I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln
Noah Webster defined "American" as "a native of America; originally applied to aboriginals . . . but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America: the name 'American' must always exalt the pride of patriotism." So then what makes American "English" American?
Webster, who once said, "A national language is a national tie, and what country wants it more than America," deeply held the conviction that language was by and for the people, and out of that conviction was born his American Dictionary of the English Language. Starting in 1800, he began compiling the dictionary (it would take 28 years to complete) that would help define the American character.
What does the word patriotic mean to you as an American?
Webster, who once said, "A national language is a national tie, and what country wants it more than America," deeply held the conviction that language was by and for the people, and out of that conviction was born his American Dictionary of the English Language. Starting in 1800, he began compiling the dictionary (it would take 28 years to complete) that would help define the American character.
What does the word patriotic mean to you as an American?
In my opinion patriotism is a belief in your country, not a belief in the president or the government. A belief in the people of the country will make the right decisions. It is up to the people who leads the country to victory. Patriotism is a system where the people do not serve the politicians, the politicians serve the people.
My idea of patriotism is having faith in your country. Being united as one, instead of as individuals, Becoming united. It is a form of trust, i guess you could say, trusting the government to make the right choice, passing the right bill or what not. or trusting each other to make the right decisions for the country instead of themselves. like voting for president, foe example, just because you don't like the way a person looks you can still vote for them because you know its whats best for the country.
patriotism is defined by me as loving your country at it's finest good or bad. beleving that you should be loyal to your country and no one else's
Patriotism in my opinion is doing things for your country. Supporting your country, even when it is hard or the person elected to be president wasn't your first choice. I do believe this means you do what should be done to make your country the best it can be including bringing about issues that haven't been addressed and even it it is not the popular opinion..
I believe that patriotic means to take pride in your nation, respect it, and admire as well as do your best to keep to the principals on which it was founded. Don't go against the morals and views your forefathers fought for. In patriotism you also honor your country.
Patriotism, or being patriotic, in our country means a lot to me. I would like to believe that no matter what is going to happen, I believe in America. America will always make it through. I think it is about having faith in your country no matter the circumstance [not blindly, but still]. I believe in supporting your country and the people in it, whether you believe in the government or not. This can be as simple as paying your taxes, because it's mandatory. Supporting your country.
(P.S. Mrs. Burr - Your link to the American Dictionary of the English Language goes to your Cox Webmail. Fortunately, I have Cox so I just signed in, and then reclicked the link and it went to the website. But otherwise, it just brought me to the Cox Webmail website.)
The word patriotic to me is being proud of your country. taking the bad with the good. and accepting that your country may not be perfect, but its where you choose to live so you love it all the same. It is one you trust, and can participate in the things they involve. whether that be taxes, or voting, or the fourth of july hanging up a flag.
I think patriotism is a person's belief in the country they live in to such an extent that they will sacrifice almost anything for the good of the country. Anyone could be patriotic:war heroes, citizens who support their country even if they disagree with some current laws, or people who proudly display their love/loyalty to the nation.
That statement was amazing and although I think that is the ideal system, I don' think it is going to happen. However I am glad that you shared your opinion. It was very enlightening.
Patriotism is not only loving your country but being able to fix your countries problems and being worried about how the world views you. Patriotism is being united as a county to fix change and preserve values and you can be patriotic if 1/2 the group likes one thing and the other half likes another like voting.
Patriotism means devotion one's country.
I think that patriotism means a lot of different things. It means loving the country you were raised in and supporting it. Supporting it through good and bad, that doesn't mean that you must agree with every decision made. It also means respecting your country, don't treat the place you live in like garbage.
My thought about patriotism is strong you represent your country and what your country stands for and believes in. Trust your country.
I was not born in America, but in Turkey. I am patriotic and can be for two countries even if I do not agree with decisions the government of these countries make. The president should not be the voice of a country, but the people of that country should be.
I also think it's annoying when people who live in the U.S. that weren't born here say America sucks or anything like that. Alright, the last 8 years were disappointing for the U.S., but you lived here for that time and probably still had an easier life than you'll find in 90 percent of the world.
Patriotism itself has many meaning to different people. It could mean go to war for what you or your government thinks is right, also it could mean supporting the people that represent America on a daily basis. But to me patriotism is when the people of America band together for the good of the country to try to make tings better for everyone and not just themselves. Patriotism is key to our country and the survival as a whole.
A person is patriotic if they believe and support in their country and not theer STUPID country.
Patriotism is cool and all and I think patriotism is something that u need to run a country and it keeps people together. But patriotism is not sticking by what everyone says but it is supporting your country and what is best for it.
Patriotism, or being patriotic means a lot of different things you can be patriotic by flying a flag or saying the national anthem. Patriotism means you have a devoted love and support for your country or national loyalty.
I personally don't have that much patriotism. I grew up for 15 years in Germany and there we aren't very proud on our past. In history we learned about all bad things that happened in the world so even if you are Russian, you won't get patriotism, because every country did bad things once.
There is just one case I can remember where I felt patriotism: At the soccer world cup in Germany in 2006. When the whole nation was black red and gold and everybody could say proudly that he is German. All guest which where over were nice and we were nice to all guests and brought our international reputation way up.
At big soccer tournaments, my school gave us school off, so we were able to see all games and it was a great feeling to stand with 50.000 people on one place and watch the game on a big screen.
All in all I would say that I am not very patriotically, but I respect everybody who is.
Patriotism to me is showing pride in your country through good times and bad times. You should be proud of where you came from. I was born in a different country and i am very patriotic towards my country. Even though i wasn't born in the U.S. i show a lot of respect because this is where i am living and this country has done a lot for my family and I. I think just showing respect and being proud of where you live or were born is having patriotism.
To me patriotism is having pride and love for your country. It can be showed in many ways such as serving your country in a war or just respecting your country and people in it as well. To a patriotic person the the flag of their country is very important to them. I think everyone should respect and love the country they live in and if they have problems or disbelief with anything they should keep it to themselves.
Patriotism? and what it means to me. There are many things patriotism could mean but for me it stands for all people. Our government, you, me, and our nieghbors. It means everyone and how we join together to make a country. From people that are out there fightig for us to the little girl, riding her bike. We all stand together and live together in this country and that to me is what patriotism means to me. Something we can not live without.
Patriotism to me is where a person is patriotic about their country and how they support it through the tough of times.
The word Partiotism is any person who has loyalty like someone who has fought for their country . Not only that but like its liek everybody included as a whole not only one person but everybody included.
Patriotism, to me, means taking pride and standing up for one's country; however, I do not believe that it needs to be taken to extremes or physically shown.
For example: you're either a patriot or a terrorist. Anyone who believes that statement would probably call me a terrorist, considering I'm not very patriotic. But just because I don't show my love for America doesn't mean I don't love it.
Patriotism is loyalty and respect to your country and doing your part to help it, whether that be voting or joining the military. I try to be patriotic to my country, even if i don't fully support some of the decisions of leaders. I believe in America and its ideals.
I believe patriotism is supporting, being loyal, and fighting for your country through the good and bad times. Our country has more freedom and opportunity than most countries and if people don't help support our own, how are we supposed to help others. I believe that if you display your patriotism, it can be infectious to others around you.
Patriotic is when people love our country and will do anything to help it. Soldiers are a good example they are in war fighting for our country.
patriotism means to give faith in the guys that are out there fighting for peace and your freedom.
patriotism in my opinion means like when someone is devoted, loves, supports, and defense one's country. Also when one is willing to sacrifice for it.
i agree with Nick because if you love your country your going to still love it through good and bad times. Also that you will always be loyal and truthful to it.
Patriotism is a belief and trust in your country. It is showing love for other americans and supporting and honoring your country.
In my opinion patriotism is what you do for your country honestly just hanging a flag in your front yard is not patriotism or saying support our troops that is not patriotism a lot of people will say save the troops but when it is there turn to help the country they would rather watch tv or go to the mall so patriotism in my eyes is the troops in iraq or people fighting for our country.
In my opinion, Patroitism is all about being loyal to your country. If you love your country and you will fight for it and honor it then you are Patriotic like Rambo and Rambo is awesome. If you hate your country and you don't care for or about it, and you would rather live in trash then you're about as Patriotic as The bad guys in Rambo. Although I am unaware of their opinions of their own Country they are still losers!
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