Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pausing to Reflect: 10th Anniversary of September 11th

Ten years ago, my 15 year old daughter came running in my room waking me up and yelled, "Mom, turn the T.V. on a plane has crashed into a building in New York City" I quickly turned the television on just in time to see the horrific vision of the second plane crash into the second twin tower. At that point it was obvious that we were facing something other than plane crashes. My daughter remembers my words, which unfortunately I can not repeat in this blog. As I sat there in shock and true disbelief I was so mad, but mainly so very sad. Did I cry? Not yet. Watching peole running when the towers went down, not being able to get hold of my sister-in-law who worked every other week in the Financial District right next door to the Towers was very stressful. I actually turned the television off. I tried to proceed with my day, I was enrolled at ASU at this time and got in my car and started driving. I didn't get very far, I realized like many my age that this not only was a terrible event, but it truly meant war. I was scared for my children and their friends, young people who had enlisted in the military would now truly know the greatest sacrafice ever, death and destruction. I never made it to class, I turned my car around, opend my garage, hung my American Flag and for the first time in a long time prayed.
Since this time I have been to ground zero, been to St. Paul's Church which is right next to WTC, this church became the haven for fire fighters after the attack. I have walked ground zero and saw all the memorials. So much has changed, so many people died, but we as Americans survived, at first we were so united, it must have been what our forefathers meant when they said, "United We Stand" So much has happened in the ten years since, some good some bad. But overall Americans stood strong on September 11, 2001 and it still do today.
1. What is your memory of 9/11/2001?
2. Read the post of your fellow classmates and comment on at least one entry.


Anonymous said...

Honestly I was so young when this happened that I don't remember. I know its was a sad day and a lot of people died. The deaths must have been so hard for the family's and I feel for them. But today we stand strong and that is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Recently, I don't think I've heard about it on the day it happened. I think I've heard about it 2 year ago when I was doing an assignment on it.

Anonymous said...

The day was extremely out of place in my life. I was learning new things everyday and having fun with my time. That day the only thing I learned is that people can be cruel and uncaring. A lesson that to this day I will never forget because watching the video of the plane hit the towers pounded that into my mind. By the end of the day the only thing I could remember from that day was three seconds of the video clip where where the first plane collided into the tower.

Anonymous said...

my memory of nine eleven was that my grandpa was in the hospital at that time and i think i was at the hospital with him talking to him and then i went home and heard the news and then a couple of weeks after my dad showed me the video of the people running from the disaster but at that time was only six years old so in 2009 my dad showed me again and i understood it and started to cry and and right after 9-11-01 on 9-28-11 my grandpa had passed away in the hospital.

Unknown said...

on september 9th, 2001, i was in the first grade. all i remember is everyone, including me, leaving school early. my mom picked me and my brother up and we went home. my mom told me to stay inside for that day. she watched the news, while me and my brother had no regard of what was going on. a few years later my mom explained it to me.

Anonymous said...

I was in Korea when this happened, so I did not really know what was going on. Only thing I was worried about was my mother. I knew she lived in Arizona, but I did not know how far Arizona is from New York. I called my mother asking if she was okay.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't remember what I was doing that morning and how I reacted. I just remember my mom gasping as she looked at the TV. I was to young to understand what had really just happened.

Anonymous said...

I remember I was at home that day because I was sick, and I walked into the living room only to find my mom crying and watching the news. I was only six at the time, so I don't even clearly remember how the day played out but all I know was my mom was scared and didn't know either to cry, or be strong. All I know was that very day changed our country forever and I believe it brought us even much more closer.
-Peyton Youngman

Anonymous said...

I don't really remember a lot of that day, because I was only 6 years old. That night (yes, night.. In Italy was night because of the different time zone) I was just watching TV while waiting for the dinner. When the dinner was ready, my dad asked me to turn the TV on the news channel, and terrible images were on. My family and me were looking in silence. I wasn't understanding what was really happening, but my parents looked really scared. My dad began to say bad words and he didn't finished his dinner. That's all what I remember about that day. Only now that I'm here in the USA, I understand how that day completely changed the way of thinking of this nation.

Anonymous said...

As a child, my memory of the September eleventh plane hijacking and terrorist attack is quite fuzzy. I was about 6 years old when it occurred and I am pretty sure I didn't even know what the word "terrorism" meant.

It was right before my mom was about to drive me to school when she was standing in front of the television bawling her eyes out, I wasn't sure what was going on. I just thought that my mom was getting really emotional over a really good action movie, but of course now I know how mistaken I really was. Back then we had a big screen television, so I watched closely as planes started flying straight into these buildings in New York.

Still unaware my mother started hugging me as she wept, telling me everything was okay. No family members or friends that we had were in the world trade center when it happened, but I suppose it was just the emotional impact of someone purposely causing harm to our country that effected my mother the most.

It took her a few others until she was able to pull herself together and drive me to school. I was late and yet no one had made a fuss about it. Actually, I think I remember half of the school gone that day, it was eerily quiet. My teacher was watching the television with a stone cold face, she wasn't crying but you could tell by her solemn silence that it was breaking her heart to watch this.

The whole school day, we did nothing really. There were a few teachers missing, I fear now if they had lost a loved one in the terrorist attack. I remember standing with the whole school as they sung our national anthem and we said our traditional Pledge of Allegence. Even then I still had no clue what was really going on but now that I am older and know much more than I did then... I wondered how I would have reacted in that instance, on that day.

I am sure the adults didn't want to tell us back then what was really going on, in an attempt to protect us, I'll always look back to the day. As the day America stood silent.

Anonymous said...

My Memory of 9/11 was my parents running to the Tv an changing the channel to the news. An there i saw both planes crash into the twin towers. My dad stood there with a straight face the straightest face i have ever seen him make. My mom put her hand up to her mouth as she watched the towers collapse. I was a little girl 5-6 i didnt understand what was going on i thought it was just an accident no one told me what all the worrying was about. Then they showed someone jumping out of the Towers to get away from the fire. That was the moment i realized that it wasn't an accident. My family all over called us an asked if we watched the News to see what happened. As i got older I became more aware of what was going on, on 9/11 i watched a video about the twin towers an i found the first one that was on the news about the terrorist crashing planes into the Twin Towers. As i watched I had the same straight face as my Father an when it ended i had two tears fall from both my eyes. An that was the moment i realized how strong We "ALL" are to come this far an stay strong an help the ones in need an be there to hold each others hand. Weather you were young,in your Teens, or an Adult in time we all felt the same things an that is what makes Us all Strong. That is my memory of 9/11

Anonymous said...

I myself was quite young when the events of 9/11 occured but unlike my classmates I sorta understood what was happening as we watched the news during my last class of that day, You may think i was to young to really understand anything about 9/11 but at this point in time, I was no stranger to violence and tragedy. The one downside to reading so freaking much I guess, Though i may have sorta understood what the planes crashing into the World Trade Center meant I'm ashamed to say it was over shadowed when I got home and found out my favorite show wasn't on. Sadly my memories falter from that point onward so I don't really know how my parents reacted I think my father was sad and angry but i'm not sure. I do remember feeling very sad during school when it happend and then being very pissed off but i was seven so my memories are not the best ever. I think i'm a bit of an asshole but mehh whats done is done I geuss.

Anonymous said...

I have to say i remember half of the september 11. I was looking at the t.v. looking at cartoon in my moms room. i looked at the tower get hit by a plane. i was shocked on what happen. Then i looked that the tower go down. I was sad that day. Then i stared talking to my mom to tell her what happen and then she tolled me what happen she was crying . that is all i remember .

Juan Arredondo

Jessica Blair said...

I was only six when the twin towers went down. It's hard to remember exactly what I thought and did, but I remember being scared. I didn't understand what was happening, I was to young to. To this day I still feel bad for all those families, and the people they lost. But I don't remember anything more than being scared.

Anonymous said...

when it happened i was in the low class of elementary school. it was very sad and depressing for people, it happened so sudden. i will never forget going home from school that day and my mom and dad explaining everything to me. after we had a talk about 9-11 i was very shocked that someone would do that. i hope no one ever has to go threw that again or at all. it was a very sad moment for everyone.

Unknown said...

james, im sorry thats sad.

Anonymous said...

All that I can remember from September 11th, 2001 was that I was sitting in my first grade class when I heard the news. My teacher was devastated but we went on with class. She had the news on in the background just to keep an eye on what was happening. Our whole school seemed to be extremely quiet that day. When I came home from school my parents were watching the news as well. I remember being confused by the whole ordeal but I knew that everyone would remember that day.

Anonymous said...

To. Hannah Rowe

I'm pretty sure that everybody feels that way because we were all too young to fully understand what was actually going on.

Anonymous said...

Hannah Rowe- I feel like you and I basically had the same experience and that's pretty cool to see someone else who experienced it the same as me.

Anonymous said...

We all remember 9/11/01 all too well. My experience was when I was in first grade. I had just finished getting dressed and had grabbed my backpack. As I was about to walk out the door, I hear my father call out across the house. I walked into my parents' room and, on the news, I saw the first attack: the crash with the South Tower of the Twin Towers. I actually ended up staying home form school that day because my parents were so upset. I can remember us going to church for one of the first times in years that next Sunday. Never had I seen so many people so quiet. I heard one of my friends mention that one of his relatives was in the attack and that he didn't know if they were alive or not. This hit me really hard.... it made me realize that I needed to appreciate what I have, not only in my rights as a citizen of the United States, but having my family around (I had already lost three of my brothers in the 4 years before). Since that day, I had decided that I would actually join the military (well, besides family influence on which branch) and help protect us from that very threat: an attack on our home soil. Remembering the men and women who died... the fire fighters who lost their lives trying to save them... the members of the greatest military in the world overseas that have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect us. It truly makes all of us remember what it means to be a true United States citizen.

Anonymous said...

I was in the living room playing with some toys and the T.V was turned on and then the news started talking about the towers getting crashed into. At the time i didn't think it was a big deal. But my parents and the rest of my family did.

Anonymous said...

my memories of 9-11 are very faint i remember being in kindergarden and just watching the news and really kind of feeling scared later that day my mom came and got me and didn't want me to go to school for a couple of days. now that i think about it we have survived a hell of a lot of danger and problems and i am indeed proud to be an american.

Anonymous said...

I was in 1st grade when all of this happened.. but the pain lasts forever. Every year I learn something new about the crashes and it's amazing to see the heroic and patriotic men and women who risked, and even lost, their lives for a fellow american.
All I can really remember is the reaction on my moms face; she didn't wake me up that morning and I will never truly know why but when she came back from work and turn on the news, I knew something was up... I never saw her cry before that.
That day changed me. It lit a fire under my ass and brought patriotism into my life. But, I blocked out most of my youth so, that's all I know.

Anonymous said...

On the 9/11/2001 I was 5 years old and I was in kindergarten. I honestly don't really remember, how I have notice it. I guess I was at home and my mother was probably in the kitchen, making dinner and listening to the radio. I don't know, but it wasn't present for me, I was to little for understand all that. We spoke a lot in school about it, every 9/11 and we watched the news on the TV on this day, but it was more like a movie and we kind of didn't really realized, that it was real. We knew that it was real, but we didn't realized. It's still present every year.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember much, but i can say it has effected me even though i never saw the towers fall. Things like this make me want to be a police officer, so i can prevent any of this from happening again.

Anonymous said...

The message written by Unknown at 7:45 AM is mine. (Alessandro Fusco)

Anonymous said...

To Samuel M. House

I am surprised that you didn't know about the terrorist attack until recently but then again we were really young at that age and probably understanding it took some time.

Anonymous said...

when the attacking of 9/11 struck i was nothing more than a 1st grader. i was naive and had not much knowledge of what had happened that day. the only memories that i have kept with myself is remembering my mom crying because my great ant's wife worked on the seventh floor. i was the flower girl at their wedding a few months before this catastrophe and when my mom told me that she was in the buildings that crashed to the ground it made me very sad. even as a small child i grew a sense of great relief when she told me that she got out safely with nothing more than debris to the lungs. after the actual day of 9/11 i did not hear much about it, or do not remember hearing too much about it. it seemed like a one day thing to me, until a week later one of my friends in the class came in crying. it makes me tear up telling people this story, but she had not been to school for a week or so. being so simple minded, i figured she was just sick or was on vacation. it turns out her father was in one of the planes that crashed into the twin towers. i don't even remember her name but every year on september 11th i think of her and my heart goes out to her. i wish i could have been more understanding back then to be a shoulder to cry on, R.I.P. heros of america that died that day<3

Anonymous said...

Ten years ago a terrible tragedy has made history. I was too young to know the size of that accident, how it would affect the whole world. I remember coming from school and seeing my mother crying in front of the TV. she used to cries when a tragedy happens and When happens with the largest country in the world without being caused by nature is a scary thing. Even then I could imagine that it would affect my life.

Anonymous said...

To: Alessandro Fusco

I had a very similar experience (though it was at night over here in the US)
My father did not eat that night. He instead literally sat at his computer, and watched it over and over. He was cursing a lot after that. Again its difficult to remember it all as we were all so young.

Anonymous said...

To the first comment,
It makes me feel better that other people don't really remember that day, even though it was so significant to our country.

Anonymous said...

@ peyton, you're mom is such a strong woman. i have been able to tell that since the first time i came over, not to mention she's indian ;) but this had to be an extremely traumatizing moment in order to break her. but our country survived, WE ROCK USA<3

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The day of September 11th 2001 stands vivid in my mind even as I was six or seven I remember I was sick that day so I stayed at my grandparents house; It was around ten or eleven A.M when I witnessed my Grandmas face of utter shock and shrieks of confusion. The cloud of confusion was a frequency which seemed to overtake the general atmosphere. I being the young person I was could not comprehend the true magnitude of this event--Never did I care to look back and reflect it was simply an event, however it was not until my brother enlisted in the U.S ARMY and by his recommendation I joined JROTC which began my journey into true patriotism. I began to look into all aspects of historical events involving the U.S but one in particular which seemed to bring me a feeling of anger,sorrow and general empathy was listening radio broadcast which aired live during the events of 9/11. In a sense my reaction of outrage and sadness was delayed; I re-watch television and radio broadcast not only to take in another perspective on the event but to hear the outcry of emotion and american spirit come to life. In my observation of history America is always unified when struck, once the american people have a common enemy be it country or organization we rally together for the common good of our nation--Born through violence and unified by violence while always being able to adapt. The U.S is epitome of controlled chaos which is why we continue to be ever-changing and always adapting. It is through examples such as 9/11 how I gained the knowledge that the U.S runs on the fumes of the worlds injustice which the world seems to be plentiful of, so long as the world continues to provide this fuel no attack may ruin the American spirit.

Anonymous said...

dang Sean thats....thats sad man.

Anonymous said...

My memory isn't the best since it was so far back then, but I remember that I watched the TV in class and the teacher was in shock. I didn't think it was real because violence wasn't a big thing. I'm sorry for all of the ones who lost their loved ones on that day, and I think that 9/11 made our country stronger.

Anonymous said...

i dont renember much of that day. All i remenber that day was my dad was outside alone and my mom was sitting on the couch crying with the tv on. I gusse i didnt understand what was going on that day. I knew about the event i gusse i was just too young to understand the devistaion and he horrer of that day.

Anonymous said...

To Jessica Blair:
It was really similar for me that day. I was just 5 years old and I didn't understand what happened that day. And I don't know anymore what I did or what what I felt. But I know that everyone was kind of affected.

Anonymous said...

I read from the comments that people who lived that day in this country had a worse experience from mine.

I would like to say that I've been to New York City recently, I went to Ground Zero and I saw the construction of the Freedom Tower. It's really hard to see how 9/11 changed the way of life of everybody in the city and in the country.

Anonymous said...

All i remember was that, that day i had stayed home because i was sick. and i was flipping through the channels trying to figure out which channel cartoon network was on. then i remember going to some station and they were talking about it, on there n i saw little video clips on the tv station. i remember i went up to my dad n saw a scary movie coming out and that building were falling and planes were crashing into buildings. im never going to forget the look he gave me, i never seen that look befor. it was the first and last time he looked at me like that. his eyes were so red and his eyes were so watery. he just told me to go lay down and turn off the tv. he said no tv today. then when i went to school the next day teachers and things were calling off school and the was cancelled that day.

Francisco said...

When 9-11 happened i was in Mexico but i herd in the news it was sad because i sow when they were jumping out of the windows not to get burn its a picture that is in my brain when i remember i get sad :(

Anonymous said...


Aww that's sad, I know she'll be happy about the memorial center being set up at ground zero. All the heros will remain in our hearts and never be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

to "unknown" Military post - I truly respect your patriotism. I have no doubt that you are an awesome person. Good luck in your Military career, and I would be honored to meet you someday.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

On september 11th, 2001 our nation was put under terrorist attack. I was six years old at the time, and in first grade. I remember that i had gotten ready early for school so i could watch spongebob on t.v. before i left. I was sitting on the carpet in front of the tv. I remember being frusterated that on every channel i kept seeing a plane crashing and blowing up tall buildings. All i wanted to watch was spongebob, not plane crashes. A few minutes into my impatience, i called out to my dad who was across the house at the time. i remember i said: "dad, i keep seeing these planes blowing up, and news reporters on every channel, i cant find spongebob." It seemed so unreal to me at 6 years old, and i couldn't understand it in my immature first-grader mind.. He asked me what i was talking about, gave me a weird look, walked toward me, and asked me to give him the remote for the t.v. .As he approached the t.v. he went completely silent, the room became suddenly eerie and quiet. my dad sat down next to me, his eyes glued to the tv. He said that our country was being attacked. My morning then became very serious, it was no longer about spongebob. I wouldn't hear Squidward's voice, or Patrick's laugh that day, i would see everyone with tears in their eyes, and the adults being very quiet. I didn't understand the frantic news reporters, or the blowing up planes. But i will always remember the look on my father's face. He looked scared, which i have never seen, and that made the greatest impact on me. My dad is a strong man, and not one to show much emotion.I have never seen my father so silent and scared, and i think it was the only time i have ever seen that. Now september 11th is approaching, and that day on every year since the attacks is one of the saddest days of the year, especially this year. This year is the 10th anniversary of the attacks, and almost 3,000 people were killed that day. I now understand that even the U.S.A isn't invincible. From spongebob to terrorist attacks, that day was dramatically changed.
That is a day of the year,
that always brings tears,
that day is the day,
that brought everyone's worst fears.

-Sarah Bish p.1

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't remember this happening, i was really young and I have a bad memory! I wish i would be able to remember it happening but unfortunately I don't. I just know that it was one of the most sad and traumatizing things that have happened in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Blair,
I was the exact same way as you, and I couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

What I remember from 9/11 is waking up late for school and just catching a glimpse of the news story. When I got to school, I was there for a half hour when I got picked it early and my mom was frantic, got home and all the windows were closed and the doors bolted.

Alan Moore
Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I honestly can say that I don't remember at all what happened. It was so long ago, and little remains in my memory from back then. I agree with most the user on here, like Jessica Blair. Because even though the memory is so distant and vague, I remember the confusing fright the adults around me produced. But, honestly, being so young and naive, I didn't understand and couldn't feel(in a way) what had just happened. Now that I'm older, and I know the severity of the situation I can reflect at how much of an impact this event was.

Anonymous said...

On Sept. 11th i was too young to know what was going on. I honestly don't even remember much about that day and how my family reacted, although I do know they were saddened by the crash. I know it caused plenty of people to be saddened and brought our country down for a while.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember what happened. Mr. House- I don't blame you I don't really care about what happened on that day. That day didn't really affect me enough to care about it because none of my family was involved in that tragedy.

Anonymous said...

I was 6 years old when 9/11 had happened. I was sitting in my living room with my dying grandmother. It almost seemed ironic how these events happend so suddenly and so close together. My dad came in the room with a very panicked face. He snatched the T.V. remote out of my sisters hand and turned the T.V. to fox 10 news. As the 11 family members in the room had watched the second tower fall, my great grandmother died. It had blown me away the fact that my grandmother died at the exact moment the second tower had fell. So, thats why I will never forget 9/11.

Sam Hillyer said...

when the twin towers were hit, i assumed that this wasn't the first time we had an attack like that. Of course i was only 6 so i was very naive about the politics at the time. nowadays i am able to accept what happened probably a bit more than others who witnessed the attacks.

Anonymous said...

The day it happened I don't recall hearing about it. A few years later I heared from a friend and the news that in new york three towers were destroyed by terrorist. Samuel: How did you only hear about that two years ago.

Anonymous said...

nina jessica rodriguez i had a similar experience that day i was in kindergarden and all of a sudden there was an announcement that said the school would be shutting down at first i was happy because of no school but when i got home and realized what was happening i didnt know what to do i was lost i didnt know what it quite meant or what was gonna happen but my mom also said she didnt want me going to school for a couple day it was a weird experience for me

Anonymous said...

On September 11th, 2001, I remember my mom waking me up to tell me that a plane went into one of the towers. I was sitting there watching the news as the second plane hit on live television. It was a devastating experience to see it live. I went to school that day and my teacher had the news on all day. Most of the day we sat and watched the news though. It is a day that I will never forget.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....On 9/11 i was about 6 years old and did not understand what was going on, I think my parents tried explaining to me what happened or I didnt hear about it until I became older. I still have never fully understood the tragedy that occurred that day but i know that I hope that this type of situation never happens again. It is just inhumane to do something like that to innocent people. I think that was how I understood what terrorist meant. It is sad that countless numbers of people went missing and died.

Anonymous said...

i remember hat i saw it on the news, but thats pretty much it. since it was a different country far away it didn't affect me.

Anonymous said...

What I remember of that day was wakeing up and watching Sponge Bob. That one episode where Sponge Bob was trying to learn the krabby patty formula. At the end of the episode they cut out the formula. I remember that i asked Mrs.Or what the formula was. She said that it was sea plankton. That formula changed my life. Then the annocements came on and told us to turn on the tv channel. A burning building is all i took it for.

Emilee Breaker said...

I was only 6 years old on 9/11 so the memories i do have are fuzzy. I remember my mom waking me up to get ready for school. I was getting dressed and the phone rang. it was my grandma and she was screaming, telling us to turn on the news. we turned on the t.v. right after the 1st plane had hit the 1st tower. i remember my mom saying what a horrible accident it was, but right as she said that we saw they 2nd plane hit the other tower, and we knew it was no accident. It was complete chaos in my house after the 2nd plane hit. my parents were running around freaking out. They were debating whether or not they should send me to school. In the end i was sent to school, but the entire building was on lockdown. In the weeks that followed i remember seeing pictures of the towers on the news and in magazines. pretty much where ever i looked there was a picture of the destruction.

Anonymous said...

Ten years ago, i remember watching t.v. with my mom, cause i was sick that day and i didn't go to school and my grandma had called my mom and was like yelling through the phone talking about how these two planes crashed into the twin tower's in New York City! so we quickly changed the channel and went to CNN and heard that the twin towers had been destroyed by two planes! then my mom called everyone, she knew and that whole night the channel didn't get changed.

Anonymous said...

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
-The Expendables

In Memory of 9/11

Anonymous said...

honestly? the only thing i remember from 9/11 is sitting in art class in first grade and having the office tell my teachers over the loud speaker to turn on the T.V's and i watched the towers fall. it didnt mean much then.. and it still doesnt mean much now because its how my emotions work. but i know its a sad day and i have great respect towards it.

Anonymous said...

Alan, My parents were alot the same. my dad was very frantic and my mom was just in disbelief

Anonymous said...

To: Lisa Zhang

That is a good point, being that our parents were frightened, that then probably scared us greatly since we were only about 6 years old.

Anonymous said...

when 9/11 happened i was little, but its something that i wouldn't forget. i remember seeing my parents sitting on the couch in the living room watching the news when the 2nd plane hit the tower. during the time my father was a marine and he all of the sudden got pissed and he even said that this country is going to war. i think he was afraid of going to war at 1st but he went to desert storm, so he was prepared to hear a phone call that week. we where just all shocked that someone would do that.
I don't really remember much, but September 11, 2001 was a day that was not forgotten,

Anonymous said...

Rianna Garcia-
your memory sucks, i can't believe you don't remember the twin towers dying.

Anonymous said...

to "unknown" #1, i feel thew same way.

Anonymous said...

Will I was in first grade and i honestly don't recall what i was doing i know i was in school cause i remember my teacher turning on the t.v. to watch the news but all that talk about 9/11 went through my ears,

Anonymous said...

I was in first grade when 9/11 happened. I remember walking out into the family room seeing my dad frozen on the couch staring at the t.v in shock. I remember watching the people frantically running and watching the second plane crash into the towers. I remember seeing people jumping out of the building and falling to their death. I think this was the first time i saw my dad cry. I did go to school that day and all the students got red, white, and blue ribbons and had a moment of silence and sang the national anthem. Later that day i heard about the plane crash into the Pentagon. and the plane that crashed into the field that was supposed to hit the White House.

Anonymous said...

I, at this time, was in first grade going to new river elementary school. September 11, 2001 was a day that every American will never forget. I remember the teacher got a phone call during class, her facial expression went from a friendly 1st grade teacher face, to just a blank stare. The classroom's mood turned dark and gloomy. My teachers name was Mrs. Fisher. She called us up one by one to make a phone call to our parents to let them know that the school day was cancelled and to pick the children up. When it was my turn i remember talking to my mom in polish and her saying she'll be there within 5 minutes. When i got home the t.v. wasnt turned off for the next 24 hours. The news was going on non stop. Probably the most important thing about that day that i learned was that we as a country need to stay together and we can overcome any obstacle.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Sam Hillyer said...

It happened a long time ago so my memory of it is a bit foggy. i just assumed that things like this happened every so often. nowadays i don't have much of an opinion of it.

Anonymous said...

Well I was six, sitting in my little charter school when the teacher rolled in a TV and had us watch what had happened. Although it really had no meaning to me then I knew something was wrong. At the time my mom was a flight attendant and my dad was a firefighter. My mom soon quit her job after the attack because of the stress it now put on her in her career. Although I cant really remember the world before 9/11, I know that it has deeply effect the nation and the family's of the victims and the people who serve our country.

Anonymous said...

When i was in 2nd grade the twin towers were hit. That morning was my teacher's birthday, and my mom had got me a box a chocolates to give her that morning.
I had lived in Washington, DC. and i went to one of the most prestigious catholic schools just a few blocks away from The White House
And at this time in washington dc, our nations capital was dealing with the DC Sniper attacks, and the Anthrax scare.
Our president was unfortunetly not with us, he was in Texas, and before he read to children, he knew that plans had hit, but he didn't know that our country was under attack.
I was in 2nd grade and i remember we had just had "snack time".
My principals voice came on the intercom, and told us to remain calm, and that our parents would be called.
My at that moment i didnt understand what was going on. My mothers best friend, who was also our landlord at the time was going to the pentagon for a seminar.
He was late to his seminar, stuck in traffic.
As he was driving, he saw the pane hit the Pentagon.
My mom knew he was going to be near the pentagon that day, and called him, at this day in age, cell phones were relatively new, and he didnt have one.
My mom became infactuated with the news.
As did my family.
CNN is on non-stop in my house, just incase something were to happen.
My school didnt want to evacuate, thinking danger would occur near The White House, we went into the gym and basement of the school.
Looking back, i think of 9/11/01 nonstop, just because of the possiblity that my best friend, landlord/ father figure would be lost.
I feel such compassion for the familes that have lost loved ones, and i also feel sorrow and helplessness for the males, females, and children who were killed or who thought they had no choice, and committed suicide by jumping off the towers to their deaths.
**Peace & Love**

Anonymous said...

Brittnay Sanders- It sucks when you see a parent or a parental figure cry...

Anonymous said...

Sam House,
In my mind your lucky that you do not remember anything from that tragic day. I saw live footage as it happened and that will never leave my mind

Anonymous said...

On 9/11, i was six years old and in first grade. All i remember is waking up and going into my living where my mom was watching the news. I remember she started yelling for my dad and i did not know why. I saw the planes crashing into the building but i did not know what was really happening because i was so young.

Anonymous said...

September 11, 2001 is a date that will live in our minds forever, but I have no recollection of the actual day or the events that had occurred. Unfortunately I do remember the aftermath of September 11th. The pain in peoples hearts and the tears in their eyes. Every year when September comes around the way people moods change and no matter how old you get that at least one teacher will mention it. I remember hearing stories of how people had lost their loved ones in this tragic event. How upset and angry America had become and the war that had started. Everyone was going off to fight for our country. One day this event will be taught in history class the same way we have learned about December 7th, 1941. September 11th and the events that have followed it will never be forgotten. That day will stay in our hearts forever along with the loved ones we lost.

Anonymous said...

To Unknown #1
That's exactly how I feel, I barely remember anything from that day but I do know it was a horrible one.

Anonymous said...

Megan N- 9/11 has made a huge impact and it must have been hard to watch in school. I would want my parents with me.

Anonymous said...

L.Clark: Yeah we went to the same elementary school.

Anonymous said...

On September 11th, I was in my first grade class with Mrs. Dannenfeldt. I remember the whole class was watching the classroom television. Later, my parents picked me up from school early. I didn't really know what was happening but my parents wouldn't stop talking about it. They told me how they were at the hospital all day and watched both towers collapse on the hospital's television. I knew that what was happening was tragic but I didn't really know that this would affect our country for years to come.

Anonymous said...

yeah i remember having my home dark too forever, and like all the doors and windows closed!

Anonymous said...

On the tragic day of September 11, 2001 i was in 1st grade. I don't remember much about that day but what i do remember was very scary! All i recall was waking up in the morning and going into the kitchen hearing the sounds of my mom and grandmas cries. My uncle John worked in the bottom floor of the Twin Towers. My grandma had talked to him earlier that day before anything even happened. His subway that day was 20 minutes late to work, which is what saved his life that day. We didn't hear from him for along time, my grandma was terrified. After many calls he called us, he had been running from the commotion and lost his phone on the way. September 11, 2001 was a very horrific day and a lot of lives were lost.

Anonymous said...

I was very young when it happened and i didn't know anything about the USA including that the USA exist in 2001. I can't remember much because it didn't happen in our country and I was 6 years old and didn't understand why it happened. The only thing I can remember is that i thought it was a movie because I couldn't believe that something like that would happen any time.

Anonymous said...

Tye Camren: reading your post brings joy to my heart to know there are still people out there who want to change the world and prevent events like this from ever happening again.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Dalton- You are very lucky that you don't remember all that happened! Even though you were in 1st grade it still lives with America forever.

Emilee Breaker said...

lucas, to think that at that age we were all so little and forgiving and to have that taken away in an instant is sad. Our generation has learned only distrust and hatred from that day and the war that been going on for most of our lives.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Zhang- I agree in that I was not as upset as all of the adults around me. I didn't understand the severity of what was going on.

Anonymous said...

All I remember when 9/11 happened was I was in the first grade, and all the teachers turned on the televisions. Some teachers were crying, all the children were calm. I came home to my parents watching the tv with the twin towers crashing down. At the time I happened to be so young I didn't think much of it. Not until afterward did I realize so many people died and were effected by what happened.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

to be truly honest. I have no raw memory of 9/11. Growing up in Hawaii, in an isolated town in a small school district, you do not hear much. I do recall something along the lines of america getting attacked. I have seen the recordings of 9/11. My first initial reaction was who was responsible? but I also felt concerned because it has been over 50 years since America was attacked on its own soil.

Anonymous said...

Well I was getting ready for school when my mom was watching the news and i saw the one of towers where on fire. I was to young to know what was happing. By the time I got to school my teacher turned on the TV shortly after the second tower was hit. Then when I was doing my warm up the towers fell. That all i remeber.

Anonymous said...

I remember that in school every year people would talk how on the news people lost there family and friends when 2 planes crashed in the north and south towers and thousands of people that didn't deserve to die. I think that is that most sad thing that ever happens is when people lose there life for no reason. I think this changes everything that about the U.S because it makes people more frantic that it might happen again because history repeats itself. Which is scary if u thin about it. This is one of the most frighting things to happen in U.S to me.

Anonymous said...

All I remember on that dreaded day ten years ago was not going to school that day and whining about not being able to watched my beloved cartoons. Both of my parents were sitting on edge on our couch watching footage of the crash. If I remember correctly, I saw the footage of the building with smoke all around and fire trucks rolling in by the second.

Anonymous said...

j Dalton. Yeah. thats true. haha.

Anonymous said...

I remember being in the music room sitting on the floor playing with a toy, i was the first kid at mascot that morning it was 6 am i think. My mascot teacher Mr. Kevin had just received a phone call to turn on the tele, his face shocked and worried as he saw the twin towers getting destroyed as the second plane flew into the south building, only being 6 years old i didnt understand at all what was going on, i asked Mr. Kevin what happened and he didnt answer he just sat down and did not say a word the rest of the morning.

Anonymous said...

Samuel M. House - that is a little bit of the same with me. My family did talk about a few times but they didn't talk about it much. My school didn't talk about it at all for a while and then it just coming up a few years later and finally finding out what exactly happened.
- samantha rieck

Anonymous said...

When the happening of 9/11 happened i was just getting up and ready for another day of first grade, and i remember going out to the kitchen to make some cereal and we had a big screen an all i saw was my dad standing infront of it watching in awww, I also remember him telling me to remember this day for it would dramatically change america. Which now grown up thinking about it, it actually really has alot.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I dont remember anything about that day i didnt even know it had happened until a couple years leter and honestly im still not completely sure what happened. It defenetly changed what america is today. People are more aware about threats to this country.
Felipe Hernandez:The same thing happedned to me that day everything went in one ear and out the other.

Anonymous said...

When nine eleven took place, I remember my mom waking me up and telling me I wasn't going to school. She had tears filled in her eyes, and made me follow her out into the living room, where the news was on and my little sister was sitting on the couch. My little sister was too young to understand what was going on, but she look frightened. My mom made us watch the twin towers fall to the ground, but as soon as that happened she made my little sister and I go back to our rooms.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember anything, but all I knew was that something happened. My parents didn't let me watch the news while they were. But now i know, i have the upmost respect for the firefighters and police that were there that day. I will most likely never be able to tell them but i wish i could. They, and their families deserve so much more than they receive.

Anonymous said...

1) on september 11th i was about 6 years old and i woke up like it was a normal morning and then my sister called my mom and told her to turn on the news. i remember my sister came to my house to watch with my mom and dad, but but after watching like 5 seconds of it i got to sacred to watch it so i had to eat me cereal in the other room. i remember that my mom and sister were crying and i was really upset.

Emma said...

Sadly, my memory of 9/11 is non existant. I wish that I could tell you about what I remember, but i just can't. Although I know a lot about it, so I'm happy to share that with you. I've heard all about the panic, and teror that people were dealing with. The first tower was struck and everyone was so taken back by it, then the second was hit and now everything was going downhill from there. People were dying, suffering, worrying, crying all in one and no one knew what to do. Firemen and Police officers risked their lives for all these people, and some died in the action of trying to save lives. Parents, kids, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers were all victims in the towers going down. People who knew or had family involved were so devestated.

Anonymous said...

the day of september 9th 2011 i just landed at the dc airport because my grandfather died 2 days before and we were going to Alexsandra virginia to get the body and fly it to florida where my grandmother was buried. I remember going to my cousins house and them running out hugging us because they were happy we were not on the flights that where going to go to dc. We all gathered around the tv and watched it when family members were crying and calling friends in new to see if they were fine. The rest i was to young to remember i just know it was on tv for it seemed forever but about a month

Anonymous said...

My memory of 9/11, i was in the first grade and i was getting ready to go to school Hidden Hills Elementary. My brother came running out of the living room yelling "Mom come look at this a plane crashed in to a building!"I remember i followed my mother into the living room and saw smoke and people jumping out of a tall building. I didn't know what the building was i was to young but I remember my mom put her hand over her mouth and walked out i just copied her.
I didn't find out what really happened till later that day at school when i brought it up to my teacher. That's when i found out that they were the tallest building in the states and that it was a terrorist attack on us because people didn't like us. All of this was so unreal to me because i was so young. I knew there was war but i never thought how bad it really was. I also remember seeing the stack of papers the leave on the front of the school and as I was walking up I saw the cover picture of a building falling with people jumping out. That is my memory of 9/11.
Kyle Price

Anonymous said...

1. On September 11, I remember going into my moms room to watch the Today Show like we did every morning. The broadcasters were talking about a plane being hijacked. I was only 6, so i called my mom into the room to ask what was going on. She immediately turned up the TV. I had no idea what was going on. I can still remember the same picture of the twin towers burning, with "Terrorist Attack" labeled under it. I went to school like it was every other day. The announcements came on and my principal mentioned something about it but i was to young to remember. Ever since that sad day, i am deathly afraid of airplanes.

Emma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Madison Whitfield
I think that is so good that your uncle's train was late and i'm glad that your uncle is alive And i is sad that others lost there lives but its good that you still have your uncle.

Anonymous said...

I remember standing in the living room watching the news with my mom. they showed the footage so many times that its permanently burned in my mind. Every time i think about 9/11 the image of the plane and building destroying each other comes to mind. i couldn't believe it was real, i kept asking my mom over and over, 'that really happened? It wasn't just a movie?' and honestly it took a couple hours for me to truly believe it was real.

Anonymous said...

On September 11, 2001 i believe i was in the 1st grade. I remember my teacher turning the T.V. on to the events that were occurring but it didn't hit me as something that was really happening to the United States. I watched what was happening believing that we were watching a movie of some sort. I didn't discover that the events were real until I arrived at home and talked to my dad about what we watched at school. His reaction to what i said made me realize it wasn't fake. I then knew that we had been attacked by the towel heads of the middle East. And it was then that I realized America was going to war with these terrorists. The events of 9/11 shocked me and showed me what people can do with there anger for another country.

Anonymous said...

1) on september 11th i was about 6 years old and i woke up like it was a normal morning and then my sister called my mom and told her to turn on the news. i remember my sister came to my house to watch with my mom and dad, but but after watching like 5 seconds of it i got to sacred to watch it so i had to eat me cereal in the other room. i remember that my mom and sister were crying and i was really upset.

Anonymous said...

when i herd about 911 I Didn't really care i was to little to care i remember hearing that my neighbors lost brothers that were in the twin towers when it happened i don't remember the exact day and i didn't really have a reaction to it not to be disrespectful but i don't really car about it now.

alexander Bustos : how did u not know until after a few years later

Emma said...

Sadly, my memory of 9/11 is non existant. I wish that I could tell you about what I remember, but i just can't. Although I know a lot about it, so I'm happy to share that with you. I've heard all about the panic, and teror that people were dealing with. The first tower was struck and everyone was so taken back by it, then the second was hit and now everything was going downhill from there. People were dying, suffering, worrying, crying all in one and no one knew what to do. Firemen and Police officers risked their lives for all these people, and some died in the action of trying to save lives. Parents, kids, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers were all victims in the towers going down. People who knew or had family involved were so devestated.
- Emma McWilliams

Anonymous said...

I was only six when this happened so I don't really remember this. I'm pretty sure I was at school. I can't recall how I found out about it. It was probably from my teacher I'm guessing. In a way I'm glad I don't remember it, because it was a tragic event. I feel really bad for the people that lost friends and family. I congratulate all the people that helped that day. All those brave fire fighters and police officers. I hope nothing like this ever happens again.

Anonymous said...

To Taylor Patten, I know what you mean how you understood what happened but didn't REALLY understand what would come of it, all we saw as kids were the twin towers collapsing...

Anonymous said...

Previous comments talk about some people saying they don't remember but they were sad. I don't remember and I wasn't sad.. I was uneffected because I have no idea what was going on, no understandings. I was 5, almost 6 years old in first grade. I remember my mom was at work all day and my aunt was watching me at home but we read books all day. When she came home from work she asked if we heard about it and started freaking out so we sat down and watched the news. I can still see her face when I think about it. Panic, sadness, worry.
I remember her talking to her boyfriend about it but I can't recall what they said, just things about what this would do to the country and how disgusted they were in the hijackers.

Anonymous said...

I have such a bad memory that i don't really know what i remeber of that day other than all the hetic things that all happen all at one time.

Anonymous said...

On September 11, I remember more of what happened when I got to school rather than when I was at home that morning. At school, I can clearly remember the tension and eerie feeling that present. My teacher was watching the T.V. when I walked into the room, and the screen showed that the second Twin Tower had just been hit. My teacher turned off the T.V. so we wouldn't see the devastation that had occurred, and I could tell that she was extremely upset. I also remember how a lot of my friends were picked up from school by their parents, and how our nation was in total shock. Even though I was so young, however, I still remember the images of the planes hitting the towers and the feeling that overcame our nation that day.

Anonymous said...

what i remember about 9/11 is waking up in the morning and my parents were watching the news and then i found out what had happoned then i went outside to look for smoke even though were in az i was little and thought i could see newyork from here.

Anonymous said...

the one above is mine not madisons

Anonymous said...

To Beau C:

I was watching spongebob that morning to!!!! I don't remember the episode as clearly as you do but i was definitely watching it.

Anonymous said...

My memory was my mom crying. I didn't really understand what exactly it was or why it happened but i knew it was bad. I remember seeing people running, smoke and dust in the air, the faces of the police men where black because of the dust. One of the planes was still in the building and 2/3 of the other was gone. Every year since then ive seen the same pictures constantly either on the tv or in my mind. If its hunting to me then i can only imagine how it feels to those who lost a family member, a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker. Not only did it haunt me or those who lost someone, it still haunts america. Ever since then, life hasn't been the same for us. We are practically strip searched at airports and every time we see someone that looks like a "terrorist" we seem to lose all sense of safety and comfort. The events of 9/11 has changed everyone in america and will always be a factor in how we judge each other and foreigners who visit america.

Emma said...

2. Reply to James' comment.
I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that. As a six year old I can only imagine how difficult it would be to understand that. Its also very sad that you had to deal with your grandfather passing away, and seeing that video again from your father.
-Emma McWilliams

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Samuel M. House-- How could you not know about this devastating event until just two years ago??? It's one of the most devastating events in American History. It' been talked about every single year since the day it happened. So many lives were lost.

Anonymous said...

I do remember part of what happend, i wa at my baby siters house waiting for the time to start walking to school, but Nena- my baby siter- brought me and her daughter- Ivonn- to hr room and didnt let us go to school. Apparently my mom had called to tell her she was coming back from work to pick me up. I was supper happy i didnt have to go to school but when my mom got there I cried becouse she was crying. She didnt go to work that day, instead she took Nena and Ivonn with us to go to a park and have ice cream. I didnt under stand why but now i know it was to calm her self down.
Latter she told me that people were panicing at her work becouse of the buildings fallingbecouse of a bad air plane. that made me vary paniky but since i had ice cream i was to buissy to worry about that.

Anonymous said...

Alexander Bustos, how did you not know until years later?

Anonymous said...

that day i remembering being like any other day. but as soon as i woke up i turned on the tv and i was watching the hole thing with my family . at the time i was 6 and was really confused because i didnt know what a terrorist was. years went by and i stated to find out things i didnt know . hopefully things like this dont happen again

Anonymous said...

9/11 was the most traumatizing event in U.S history that I have ever had to live through. Although things are a little fuzz for me on what happened, i just remember crying... lots and lots of crying. My mom made me stay home from school and me and my three other siblings and my mom piled on her bed waiting unpatiently for my dad to get home from work cause he worked at Sky Harbor Airport and my mom was stressing out and i was a little confused on what was going on, i remember watching the TV and seeing the tower crash to there fate... George Bush talking on the news and so forth that was a day full of stress sadness and confusion, but i also remember a year later at my elementary school we all gathered in the court yard around the flag poll and we just all had a 2 minute moment of silence. I believe that that was one of the first of the many moment of silences around the country.

Anonymous said...

G. Murphy,
Did you dad end up going to serve?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Joey Karp; 'his faced shocked and worried' i Know exactly what you mean, i think we all do. That look that the grown ups get when something is really wrong. that look on my moms face.... i will never forget.

Anonymous said...

To Beau C:

I was watching spongebob that morning to!!!! I don't remember the episode as clearly as you do but i was definitely watching it.

Anonymous said...

Samuel M. House that is kinda sad that you didnt know about it till a few years ago people talk about it very september 11th and there is movies on it!!!

Anonymous said...

On September 11th, I remember a lot more than I think most kids my age do. All of the teachers in my school turned on the TV and watched in horror. None of us really understood what was going on but I knew where the Twin Towers were because my family had gotten back from a trip that we took there 6 months before the attack. I remember staying in the room and standing at the top looking at how high up we were. Once my mom and I got home, she turned on the TV and watched the video of the towers falling and she cried. I remember wanting to change the channel to cartoons but my mom wouldn't let me. I feel so horrible for the families who lost people that day.

Anonymous said...

House. I cant believe you didnt hear of this til 2009. America has a day annually for this, and people talk alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!there woud be something in the media or news to remind you of the first attack on U.S. soil in a very, very long time. I consider it a miracle you missed it for 8 years in a row.

Anonymous said...

@ Marcus..
I didnt know why it happened either and i couldnt believe that it actually happened.

Anonymous said...

to all the people that remember:

i feel bad for you, in some ways i am glad i cant but in some ways i wish i could. So i could tell my kids what happened and why it was so important.

Anonymous said...

james strang that is a very good post bro take it easy we should chill we used to but now we dont so later bra

Anonymous said...

Honestly my memory is very vauge, i don't remember mutch but i do remember coming home from school and my mom was not saying anything, she was watching T.V. with my older brother with disbelief she had tears in her eyes, she was scared, my brother and i were to young to understand i didn't really get what was going on until my mom tried to explain giving me brief detail all i can say is that day will never be forgotten it was a day that changed the whole world.

Anonymous said...

to james, that is so sad that all those event had to happen in the same time and im sorry that that happened :(

Anonymous said...


troll said...


Anonymous said...

I remember the two planes crashing into the Twin towers, one hit the Pentagon, and the other crashed in Pennsylvania were the people took it over but not in enough time to keep it from crashing. I remember hearing the story various times that a blind guy got out of the building and was saved by his dog. I know from seeing the movie 9/11 that a crew of firefighters got trapped inside the building and died trying to save others. I think that this day will always be remembered because of all the tremendous people that died on that day weather they were firefighters or just people that worked in the Twin towers. Although this day was horrifying and sad I think it will make us stronger.

Anonymous said...

to james, thats really sad that all those things happened around the same time, and im sorry that that happened :(

Anonymous said...

To Erica-

I definitely know what you mean about the day that America stood still. My teacher also had that look on her face, and she was trying not to break down in front of us. I like what you said about if you were older, for I too wonder how I would have reacted if I had completely comprehended the situation. I think if I had been older then I would have been more emotional to the attack of our country.

Anonymous said...

Samuel M. House: I don't understand how you could have only JUST heard about 9/11.

Anonymous said...

to Beau C:
I was trying to watch Spongebob too! It's kind of sad to think back and realize that we were so ignorant about the events that happened.

Anonymous said...

When 9/11 happened, my mom got a phone call and the person told her to turn on the tv. After we saw what happened, my became frightened that the plant here would be attacked next. She told me I wasn't going to school and that we needed to go pick up my sister from school.

Anonymous said...

I do remember what happened that day it was about 6 o clock in the morning so i was still asleep and when i woke up i found my parents really upset and so i didnt even go to school that day because we didnt know how many terrorists were out there. that day was a terrible day and i will never forget that day.

Anonymous said...

Afarmer I remember that day as well but i believe that i stayed home that day but i was also confused that whole day... and remember the memorial moment of silence we did at school like a year later... it felt like all that saddest returned that day. I felt the same...

Anonymous said...

I was very young when 9/11 had happened and i remember that most of all my teachers looked a little panic yet they did try to subdue their feelings but since I had been in a catholic school at the time we ended up going to the schools church and praying. I never understood what was going on till I got home, my mom had told me that a lot of people had died and now i find it a little ironic but then it was just shocking, but my sister had been watching home alone, the one when Kevin was lost in New York. 9/11 had a big impact on everyone but me and my family were extremely shocked though we didn't know anyone that was involved so it wasn't a painful memory, just a depressing one.

Anonymous said...

To Eder
What things did you start to find out?

Anonymous said...

To Klenneth:
when did you here of this when you where in Hawaii?

Anonymous said...

Sam Rieck, I don't blame you for not remembering, I barely remember much either.

Anonymous said...

On the morning of 9/11, I remember waking up and going into the kitchen, finding both my parents home, and my grandmother at my house. They were all watching the t.v. in the kitchen, and my older sisters were watching t.v. in the living room. I saw the smoke, and the people running, and then I saw the second plane crash into tower 2. I didn't understand why my parents were worried, or why they were talking about keeping me and my sisters home from school. I didn't find out what happened until I got to school, and it took a long time to fully understand what had happened. None of the teachers really taught anything, they just stared at the t.v.'s. Almost half of the school was absent that day.

Anonymous said...

To Denise Niccoli, I thought you were there that day..?

Anonymous said...

Josephine B:
after reading your account of 9/11 i felt very moved. Your post brought alot of emotional reality to the situation, and it definetly stuck out to me. Your writing was very honest. -sarah b.