Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Please tell us what is the most important issue in the U.S. today and why? What candidate do you feel most meets your view on the said issue.
If you need help on the political issues of today go to http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/issues/
or http://obama-mccain.info/index-obama-mccain.php.


Zach said...
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Emilee said...

Personally, I find it hard to say what I feel like the most important issue is right now. I'm one of the people that really pushes for LGBT rights and Abortion issues.

Being Pro-Choice, I believe that women obviously have a choice on whether or not to have/keep a child. Which could also lead to possible stem-cell research, which both of the candidates support.

As for LGBT rights, I like both of their ideas, but I think McCain has a better view: let state governments figure out what to do with gay marriage. With four states* that allow same-sex marriages and five that allow same-sex unions, it seems like everything is starting to work out a little. Plus, McCain encouraged the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy by saying that it doesn't make a difference whether gays are in the military or not and that it's just as strong.

*Four states: New York only recognizes gay marriages from couples legally married outside of the state. New Jersey was third to offer same-sex unions; however, same-sex couples get the same benefits as heterosexual couples.

Philipp (German boy) said...

In my opinion, there are a couple of main issues in this race. One that I consider the most important is the war in Iraq. Especially since the candidates have such differing opinions. McCain feels that continued strength in the area is very important that America establishes a peaceful new government and Obama feels that U.S.A. should leave the area over the next eighteen months. I feel that whether you agree with the war or not it has been underway for years. NATO has abolished a previous government and to leave the area without a stable new government would be wrong. So on this I favor McCain because I feel this will require a longterm presence in the area. Plus I feel Iran is becoming more unstable and having an army in the area is a good thing to avoid conflict with them. Or if conflict should occur there is already a western presence there in the middle east.
On the economy, it is more difficult to forecast who would lead America out of its recession. Obama and the democrats typically favor more taxation. McCain and the republicans favor tax cuts and incentives. As a German, I favor Obama overall. I think his persona especially his international reputation is stronger and can lead America into greater world respect which will improve international relations and may help Americans with their economy problems.
In addition after his speech in Berlin he is very well respected. I also respect his plans for alternative energies. Unlike McCain I am against nuclear power.

Philipp (German boy) said...
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Michael Gilardi said...

Honestly, I don't think I could pick one. But, if I had to pick one to be the most important issue in America today, I would choose the racial segregations and hate crimes we still have. Of course we will never live in a perfect society (atleast I hope not), I think we could crack down a lot more on racial hate crimes and what not. The only problem is, well, that somewhat violates rights. Sad, actually, to a large extent. The KKK for example: I can't tell those people what to believe, but I can, WE CAN, try harder to prevent them from doing such foolish and ignorant things! I don't care whether you are Black, White, Mexican, Indian, Italian, French...whatever...You have a right to feel safe WHEREVER you are. It shouldn't matter what color or race you are, but a lot of people turn their backs when they see something going down, or about to go down. I have friends of a lot of races, and just because someone is black for example, doesn't make me care for them any less. My guy best friend is black, and my girl best friend is white. So what? I judge people on their personalities, not their race or color. And so, I think this is a huge issue today.. A main one in my book!

It is actually hard to process in my head who I might vote for if i could, or who would satisfy most of my political needs. I listen to one person's speech and I'm like wow that was amazing! And then the other's is too! But I wouldn't vote for Barrack Obama just because he is black, and I wouldn't vote for John McCain because he is white. Obama expresses a lot of my views that McCain can't, but McCain ultimately does the same. However, I am probably just past the middle on the side of the right wings, if you will; "Bigger military, smaller government". McCain has supported a lot more of my opinions, so I guess good old Johnny Sevenhouses.

P.S. - Why would anyone ever pick a donkey or elephant to represent their party? No offense but had they just discovered some obscene substance or something? Crazzzzyyy...

Michael Gilardi said...
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Michael Gilardi said...

In response to Emilee...and Philipp

I agree and disagree with you Emilee. I do like that maybe instead of the federal government, all states can choose. However, aren't Church and State suppose to be separate? I understand your opinion, and in fact I do agree to an extent. But when the government says Church and State are separate, I want them to MEAN its separate. Personally, I am not for or against gay marriage, regardless of my religious beliefs or preferences. I think it should be based on two things: 1) The church can decide if they would like to marry homosexuals or not, 2) The people in the gay community having the opportunity to be married if they wish. Also, I do like McCain's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy as Emilee has stated previously.

And as for Philipp, I agree that you cannot abandon something that you have started. I also agree it would be wrong to leave now, because there is much work to be done. Whether is will be finished or not, who knows. However, I do agree again about favoring McCain's policy of staying. Our society focuses on what we haven't done, but really does not recognize what we have accomplished. Although, I'm just going to say I totally agree with Philipp and leave it at that.

Good blogs so far!

Ed Simione said...

Well it seems like there have already been some great points made that i really agree with (Mike, Phillip's especially). On the Iraq War, which i think is a very important issue, i agree with Phillip. To me at this point it doesn't matter if someone supported the war initially, but at this point it would be a mistake to pull out. Progress has been made, especially lately. Fighting has died down recently, not entirely of course, but to an extent. If we pulled out now when its not practical, Iraq would fall into greater chaos. So in terms of issues such as this, McCain seems to have the position I agree with most.

Amber said...

i think one of most important issue is getting our troops home safly.because we need our moms,dad,sisters and brother or whatever else they are to anyone.it jut doesnt make since of why they've been there so long and nothing really seems to be getting better.those people out in iraq are going to do what they want no matter what.they have been thouaght to be a certain way and they dont seem to what to change.i mean i wouldnt want a bunch of people t come in and change how we live.

but who do i think is the best canidate.....well im not to sure.i think i may have to go with obaham.he seems to really wanna make a change on how things are going in the us.and any person like that woudnt be too bad.

Mrs. Burr said...

Emilee, the don't ask don't tell policy of the military is not supported by the LGBT community. Recently, there was a world symposium on gays in the military. All stats and MOST military officers say the policy is not a good one. You mention that both sides support stem cell, but only one side is pro-choice.

Mrs. Burr said...

Well, Phillip your international perspective is very welcome. It is very interesting to me that the media has so very successfully made it an all or nothing between Obama and McCain on the Iraq war. When in reality Obama does not advocate withdrawal of residual troops, and McCain would have the troops out by 2013. The difference between the two lays heavily on if the war is being "won" and if it should have been started in the first place.

Mrs. Burr said...

Here is some history for you!! Amazing me giving a history lesson.

When Andrew Jackson ran for president in 1828, his opponents tried to label him a "jackass" for his populist views and his slogan, "Let the people rule." Jackson, however, picked up on their name calling and turned it to his own advantage by using the donkey on his campaign posters. During his presidency, the donkey was used to represent Jackson's stubbornness when he vetoed re-chartering the National Bank. From the democrats.org website.

This story is just has fascinating, just long so go to the above website to find the answer.

Jaime Eisner said...

I think the most important issue in the Presidential race is if the politicians running will actually do what they preach. Both candidates talk alot about how they will fix this or that and I have done this and that before, but it gets said every year and it never seems to come to fruition. I know this is the talk to be president and they have to out do each other but the majority of the talking point issues never get done.

Jaime Eisner said...

Regarding Amber's post: I agree with you assesment about our troops coming home. But, even though i am currently swaying towards Obama, i think he needs to be very specific on HOW he is going to change certain policies. Presidential candidates promise alot of "benefits" if they win but most become forgotton or never done when they reach office. I believe the debates will be a key turning point in the election.

eric kern said...

The most important issue in the U.S. is education...or lack of. This is an alarming issue because the rate of high school dropouts are the highest they've ever been and those who eventually attend college take the easy way out by majoring in communications or business. I am not saying that people who major in those areas are lazy, rather they should consider pursuing more challenging areas of study that apply math and science. From a chart in 1995, the percentage of undergraduate degrees awarded to math, sciences, engineering in the US showed that 15 other nations are much more serious about producing a larger percentage of graduates in the disciplines that determine future technology. Germany and Japan even out-produced America by twice the rate. These numbers have obviously increased in the past 10 years while our society has degenerated from a once thriving and thought provocative group of people to a declining abyss of pure laziness.

I feel that Obama's goals for this nation concerning education agree with my views more than McCain's do. Obama wants to recruit math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession. He would also work hard to ensure that a strong curriculum of science will be available for all students. Barack Obama would make these goals a national priority so that America will not be forced to hire foreigners for professions demanding a high level of math and science knowledge.

eric kern said...

In response to Ed:
I agree with your idea that pulling out of Iraq would be a mistake. Too many families and soldiers involved with the war have sacrificed just to receive the news of "The war is over, we are bringing our troops back." Especially when, as ed pointed out, the US has made great progress in Iraq. Pulling out of the war may raise mixed feelings about the whole deal so I believe our army should finish what they have started (they didn't start the war, Al-Queda did, but you know what i mean).

Mrs. Burr said...

Fabulous responses so far, I am concerned about the misinformation of where Al-Queda is. Al-Queda had nothing to do with Iraq. This is an important measurement when deciding the right or wrongs of the Iraq War. I am going to play devil's advocate: My question to those that stated we must stay in Iraq because we must finish what we started: is it not more important to view all the data and then say pulling out or staying in is finishing the war? Eric, you state nobly so that we must honor those that have sacrificed the ultimate for the freedom of the Iraqi democracy, but I do not understand how the possible sacrificing of more troops is noble. And Ed, what grater chaos? TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO PLAY DEVIL'S ADVOCATE.

Andrew Smith said...

I think that it would be impossible to pinpoint one issue that is the most important in the United States just because of our diversity and the scope of issues we contain within and foreign to our borders. If a candidate won any political race on one issue, it could mechanize disaster for the country. I do feel that one of the most prominent issues today is, simply put, China.

During the Cold War, it would have been unthinkable to do any business with the USSR, however, we have taken in China with open arms because of the cheap goods they offer us. China has a enormous military, disastrous human rights record, oh, and by the way, are communist.

We have a very great debt to China, and our consumer rich society is filling their governments pockets with money. Hong Kong is becoming the business capital leaving the United States behind. The Chinese government now employs American citizens in factories in U.S. soil manufacturing cars.

It would appear little has been said on either candidate's side, but McCain would appear to have more of my take on the issue due to his take that "China's growing economy is a concern." McCain also takes that we need a stronger military to answer the rising powers of Russia and China.

Obama wishes to eliminate or reduce our debt to China, which is a necessary move, and he promises to confront China if they continue to manipulate their currency. He however wants to keep our trade agreements the same, which benefits China; we trade with China in the area of 4 Chinese goods for 1 American good.

Andrew Smith said...

Eric and Mrs. Burr...

On your stance in Iraq, I feel like Eric, that we need to stay in Iraq, but not to 'win' the war.

I feel we should have a prescience in the middle east, especially if Russia wants to push its self around in the vicinity of said area.

rabecca edgars said...

Well the issue that i feel is most important is the war in Iraq. Both candidates have different feelings about the war. McCain thinks that we should stay their and Obama thinks that we should leave the war. This is important because its a huge issue to the United States.

What I think is that we should stay in Iraq because people have died in the war and so if we gave up then they would have fought for nothing as well of died for nothing. So McCain would keep the war going and that would make us a stronger nation.

Mrs. Smith said...

In my own opinion,there are couple of problems about people being gay, but to me it don't matter because I'm not the one that have to worry about it. Back then they had a problem about not dating your race or not opposite sex. To me personally,you shouldn't worry about it because it's none of your business.People can date who ever they like. I don't know why people is worrying about it. Like McCain said, "don't ask, don't tell." They not the one's that's dating so why should they worry about it. That's what i really think.

Amanda said...

i think one of most important issue is our troops. We all want our troops to come home because we need our family and friends. it just hard to understand why they've been there so long and nothing really seems like it has changed. Even though I am leaning towards Obama, I think he needs to be more sure on how he is going to change things. People that run for president promise a lot of good things if they when but most never come true.

rachel=]] said...

To me one of the most important issues is money (aka budget). The world revovles around it. Well prices on things like food have most deff gone up. Well Obama wants to raise taxes and cut programs. It doesn't say unnecessary programs, it just says programs. While Obama says that he will cut out unnecesary spending. Well if its unecessary then it doesn't matter if its cut out. And he doesn't say that he wants to raise taxes, which is good because that would leave me with more money =]]. Ad with palan as a vice president he should be able to get through it, because she did the same thing (eliminate unecessary spending)as govenor of Alaska. I mean she voluntarily reduced her pay, she sold her jet on ebay and basically gave up the unncessary luxuries for her state. A giving person like her should be in office.

rachel=]] said...

In response to Eric
i didn't know about the high school drop-outs being at their highest. that is terrible!!!
But yeah i do agree that now-a-days their is a lack of brain cells in more people in america. we need disipline and education!
Atleast i get a good education from my amazing world history teacher =]]

asager1 said...

There are many important issues in the presidential race, however, one in paticular stuck out and that was the health care.McCain is running to make sure that health insurance is more affordable while Obama is aiming for universal health care. I can definitely see the pros and cons on both sides, but its hard to say which one is best for us. While McCain is trying to lower health care, that still does not make it affordable for some people because of all the different scenarios. A pro for lowering it would definetly help out the people who are struggling.

On the other hand, you have Obama whose goal is universal coverage. Some pros would be that you would save millions of lives and the people in need of medical attention could recieve it without having to worry about whether they are covered with their insurance or not and they could ultimately risk losing everything, including their house. Some major cons are that the hospitals and doctors offices would be more full, and with the national shortage of nurses, this could definitely bring more harm than good and keep people in need of attention waiting.This would also bring about major costs of about $65 billion a year. This rises up another conflict of who will pay for all of this?

asager1 said...

There are many important issues in the presidential race, however, one in paticular stuck out and that was the health care.McCain is running to make sure that health insurance is more affordable while Obama is aiming for universal health care. I can definitely see the pros and cons on both sides, but its hard to say which one is best for us. While McCain is trying to lower health care, that still does not make it affordable for some people because of all the different scenarios. A pro for lowering it would definetly help out the people who are struggling.

On the other hand, you have Obama whose goal is universal coverage. Some pros would be that you would save millions of lives and the people in need of medical attention could recieve it without having to worry about whether they are covered with their insurance or not and they could ultimately risk losing everything, including their house. Some major cons are that the hospitals and doctors offices would be more full, and with the national shortage of nurses, this could definitely bring more harm than good and keep people in need of attention waiting.This would also bring about major costs of about $65 billion a year. This rises up another conflict of who will pay for all of this?

Petra said...

Well I think there are a lot of important issues in the U.S. To me the most important one would have to be poverty. We (as America) give so much money from charity to Africa or other third world countries, and we still are fighting poverty in our own country, (not saying that giving money to other countries is a bad idea, because I’m all for that as well) I think we need to get more programs started to help put a stop to poverty in our own country.

I think that both candidates have great views, but McCain’s idea’s on staying in the war is good, we have been there and put to much time and effort to turn around now. We have had a positive impact on the war so far, and to turn around would cause a lot of problems in my opinion.

asager1 said...

There are many important issues in the presidential race, however, one in paticular stuck out and that was the health care.McCain is running to make sure that health insurance is more affordable while Obama is aiming for universal health care. I can definitely see the pros and cons on both sides, but its hard to say which one is best for us. While McCain is trying to lower health care, that still does not make it affordable for some people because of all the different scenarios. A pro for lowering it would definetly help out the people who are struggling.

On the other hand, you have Obama whose goal is universal coverage. Some pros would be that you would save millions of lives and the people in need of medical attention could recieve it without having to worry about whether they are covered with their insurance or not and they could ultimately risk losing everything, including their house. Some major cons are that the hospitals and doctors offices would be more full, and with the national shortage of nurses, this could definitely bring more harm than good and keep people in need of attention waiting.This would also bring about major costs of about $65 billion a year. This rises up another conflict of who will pay for all of this?

vwilks said...

I believe that the most important issue in the presidential race is immagration. It is very im portant because the US is spending alot of money trying to keep the immagrants out. It is taking a lot of thought to see how much money to spend on keeping them out, and building fences and other objects. That is my opinion on what the most important issue in the presidential race is.

Petra said...

In response to Jamie Eisner, I agree totally with you, you’re right. Each election the candidates say the same thing but never really do what they said they would. I think especially since you are running for President of the United States that you only say what you stand for and believe in, you should do what you say so the people know who they are voting for. Do what you say, and say what you do.

Nick Salguero said...

the economy is the most importan. The middle class is going down hill, oil prices are as high as ever. We are spending ponitless money on this stupid war which we are not even wining. I don't care about Races all i want is a democrat back in office for the middle class. Mcain knows nothing about what's happening to the middleman and their harshships. If mcain is in office, i ASSURE we'll have another Bushfor 8 years. 4 if we are lucky. Mcain follows this philosphy: get your gun and don't talk like a man!

znothwehr said...

I think at this point in the presidential race there are so many issues that are important, and they could be critical to ether party. But the two that are the most important to me would be the war in Iraq (and other places where our soldiers are) and how ether candidate is going to work with our economy to make it better.

First I would like to talk about the war in Iraq. I do realize that our soldiers are there trying to keep the Iraqi people controlled and help things run smoothly. But as a citizen of the United States I haven’t seen how this war can positively affect our people. Plus I don’t agree with McCain ideas on the war. He plans to stay there for a while and has admitted to wanting to enforce a draft about one year into his stint as the president. I just really hate seeing American soldiers being taken away from there families and being put into situations with there lives at stake when the reason for fighting isn’t always the best, and when the reason for fighting keeps changing. I have great respect for people fighting in Iraq and I hope they can come home soon from there duties.

The next topic that’s very important to the American people is the economy. With the prices on everything rising people are trying top decided whether to feed there family or to fill up there cars to drive to work the next day. My dad is a judge that works with probate cases and over the last couple months alone he said he has foreclosed more houses in the last couple months then he did in the previous year before. The prices of food and the prices pf gas have increased a lot and our country is in a recession although it seems like nothing is going to be done to fix it.

znothwehr said...

Phillip and Ed you guys have made great points of the presence of the war in Iraq. But I'm still on the border. We have been fighting for so long and so many people have given there lives for it, I just can’t seem to tell if there will ever will be an end. On one hand we need to let the Iraqi Gov. Try to govern by themselves and se if they can do it, but on the other hand I really don’t think they can. It seems like for a long time the United States and been playing the world police and I don’t know when is the right time to stop. It’s a hard place I just think of all the families that want there mom or dad back home with them, and it just hits me, Iraq needs to see if they can survive on there own. we shouldn’t pull out in like say a short amount of time but in stints that will make our troops come back to there home country.

Michael Lang said...

To me the most important issue in this coming election is immigration. Because for the last ten years the immigration rate is rising. This is also important because the illegal immigrants are able to come here and utilize all of our government facilities for their own use. They also can get things like $120 prescriptions for $4.
I also don't believe that building a wall or amnesty will work. I agree and like the ideas of Ron Paul. Especially when it comes to immigration because he wants to send them all back and then if they apply and wait for legality then they can come over like our ancestors. He also wants to shut down all government programs that will assist any illegal immigrant, that means no $4 prescriptions, no more free healthcare, no more help living here.
As a side comment if you think about it when you pay taxes currently you are supporting illegals as well as Americans.

Chelsea! said...

Personally, i think the issue about wage increases is a heated debate. I don't think that it is the most important issue but for me i believe its a big one. Obama believes the minimum wage should be increased while McCain does not feel that way. Some people agree that it should be increased because well, they will make more money. Others believe its a bad idea because the people who get minimum wage increase get all the good out of it. Just because the minimum is increased, that doesnt mean the people with a higher wage before the increase will get a pay raise to in the end have more earnings than the less experienced people. Also, its unfair for the companys who have to raise their wages because they have a set budget on how much money is given out to their employers. If the wages increase that means that less people can work there, so in the end i dont think its really beneficial for many. So personally, i agree with McCain on that one.

Chelsea! said...

i completely agree with Michael Lang. The immigration issue is becoming a huge problem because for the legal U.S. citizens it is unfair for us to have to pay for what they should be paying for as well. As well as Michael, i believe that Ron Paul is also right with this issue because he believes that the immigrants should apply to become a legal U.S. citizen so then they dont even have to worry about being here and living day to day to make sure they arent caught.

rabecca edgars said...

i agree with vwilks...
Immagration is a huge problem. The government is spending way to much money on it. If they want to spend so much money then they need to come up with something that is going to work.

ALP said...

Since the elections are rigged, McCain will win by .1 percent and act surprised, but either way I don't really support either candidate. McCain has spent too much time in captivity and reminds me of a guy who would have hundreds of cats around his house, and Obama just agrees what every democrat says (not necessarily a bad thing). It is interesting that reports of McCain calling his wife the C word have arrised though. I really hope this is true, because that will make the elections fun and exciting to watch. But I think 80 percent of Americans vote on the appearance/demeanor of the candidate and not necessarily what they believe.

ALP said...

I think the most important issue that could decide the peoples vote, is scandals/dirt that shows up on the candidates. Everyone is influenced by dirty reports on candidates. This election would be the best election of all time if they found drugs in McCains house, and guns in Obama's. This would be really funny and Ralph Nader would win. Except this would suck because we would get conquered really quickly with Nader as president.

spencer10 said...

i personally think the problem we have is the war in Iraq. many people from both sides of the war are loosing people they love over this war. i think the candidate that will ride this is Obama. maybe he will see where everyone is coming from and take our troops out of the war.

spencer10 said...

i agree with many of the people above are coming from. everything named is a big issue that hopefully some one can end.

Cole Cantrell said...

Well many issues are going to be important in who gets elected but I really like philips post (the kid from Germany) because its cool to see a sort of outside view on the politics of the united states and what he said about obama is very intresting and something that is overlooked. I also think Obamas international reputation does a lot more good for our country than I think any of us know. Although some of us might not be realizing it but the recession could very well be a lot worse than we think and in my opinion the candidate with the best means of saving our somewhat broken and struggling economy would be the most important issue in this election

Alondra Rey said...

There are many important issues in the presidential race but the one that I believe to be the most important would have to be abortion rights.

when it comes to abortion I say no! but then again I say yes! I think Obama is right on this topic because I believe that it should be allowed at certain situations.

Then McCain also has a point by saying abortion should not be allowed.
i would say McCain wins me over because i have always been against abortion.

Cole Cantrell said...

I have seen that for the majority we think the war is the most important issue in this race and sure i agree. But I think some of these dirty tactics like attack adds will effect a lot more thsn we think. I mean if some random person turns on the tv and see's a attack add on obama saying "obama says he does not believe in god" do you believe in god? If so vote for John McCain. People are so stressed just trying to stay alive in our struggling economy that if that attack add is one of the only things a random person see's u can sure bet that he or she will be voting republican coming this election.

melissa said...

The most important isue in the u.s. today would have to be the abortion. The reason why i say that abortion its an important issue is because there are a lot of women getting an abortion and i personally dont feel thats right bacause every human being has the rights to live just like any other person would. I know that every person has the rights to do what they feel like doing with there life but its just like murdering someone. Therefore, both of the candidates are agreeing to abortion being an important issue in the u.s.....

Dean said...

I think the choice is obvious, especially after the financial events of the last couple of days. After the closing of Lehmen brothers and several other fincancial companies merging or going bankrupt the number one issue is the economy. Its at its worst point since the great deprression and i think Obama is best fit to bring back our economy to the streangth it had during the clinton years.

melissa said...

I do agree with you emilee about women having a choice wether or not to have /keep a child ... but like i said every human being born or unborn has the rights to live but if you cant raise a child why make him suffer ... but in my opinion, there are ways to do it and not having to abort that child.For example, thereare couples who are not able to have children and wished they could but they cant .. not only will you that couple but you will be helping that baby have and live a better life.

Kenny Hodil said...

In my OPINION, national security is the utmost important issue in this year's election. If we elect Senator Barack Obama, he will withdraw our troops ina an 18 month period, after the success we have had in the lasty five years. If we do that, then we will see an increased risk of other countries taking nothing we say seriously and them attacking us just because of Barack Obama. If we elect Senator John McCain, he will keep outr troops in Iraq, which I think is a good thing because relations over there are fragile and we need to have a stronger military presence over in Iraq just so nothing happens. However, he will welcome Georgia and Syria to join NATO, which Russia and China will possibly declare wwar on us. I am voting for McCain because he and I are at eye level with the issue of national security (and 40 years expreience in the military and government together.) Obama hasn't really done anything in Congress and a national level, and I am really questioning if Obama can even lead this country after three years of experience in government and he has no military experience.

Kenny Hodil said...

In response to Mike, I agree that the United States most definately has racial groups, including the KKK. I also agree that the governemnt has no right to tell people what they can and cannot believe in.

ddrake1 said...

I agree with McCain about the abortion issues. I think when women get abortions it is basically murder. I don't agree with Obama because he is pro-choice. I think it is fine if you can't take care of a kid, but you should not kill it, it should be given for adoption. I think its wrong that women get abortions. If they really don't want the baby they shouldn't have gotten pregnant. McCain said if it is because of rape, incest, or the woman's life is danger that it would be okay and i agree with that.

ddrake1 said...

I agree with vwilks that immigray=tion is a big issue in the presidentilal race. The u.s. does spend too much money tryin to stop immigrants from coming over. A lot of the immigrants comme here to provide a better life for their family and all they come here to do is work. It makes me mad when i see homeless people on the streets having all the opprtunities because they were born here and they didn't take advantage of it. Immigrants can't go to college or get good jobs because they are not legal and there are legal people living on the streets that don't want to do anything with their life.

morgan said...

I believe that the most important or at least the most urgent problem that needs to be dealt with is the recession. It is my opinion that Obama should be the one to deal with this. This is because he wishes to spend and raise taxes. Most people would believe this to be a bad thing, but it has been proven that time and again you have to spend money in order to make money. The last time the U.S. was in a recession they believed they needed to save the budget they still had when the real answer was to spend the budget that was left on creating new jobs and decreasing the amount of over-production by purchasing land from farmers or paying the farmers not to grow as many crops.

morgan said...

Again I am responding to Michaels blog on immigration being the most important issue. While I still believe the economic situation is the most important issue, I have to agree that illegal immigrants are abusing their newly found freedoms. I myself am a legal immigrant (visa) and i find it astonishing that some of the "illegal" immigrants abuse their right to an education.

cody davis said...

I think the most important issue in the presidental race is the economy. When mortgage companies are going bankrupt because of risky lending practices for example sell homes to people who couldn't afford it. Also, when gas companies are making billions of dollars in profit it seems like they should be lowering gas prices.It seems like greed is taking over America companies while most families are struggling financially

psanchez said...

The most important issue is Universal Healthcare. Not only would this issue raise taxes but it also makes people pay for people who are slackers. Don't get me wrong their are people who need this kind of care and can not afford it but really this is just a stupid move. My opinion of course. The government needs to back out of so many places they have stuck their noses into and this is one of them.

psanchez said...

First I will respond to Amber...
I agree that we should bring the troops home but I think that we are too deep to just drop everything and leave. We must be responsible for our actions and not just leave the government to be killed. Also I know a man who was in Iraq for a long time and sure some soldiers were not welcomed gladly but he and his comrads were seen as heroes and were greatly appreciated.

I do not agree with Emilee...
on the abortion issue. It is true that we do not know when life starts so we should not take the risk that we are murdering unwanted children. If we ever do find out life starts and a possibility is that it starts at conception, what will we say to all those deaths..."oops better be more careful next time." Can we really take that chance.

frefec said...


kezerae said...

i think gay marriage is the most important issue because people of the same sex that really love eachother want to get married and they cant because other people think that its wrong wont allow which is very wrong, i think it doesnt matter if you are in love with someone that is the same sex.

i think McCain has a good aapproach on this issue.

kezerae said...

i agree with emilee on the LGBT and abortion issues because people do have a right to chose if they want to keep there baby or not.