study them because if we are faced with the same issue as an event in history we will know what is the best possible solution. We take our mistakes from the past and we learn from them and use them to improve our society. Learning from history can help us avoid wars, decipher weather patterns to avoid life loss when natural disasters strike, cure illnesses, and overall save lives.
I think it is important to study history. Without the knowledge of history, we wouldn't know how, when, or why historical events happened.It could prevent future conflicts. History can always repeat itself.
I think its not important to learn history because everything was in the past and not right now like what is happening today. We need to know the future not the past.
Studying history is important so that we can know what happen to the world even the basic history story like Magellan and you can know what happen in the world.
It's is important to learn history because you need to know about what happened back in the days and what's happening now and you also need to learn about the states and your country. it really is important because you'll need it someday in life.
i think that it is important to study history.So that we can know what happen before we were born.Like what wars happen things like that.History shows you a lot of historical things.History would always be important.
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