Thursday, October 14, 2010
Political Compass
Where do you fit on the political compass? Well we are about to fine out, we often hear the question: Are you on the right or the left? So very two dimensional. Isn't there another way to find out where you stand? You bet there is.
Instructions and Test
Read the whole page of instructions and information before taking this test. Do not just jump right into the test.
1. After you take the test come up to and put your name on the class compass chart.
2. Write a blog response on the outcome of your test. Do you agree/disagree and why?
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I agree with the response i had gotten. It said i was in a way close to Hitler but i don"t disagree i sometimes do have a lot of hate in my heart and mind. Painful memories is what sets off this pain.
I feel that my position is somewhat accurate but felt it would be a little more obvious. Says I am at (1,1/2). I agree with these views but maybe more so then it shows.
I feel this test is great but like any test showing where you stand it may be opinionated. Also I put a higher thought in to the meaning these questions, but as only being multiple choice situational circumstances is not put into calculation/creditability.
I agree with what the outcome of my test. I was almost right by the Dalai Lama, and after i looked up what he (and all the reincarnations) were on the scale, i agree with my test results. I'm all for helping the people!
I agree with the results that I got. I do like to socialize and I feel OK about being on the Libertarian(LEFT) side on the graph. And that is alright with me.
I agree with the results that the test gave me. I'm half-way between authoritarian and libertarian, because i believe that people should help out but the government should also help people out.
I agree with were my placement is. I am more torward the left and in the middle of Authorian left and libertarian left. My results don't surprise me.
I am totally ok with my result. I was a little bit left libertarian but that's how I am. I hoped that i get a result like that because i already knewed where I stand. This Test gave me the warrant that it's true. In the whole case, I was kinda in de middle. I agree with that.
I didn't understand the whole concept of the test at first but then I understood and I agree what I am (libertarian) so I feel comfortable for where I am
This was actually a really good test. I am just in the middle between left and right and a little libertarian. I am very close to neutral but i prefere government regulation in some matters.
I am happy with what i got and i agree with it. I am a republican and now that i think about it thats where i should of ended up right in the middle but in the upper right box i just didnt like that i was in the hitler box!
I disagree.. I was Stalin which is a little shocking to see. Stalin and I have VERY different ideas of political.
I agree with my response because my political compass put me very close to Gandhi and Im all about the freedom and the rights.
I agree with my result though i should mention i just put my name in the square i ended up in not in the actual spot i ended up 2 spots to the left of where they put gandhi. I thought id end up farther down on the left . Thought to be honest i'm not all that into the no violence method but i have heard i'm good at making it work from friends before but personally i prefer aggressive negotiations.
i strongly disagree im nothing like hitler that was a dumb test
I agree with my response because my political compass put me very close to Gandhi and Im all about the freedom and the rights.
I agree with my response because my political compass put me very close to Gandhi and Im all about the freedom and the rights.
I agree with where I am on the Political Compass. I am very close to the orgin and I believe in many different ways when it comes to political views.
I completely agree with the response I got. I'm close to Gandhi and I think this is really close to my opinion.
I agree with the response i had gotten. I was a authoritarian an That i was close to hitler. that is all o have to say.
I agree with my response that is pretty accurate, it put me close to where Ghandi was placed on the political compass so I guess that means that I am not really that bad compared to Adolf Hitler or Stalin, so that is a sigh of relief.
i agree where i stand its says im close to ghandi and im very peacefull and i dont disagree on what the test says i am
My test shows me at (3,1.38) which is Libertarian left. I could probably agree to this as I am all for helping others, however, i ended up in the Anarchism/Communism area of the chart... is this bad? lol
I that the outcome of my test was pretty accurate. Where I was placed is basically how I view the government. So all in all I wasn't surprised where I was placed.
I agree with where I am because I'm more towards the exact middle, my quadrants were (.75, .62). Being in the middle to me makes me see it as I have an open mind to every idea. I agree with where I am because I do believe in freedom and rights of people, thus the liberal, but with some restriction to certain things pertaining to the safety of others, thus the authoritarian.
I feel that my place on the compass is about right. the lower left quadrant is where i expected to be.
I think that took a little while. It was easy.
My results were -1.5 and -3.9 Liberal Left. I really think the answer to my test suits me. My thoughts are generally liberal, I was sure it would not be authoritarian.
i agree with where my placement is. im at the middle left and feel its accurate because i agree that we should have some authority, but freedom and opinion is more important
-2.38 (Left/Right)
-3.49 (Libertarian/Authoritarian)
HAHAHA! Like Gandhi?
totally :p
i agree with my placement. im a little to the left of the middle and i agree because i believe in some authority but mostly freedom and opinions is more important.
-kristina Lindgren
I am surprised i was placed as a left-libitarian. It shows i was near ghandi, which i find odd seeming that i dont relate to many of his beliefs. I think this was an interesting chart.
sarah bish p1
I don't not do agree with this survey, Its all very confusing, so there is no way this any where near accurate. So I wouldn't trust this survey.
i agree with the tests results. I am leaning more towards liberal which i agree with. I do that the government should have less power.
I feel that this test wasn't in depth enough to truly allow you to find your place. The test answer was very vague and really a wide generalization. But I feel maybe because my opinions differentiate and can change completely depending on the amount of evidence I have at the time. I don't really have a grasp of what I believe in and how I feel the government should be run, so I don't really believe in the answer or result that I received.
I agree with my results because i do like some equality and little authority. I was at (-3.5, 0.21), I could have an opinion of it being a little over some but then again it depends on my mood if i am generous or not.
I agree with where the poll placed me. I am almost in the exact middle but lean towards the left and a little bit up which is Communism and Authoritarian. I am happy I am just barely left because I don't believe in all of the communist ideas.
I somewhat agree where i stand. I do agree that i have some strong disagreements that may seem bad to other people, but it's my opinion.
I don't at all agree with the survey it was big worded and confusing so I wouldn't truth my results. My results came up close to Gahndi's views. I find some of Gahndi's views like mine, but not entirely.
I feel my position is quite accurate. however i was hoping that it might be a little more "radical."
i agree with the response that i gotten, because i believe i answered every singe answer truthfully and im happy where they put me, this was a great test!
I never did agree with online personality tests, my result on the political compass proves that point. It says that I'm authoritarian even though i have an issue with people that don't know whats going on.
I agree with the response I had gotten, I am more of a socialist than capitalist. Although I do try to keep away from politics. I haven't really ever liked politics or even cared for it.
I agree with my stand point i think i am more towards the Communism side and more of an authoritarian.
I agree with my response. I agree because i believe in capitalism more than i do socialism. Im also in between no government and authoritarian. I believe in a perfect balance of government.
I agree with what I got because I want my money for myself and no one else unless they really need my help. I don't believe that I want less government though because our government helps us a lot and we need their help.
i agree, looked good.
I agree with the results because i believe in capitalism because if you earn your money you have every right to keep your money and should not have to support other people. I do though believe in little government though. I also follow my religious views.
I dont agree with where i was put on the chart (0,-4). I dont support those views.
Well I guess I agree with my results, I was kind of in the middle of of the chart, but Im not a very political person so I wasn't to surprised.
i agree with this, because i believe that people should be created equal! and that everyone should have a say in what's going on in there government! but i also think that we need some kinda of control.
I felt my position was accurate. I am close to Gandhi which I completely accept. I am all for helping people in need and making sure everyone has enough to survive.
I agree with the compass's decision. I got more towards communism and authoritarian. Im about helping others when it comes down to it so i believe it was fairly accurate.
Im Kamil but i accidentally put my blog response under Jessicas name soooooo please check that!
i dont really care.. i know how i feel, i dont wanna have to explain it in a test/ survey. i think its kinda stupid.. i love debating and voicing my opinions nomatter what they are, i beleive in standing up for what you think is right. i typically speak my mind no matter whats on it.. so if anyone wants to know my opinions on things they need to ask me in person.
i thought it was a good spot.
I cant really agree or disagree because I never really knew where I was in the first place, but now I'm happy to know I'm more liberal than authoritarian. The different views labeled on the graph really helped me describe what I believe in.
I think they did get me right.
I personal think that i should be more to the capitalist side, but i am pleased with were i stand in the liberal.
I completely agree with where I was on the chart. It was funny, even though a lot of the questions were just asking simple opinions I actually got a little bit offeneded thinking that someone might ACTUALLY think that. I am glad that I got to see where I fit in on here (:
I agree with what this test told me. I think its an alright place to be at. I had no problem with this sides beliefs. However i think that i answered some of them wrong because i didn't know what the question was asking.
I think that i should be more to the capitalist side, but i am satisfied with were i stand in the liberal side. Honestly i didn't understand ,most of those questions that they were asking so maybe politics just aren't my thing.
Kyle Price
I agree that there should be balance between everyone. That the people should be taken care of and not just disrespected. No one should be thought of any less than the next person.
Emma McWilliams
I thought this was relatively accurate. It was pretty close to neutral, as I am.
I was neutral about my answer, I suppose. I personally don't care too much about politics or government. I know what I can and can't do and I live my life according to my rights.
Honestly, I didn't care too much for this test either.
the position i was put in was ok but not accurate enough personally i prefer liberty not communism and some of the questions i am asked on that test are very hard to understand i think i was rated a little to close to a dictator.
My results were right in the middle of the left libertarian left area, very close to Gandhi, and i agree with what i got.
I agree with the outcome i got. I was little bit to the left and a little bit down.
I personally do not think that the compass represents my views correctly. i didn't understand a lot of the questions. I think i should be more toward the capitalist side. I think that this test should be remade for those of us with a smaller vocabulary and that need a better explanation of what is being said.
I feel that my political compass was accurate in saying that I was more liberal and more communistic (left). This is because I feel like there are issues that should be left out of government and that we should take care of each other in society. I was surprised, however, that Gandhi's political views were almost exactly like mine!
I honestly don't know what it truly means but I ended up a bit far down right. I guess I just Like to be free, with no rules or people judging your cloths or people telling you what to do. Animals have more freedom than us and yet we're the higher spices, it would be nice to have that kind of freedom; eat when your hungry, drink when your thirsty, sleep when your tired, or just run without someone calling the police saying there's a crazy person running in circles in the park. I do believe people need a bit of wild in them.
I don't really care for politics and all this stuff. I'm not sure if I agree or not bcause I don't really understand it that much.
I agree with my result. I have the same political views as Ghandi, which is a honor because he did so many great things and is an inspiration to everyone who believes in peace and the well being of others. :)
i agree with my results . i was kinda in the middle of everything . and thats exacly what i wanted
my placement was somewhat accurate i feel, i got close to the middle and i feel that is true.
I guess I agree with my outcome? Alot of the questions the asked I could care less about, and some of them I did not quite understand. Im not upset with my outcome but neither am I throwing a party about it.
I was more towards the left. I agree with this because i know where i stand and know what i believe in. I was also close to neutral. Overall the test was good, because its all opionionated.
I do agree with my feedback from my quiz I am proud of what my results were because those were my beliefs and I'm willing to back them up.
I agree that people should care for themselves and need a little help in there lives. I also agree that the goverment should have little but some control of are lives
i like where i stand on this compass 100 % at least im not where hitler is
I agree with the response that I was given. I am proud of who I am and have no problem what that test said about me. I was in the category with Gandhi which is for me a huge complement. I really liked this assignment!!
I agree with where i was placed(liberitarian left) i think we should help each other, somewhat, but take care of yourself first. And the government should stay out of certain things but "help" us with certain things, because people are not mature enough to be totally free.
I personally think their should have been five choices one saying, 'I don't care' and i would've picked that one for more than half of these questions. i somewhat agree with where i was placed. i believe people should help out other people and the government should leave us alone.
(authortarian- right) I feel like what i got on the compass is somewhat right i dont know what it means that much so im going to research it later when i get home
I felt that my placement on the political compass was fairly accurate. I was in the quadrant of both communism and liberal, in between Gandhi and the origin of the compass. In addition, this shows that my beliefs are somewhat up in the air and that I accept certain opinions from both sides of the spectrum. I was content with where I was positioned on the compass.
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