Thursday, November 17, 2011


The world we live in is no longer our own, thanks to facebook, tweet, and phones with video tape a person's private life is no longer all that private! Read the following article and give your opinion and your defend your stance.
Click on the following link: NPR BURGER KING


Anonymous said...

I think that its stupid how people tweet everything they see that is or might be interesting to a lot of people

Anonymous said...

I think that is has been happening a lot, for anything you see in public that might be interesting it is most likely to hit the internet. People have no restraint, they don't think about other people when they do this, or even about what they are doing. All that they can think about is that this could get my name out their in the world. They do care who or what is happening, just that they are getting famous off of it.

Anonymous said...

We can use all the social medias if we do not care about other people, we have the freedom of speech, all the information are yours, you can do whatever you want with them even if you offend someone or tweet about other people.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you tweet about someone's else life, or you watch a reality shows on TV, you don't appreciate your life enough and you do that to fight the boredom. Don't forget also that taking pictures of someone without his or her consent is illegal.

Anonymous said...

I don't like where our country is heading with privacy becoming less and less of a priority. Your business should be nothing but your own, and nobody else should have access to it.

Anonymous said...

these situation has been happening and its sad to say that people tweet, Facebook, and Myspace EVERYTHING.
in my opinion i think this is unnecessary and just wrong to tweet(etc.) everyone's business

Anonymous said...

First of all.. wow.
Second of all, take the fight OUTSIDE (remember the old quote "You wanna take this out back?" well it should definately apply to this article.
and Finally, who would have the indecency to actually LIVE TWEET the fight the whole world? Personally, I'd have been furious.
Though funny like no tomorrow, that really isn't fair to do that to someone. Take their marriage and put it out to the public, add some cussing and screaming, and apparently it becomes the perfect public entertainment.
Though I agree that the couple probably should have taken this outside so that it wouldn't be heard as well by the ENTIRE resturaunt, this Andy dude has some serious issues.
Long story short, don't put peoples lives on the internet. Think before you act. Act as if they were you and imagine if some person actually did that to you and figure how you would feel. And make sure youre ready for any repercussions that may come with it.

Anonymous said...

If your going to argue in public so loud and out there don't expect it to be let out on the media. In today's society everything is put on the internet and you can't really help what other people do. It was wrong for that man to post that conversation on twitter but what do you expect if your yelling in public. Things like this happens all the time! Its the couples fault for being so loud and rude at the burger king and that is how I think about that.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, in the modern day that we are living in we are consumed with technology. It's always on it and to some its an addiction to constantly check on their Facebooks, twitters, etc. Almost every aspect of a person's life is posted on their profile, but what happens when you start posting about others life. To me this is crossing a line, blogging, tweeting, posting about other people's life without their consent is just taking advantage of our advances in technology.
What this young man do was use his phone to record, take pictures, and write down every detail that this couple was arguing about.
Though, I have to state that this couples decision to have a fight in a public resteraunt that was clearly audible to others was a horrible decision on it's own. Sadly, in the world we live in now you must always watch what you do in public cause those around you probably have phones to record what you are doing or video tape it and pass it around the internet for others to see.
Our lives now are obsessively posting about everything, it can go from what you had for breakfast to the personal lives of people we don't even know. I hope that one day people will use these new upgrades in technology for better purposes than what is being used for now but I know that might never happen.

Anonymous said...

I think people are so into the internet an its like their life line people post everything they are doing weather or not they are actually doing something, People every where post about what they are feeling an some people can post what ever they want. An some times people post things that leads to a fight on the internet, Things hit the internet so fast about celebrities so people can give them a hard time. No one in this world cares about others anymore. Some times people post things to get attention or do anything to get attention. People are starting to get famous for little things they do cause what they post on the internet.

Anonymous said...

It is wrong for people to video tape arguments that random people are having. Social media is taking our privacy away. Most of us are somehow interested in someone else's life. Even though that couple decided to argue in the public, it should not be recorded and get on social network service. Unless it was their choice to post it on internet.

Anonymous said...

i feel that websites like facebook and twitter went from a form of communication, to a form of communicating gossip to one another. It it much easier for one to post all about someone else's life rather than their own. Im sure, if with the man that posted the details of the couples life would be much less open to display personal things about himself on the internet. facebook and all these others websites are not destroying our society. we cannot blame the technology, for it is the faults of us who abuse these websites and make them a mockery. It has been made way too personal for anyone;s comfort and this is why i deleted my facebook and never attempted at making a twitter.

Anonymous said...

this happens all the time. it happened to me once. not on twitter but on facebook. its the worst feeling i have ever had. it has been resolved but i would love for people to just mind their own business. the fact that they would feel compelled to perform such an act of invasion of privacy is just sick.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

i find it hard to believe that the man we recorded all this had nothing better to do! i mean seriously... maybe he should get a job.

Jessica Blair said...

I think that this has been happening a lot lately. People think that they need to post or update anything they find interesting. There is no longer respect for personal privacy. Yes these people who update every second of what's going on around them, have the right to, but there isn't a need for it. When people go out they shouldn't feel like they're going to be taped or their picture is going t be taken. There needs to be boundaries, and this is most certainly crossing it.

Unknown said...

i think its nothing really new. people get video taped all the time without knowing it, but the thing that bothers me is that people have nothing better to do than exploit peoples personal lives. the guy that videotaped the fight doesnt even know what the fight was about, or why they were fighting. so he has no right to post other people on his twitter for other's enjoyment. even though the fight was in 'public', doesnt make it okay. it's still the couples private argument
-kristina Lindgren

Anonymous said...

I think that if the couple was in the public eye when they were having this argument then they basically asked to get put on social networks. But that still does not justify the guy that made it public on twitter. it all comes down to having respect, something that society is losing very quickly. But people know a days don't care about that, they only worry bout how many "likes they'll get on Facebook for posting something like fights or just stupid things in general.

Anonymous said...

i find it hard to beleive that the man who recorded all this, had nothing better to do. i mean seriously, get a job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nowadays with the internet the information goes faster and achieve longer distances. If you dont want to your personal life be exposed on internet, you should pay attention if theres someone with a cellphone around you. I dont believe its right to show the others people personal life. You have always to remember that one day can be you exposed without your consent.

Anonymous said...

I think its not right that people have to share the world of things like that. There are only a few things that should be shown to the public but not very much. things like this needs to be keep privet.

Anonymous said...

i agree that technology has gone to far. For some, twitter and facebook is an addiction. people need to only worry about themselves and need to not put others private situations for everything to read. is very disrespectful and rude for people to do such things like that.

Anonymous said...

I think technology and media has been taken too far into a negative thing. People have no right to repulsively violate someones privacy. I think it is rude and unethical to be posting someones personal life for the whole world to view. Although it may not violate any law, I still think peoples morals have significantly gone down a level. In the first amendment it says the citizens of the US have the right to freedom of press. Therefore recording something happening in public, like the news stations do, does not violate the constitution.I don't think people have the right to be recording another person's argument. What would happen to America if everyone's personal life was recorded and put on the internet? I don't know how anybody would think that it's okay. Although technology plays a role in this, it is ultimately the decision of the person putting it on the internet, who is to blame. Whether we have technology or not, rumors, gossip, and personal information can be spread about anyone and by anyone who is in the public eye. Its immoral, but recording public events is not against the law.
-Sarah Bish p.1-

Anonymous said...

I'm on a lot of networks, but I'm not one of those, which post everything they see, everything they are doing... I think it's annoying if they are writing stuff like he did. Who cares? Of course they have the right to speak, but I wouldn't like if I would find out, that someone, I don't know, would post about something I did that day.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is a good idea to tweet about an argument. Because that couple might kill the one who tweeted the argument. I think there should be a law about tweeting people's personal lives.

Anonymous said...

Well what I think is that Twitter and Facebook have been added to a lot of peoples normal lives. Then those who don't have one are pressured into having one. With this situation, I can see why someone would tweet things like that. For entertainment, and for others entertainment. If you're fighting you may want to call it off and not have it in public, so people don't gather and watch. People do the same thing when they see police sirens flashing, I admit I get curious and want to see what's going on. But don't have it in public.

Anonymous said...

This is why I tell my friends when I don't want to do something. Trust me, it is difficult regaining your good-name.

Anonymous said...

Eh. Crap like this happens. The world grows substantially and has made bigger and bigger leaps into a more free social life. If you can learn to live in private, you're at least a little safer than going online and spelling your life out in a book with no pages.

Anonymous said...

To Tim and Erica,
If it were a status, I'd like it.

Anonymous said...

We have the freedom of speech and all the information are ours and we can use the social medias if we wouldn't care about other people. You can do what you want even if you tweet about other people.

Anonymous said...

People need to find a hobby if they think tweeting about someone else personal life is entertaining. put down themartphone and go find something to do that doesnt expose someones private life

Anonymous said...

To be honest, "tweeting" is just retarded. They took social media way too far when they founded twitter. Yes facebook is pretty bad but it is not as bad as twitter. Twitter posts are about everything and anything people decide to post about. Although people shouldn't argue in the public, it still shouldn't be ok to post about a strangers life without asking them. This country has come to reading about everyones personal life over social media. There is very little privacy in this world these days and it is pretty sad. Boyle had no right to record the couples fight but then again they were in a public place.

Anonymous said...

I think people should always be aware of what they are saying when they are out in public, but they shouldn't have to worry about what they say ending up on a social network. People are not careful when it comes to social networks and it is back firing on tons of people. Boyle should have respected their privacy and the story shouldn't have gotten out of control like that. People need to start getting a life of their own and stop relying on the lives of others through social networks. I don't know what disgusts me more the fact that Boyle tweeted it or the fact that people actually read it.

Anonymous said...

I think that after social networking became popular a lot of peoples personal lives became known. I think thats a good thing. In a way it kind of makes people act the way they should be. Like celebrities, if they don't want a bad reputation then they shouldn't be sending nudie pics. The only argument against that is Kim Kardashian. She had an art of making a sex tape that turned her famous.

Anonymous said...

I think technology and internet sites , have taken over our world today. The world of face book or twitter, is a world of gossip and exposure. I think that whoever taped the couple arguing is to blame. The argument was no ones business except theirs, maybe they shouldn't have been so open about it and should have not fought in a public place but everyone in the fast food restaurant should have just minded their own business

Anonymous said...

Stuff like this keeps happening more and more lately. Privacy is getting less and less private. People want to try to change that but it would take a lot of cooperation from everyone to change privacy back to being private.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that this has been happening a lot lately! People seem to think that just because they saw it happen, or heard about it that they need to put it on the internet somehow, and I think that's not ok. If you're going to say something about someone else, I honestly think that you need to get their permission somehow, cause you never know if they wanted people to know about it or not, and odds are they don't or they would have posted it themselves. I think people just need to mind their own business and live their lives, and not worry about others.

Anonymous said...

I think facebook, tweet, and smart phones are all great things. But the problem is that people use them in the wrong ways. They make things easier and more fun to do things. The problem is that people use them for their entertainment instead of using them in the right way. People no longer have any privacy. For example in the article about the married couple getting into an argument at burger king and a customer tweeted and eventually got to the news. This goes to show that even little things such as arguments cannot be private anymore. Facebook, tweet, and smart phones are great things when people do not misuse them.

Anonymous said...

I think it is unethical to post about someone else's prviacy on a very large social media site. Just because you have the ability to do so with todays technologies doesn't mean it is right. People are still titled to their privacy, even if in public. Even though the couple fights in a public place doesn't mean they want it to be shared with the rest of the world. They just happened to have an outbreak in public doesn't give the right to the people in the public to gossip about it. Ya, I get the fact that there is freedom of speech and all that stuff, but morally it is incorrect. Also, as the fifth amendment states, "privilege against self-incrimination," which provides protection for the privacy of personal information.

Anonymous said...

i think that people should be able to have a own personal life. but they should be careful when they are on a public place. if the are arguing loudly on a public place they have themselfs to blame. i dont think the tweeter should post pictures and videos of the argue.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I really don't care about twitter. I don't see the point in sitting there and reading a all about other peoples lives. I would think that in order to know all about other peoples you would have to get rid of your own life. So, basically you have a bunch of people sitting at their computer or staring at their phone reading a bunch about other peoples lives while they just sit there. Sadly, this is a thing a lot of people do these days.

Anonymous said...

we have a private life for a reason. I mean you should keep arguments at home away from everyone. I mean i find it disrespectful to post someone's personal life on the internet just because you think is entertaining. I mean they should behave like that in public but people should be respectful and not record a video.

Anonymous said...

I think facebook, myspace and other online social websites are just there to capture the feeble minds of our generation of teens. I just dont use any of these sites because if i want to talk with someone i will go to them and talk not post something on online.

Follow me at Twitter my username is Jobless_Jovany.

Anonymous said...

This article can definitley go both ways. On the law side, the couple broke the whole privacy barrier and they were talking so loud that everybody had the chance to et involved. No on the moral side, its their fight, their marriage, their personal drama. The guy had no right to involve the internet and everybody who uses it. Sure he did have the right to have his opinion and tweet that but not to say what the fight was directed towards, no photos should have been taken, and the video thing was outrageous. I do believe that technology is slowly taking away peoples common sense, decency, and morals but i, as well as others, dont plan on giving it up.

Anonymous said...

I feel like if someone that you don't even know takes a picture or a recording of you and posts it for the whole world to see then it has been taken too far. Everyone has a right to their own privacy and I agree that with smart phones and Facebook privacy isn't really something people always think about. People now a days will put pretty much their life stories on Facebook and seek.
Everyone should stay out of peoples business and worry about themselves. Not everything you're doing has to be put up on the internet and no one has the right to put it on the internet but you.

Anonymous said...

i personally beleieve it is stupid to tweet an post stuff thats not your buisness and i dont think its that interesting to post or tweet something about something that doesnt pertain to your life. i dont really care about much right now... bad day... so ii dont have alot to say other then i think its stupid and pathetic and also the people who react to it are stupid too.

Anonymous said...

I think it's wrong that some people tweet everything they see especially someone's else life

Anonymous said...

I agree with-James Strang's comment that tweeting is a stupid idea. When I read the article I thought to myself and said it was wrong. The guy who tweeted had no right in doing what he did. He should have just minded his own business.

Anonymous said...

I think that Boyle didn't have the right to post a video and photos of the young married couple. They have a right to privacy. Sometimes people don't behave well in public. However, I don't believe that that gives other people the right to make the argument even more public.

Anonymous said...

The problem with all these social networking website such as Facebook, twitter, is that with it nothing is really private anymore. Things like this happen all the time. They are a great way to keep in tough with family and your friends but it is abused. People don't think before they post these things and don't think of the consequences of their actions or how they will effect others. It makes me sick sometimes how people hide behind a monitor and bully people by posting inappropriate videos or pictures of others. It is an issue in today's world that we shouldn't be having. We learned everything that we need to know back in kindergarden. Share, don't bully others, be kind. Technology today has it's advantages and disadvantages but with social networking it has made it easier to expose things to the media.

Anonymous said...

Comment: Madison Whitfield, i completely agree with you. The people that were arguing should be able to have their privacy without other people even paying attention to them. I also agree with you when you said the person that tweeted and recorded them is to blame and also should get in trouble.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is bad that people blog and tell everything that happens in there life it could end bad if u do something wrong and tell people stuff they shouldn't know.

Anonymous said...

I think that technology can have a lot of positive effects in everything from the medical field to everyday life.But when people get so bored with live that they feel the need to post everything they see or do online is not only an invasion of privacy but a complete waste of time.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that this has been happening a lot lately. People think that they need to post or update anything they find interesting. There is no longer respect for personal privacy. Yes these people who update every second of what's going on around them, have the right to, but there isn't a need for it. When people go out they shouldn't feel like they're going to be taped or their picture is going t be taken. There needs to be boundaries, and this is most certainly crossing it.

Anonymous said...

While I find the lack of privacy that people seem to have unsettling, I don't really think that it can be blamed on social networking. Someone who witnesses something could just as easily have told other people by word of mouth. While the internet does help to make doing this easier, I think that the real problem is people being intrusive and inconsiderate.

Emma said...

In my opinion, i feel that now a days anything seems worthy to people to put on the internet. Tweeting and facebook have overcome any other type of communication and or way for you to find things out. Instead of watching the news, people just wait until a video is posted on facebook, or someone tweets all about what happens. No one thinks about the consequences when they do things like this, because they don't really realize what they are doing could really potentially hurt someone.

Emma McWilliams

Anonymous said...

i think tweeting is stupid but people have the right to tweet and facebook as much as they want about whatever as long as its not reported and even then the facebook workers can judge if it is allowed or not. If people dont want there life on there then dont talk loud so people can hear you and wright about it

Anonymous said...

I think what happened was really wrong but they still shouldnt have argued in public and then it wouldnt be all over twitter.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you tweet your own things it's fine. You decide what you want people to know and you're still in control of your privacy. But if someone else is tweeting stuff about you, they have no right. They don't know what your personal boundaries are. Just do your own thing.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. Why would someone tweet about an argument that they're overhearing? Whenever people around me are louder than they should be, I just act like I can't hear them and go on with my business. The man who sent the tweet has no manners to that couple in the restaurant. Sure they could have been quieter, but either way, it wasn't HIS business!

Anonymous said...

Honestly I think that tweeting in general is pointless unless you travel a lot and you aren't going to be able to contact everyone that wants you to. I think that this is happening more and more and it just goes un noticed. It is horrible that people take the time out of their day just to listen to someone else's private matter. Yes, it should have been kept behind closed doors but that doesn't give people the right to broadcast the happenings onto the internet.

Anonymous said...

i think that people that tweet everything have no life and recordings of people that involve violence to were the police get involved should no be allowed unless given premission because these people don't know what they are doing when they start recording people getting in fights and stuff they are ruining peoples lives with that and to top it off they are uploaded on the internet for the entire world to see.

Anonymous said...

Both parties are at fault here. The couple for being in a public zone to argue. The idiot Andy-boy who cannot practice the simplest forms of self-restraint known. It all boils down to that. Neither one is entirely right in what they do. I can't speak for the couple, their choice is their choice wherever they please, but it cannot be proper for someone to abuse the use of social-technological advantages in order to publicize the private affairs of other people who's privacy should be respectd and upheld by constitutional law. Simply put: the couple should be somewhere else to handle their affairs and obsessive,disorderly people should learn to mind their own business and announce or 'tweet' things that only concern them.

Anonymous said...

Telling someone details about what you're doing and who you're with or whatever seems to cross your mind at every moment of the day is a personal choice. Not one person can go and force you not to do those things. Updating a status, tweeting, and uploading all these personal details of your life is like an agreement that you don't mind what people do with that stuff. Once you put something on the internet it's there forever. I personally don't think we should be tweeting and all that stuff (especially when it's not about our own life) is so stupid and proves how technology is making our lives so different.

Anonymous said...

I think tweeting/facebooking someone's life is completely redundant and has no actual true meaning. Plus if your to the point where you have to tweet about someone else and their troubles then you have way to much time on your hands anyways and need to fine a constructive hobby.

Anonymous said...

I think that what the guy did was extremely wrong. He doesn't have the right to post someone else problems online. He should have thought about how he would feel if it was him.

Anonymous said...

Well I think these people do this so they are more populer, even if it means in a bad way.

Anonymous said...

Personally, i think that if you are going to have an argument in public, especially at a burger king and its loud enough for other to hear, then you deserve what happens. On the other hand though, mr. boyle took it a little far by posting it on twitter for everyone to see. You dont need to be a scribe for their fight. You could simply ignore it and nothing comes of it. I hear people fihting all the time but i disregard it because it isnt my business to listen to it.

Anonymous said...

I kinda think technology is ruining our brains but its also helping and of course it could be argued both ways. It was wrong of that person to record that in fact its kinda like bullying at its worst. There was no point of doing that and those people need to get a grip and respect each other enough to pick a different place to fight and knock out teeth and what not. That's pretty much what this all comes down to, respect- and self discipline, but that's for some other problem we'll never be rid of.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion i could really care less about being "recorded" or whatever people call it. The couple should have fought some where else. That would have saved this whole situation. If someone catches you fighting with someone else, well thats your fault. It sounds harsh but sucks for you, thats how the world is. What amazes me is that how far the guy on twitter took it. After he posted it, it started showing up on like 50 other things which was unnecessary.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that we should blame the social networking sites for this kind of thing, I think we should blame the idiots like that man who use them. Social networking sites were suppose to be used to stay connected with friends, and share things about YOUR life, not others. If some people were actually considerate, than things like this wouldn't happen.

Anonymous said...

I feel that social media is indeed corrupting this generation. Nothing is personal, and nothing is private anymore. I feel that the only thing that should be shared on the internet, is what you want on there. Nobody should have the right to take photos, videos, or anything else of you and share with the entire world by putting it out there on the internet.

Anonymous said...

i heard there is a bad thing going around on facebook and it can cause people to lose there accounts or drop out, and in my opinion people should keep all private things private and only post stuff that isnt ok with anyone else

Anonymous said...

I think this situation is happening allot in the world today, because technology is more advanced and more capible to people all over the world. What I think about this is that it is partially there fault for talking so loud that everyone in the fast food restaraunt could hear them, but it was also partially the employes' fault because he took that information that was none of his importance and decided to put it up on the internet for everyone to look at. I think this was totaly wrong because one, it was not important to him adn was not his information, but he also decided to make a even bigger fool of himself and spread it out on the web.

Anonymous said...

I hate tweeting and facebook and the whole social network all together therefor i don't care what is posted or displayed.


Anonymous said...

Jeremiah Miller- "in a 'bed' way????"lol

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that guy is wrong. I think it's fine to tweet as long as it's not involve with others' personal privacy. He should not do that. It's pointless to post about couple's argument on the internet.

Anonymous said...

This article emphasizes the lack of privacy in the world today. I think that people today are overly consumed with social networking sites, and with sharing personal information. In this article, I believe that the man who recorded the couple's fight had no right to publicly share their fight. It was the couples choice to voice their argument out loud, yet they probably never thought that their conversation was going to leave the restaurant.

In this case, Andy Boyle crossed the line. With so much technology in the world today, it is acceptable to post information about only yourself. Posting information about someone else's life is invading their personal privacy, which could lead to serious consequences in the future. It's a scary thought to think that something in your private life could be spread across the world in a matter of seconds.

This incident shows me how rude the society of today has become, and how unaware we are to other people's feelings. By constantly using social media sites, it also shows how dependent our generation is on constantly knowing information about everyone and everything. With so much information out there, people deserve to have their privacy no matter how "tweet" worthy it may be.

Anonymous said...

Its ridiculous how 24/7 people are online posting stuff, wether its random or serious. Nobody cares to know what someone is doing or what they just saw. People post crap because they wish to be the center of attention, like if someone puts a sad face on facebook ten people will comment "aww whats wrong?" or somethimg like that. I think its stupid.

Anonymous said...

I'm not in disgust with the couple who had he heated argument in Burger King. I'm more in disgust with the guy who decided to take what he saw and post it on a social network. yea they should have gone somewhere else but what happened involved only two people and no one else. Before when an argument happened in front of us we just minded our own business and left it alone now people are so glues to their stupid social networks that they think everything should be shared with the world. No one cares what you ate for breakfast, nobody cares that a cat just ran across the street. No one realizes that they need to filter what they put on the social network because one day karma will come back and get every single person invading someones privacy. IT'S NOT RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

I do think that nowadays Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr ect. has gotten out of control its used more now to create unnecessary useless drama its stupid that you cant go on Facebook anymore because there's a 70-75% chance its arguments about something stupid, and its funny how they act all tough over the internet but they don't talk about it face to face, i do agree that now we have no control over our privacy on the internet it suck.

Anonymous said...

I believe that when you take something into the public eye you don't really have a say on what you want to happen or not. I think that this person who recorded the dispute between the couple was wrong for doing it even though it was in public. I think that he should have had some respect and just ignored it and gone on with his life instead of doing what he did. I think that he could have had better judgment on what he did. I personally think that Facebook and Twitter, all have become related and people talk about what they see in public even if it is going to hurt someone else; they don't really care. They just go on and do it without even taking a second and thinking about it, and putting them in the other person's shoes and how they would feel if they had something like that posted about their life all over the internet.

Anonymous said...

I think that whether you over heard something or someone told you something about their private life, you have no right to share it with the world. It is none of your business and why should you even care?! This world has gotten so out of control and it shows how nosy, and obsessive we are that we don't have something interesting enough going on in our lives that we have to share something from another. IT'S WRONG!! It would be kinda like me over hearing a top secret military mission and not exactly knowing it's top secret and posting it ALL over the web. You would get into so HUGE amounts of trouble for that but when it comes to "just some couples" privacy its not as important. Facebook, Twitter, and youtube are all fun and interesting things, but when it comes to involving other peoples lives it is completely ridicules!

Anonymous said...

Andy Boyle had no right to post videos and comments about a couple having an argument on twitter.
YES, they were in a public place with plenty of people and shouldn't have fought that loud in public but when other people that you don't even know post your business on the internet along with videos its a BIG violation of privacy. When you see a married couple fighting you don't post that they're marriage is disintegrating on the internet for eveyone to see, its a sad sight. Its a common sense not too record random people.. What did the married couple have to do? Post a notice saying: please dont record.?