Friday, October 25, 2013

Violence and Teachers

Are Teachers and Students save at school? 

Sparks, Nevada

Danvers, Massachusetts

This week two teachers have been violently nurtured at their schools. Read the two articles posted on this blog and answer the following questions. 
1. What should be done to help prevent these types of crimes at school? 
2. Do you feel violent crime by teens is on the uprise? Why/Why not?  
3. Finally, look at the chart below: 
This is the overall violent crime rate in America from 1950 to 2010. What do you think causes the spikes in crime, and why do you feel they are on the decline? 


Anonymous said...

These crimes should be helped by security in every class.
crimes by teen rise i dont think so because we are so good some people just dont think of what they're doing
We have gone down that a good thing for student and parents so they don't use voilent thing this isn't gto.

Anonymous said...

there is nothing you can do to stop these kids bringing guns to school. But you can put security before the school gates and metal detectors but that would be none sense.

Anonymous said...

kids will be kids there is nothing you can do besides try to stop the crime before it occurs.

Anonymous said...

Violence in teens has always been present. It doesn't even depend on who the person is now-a-days. Whether they seem to live the best life or they seem like the biggest outcast.There is no way Violence from teens can be on the uprise if it has always been present since way back when and will probably continue to be present for eternity as the world continues to evolve. The thoughts that wander in a teenagers head are unknown and never will be known.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, how terrible! What was with those teens?

To stop these crimes, we must have extra security. In addition, everybody should look out for their true friends.

Judging from the recent events, I'd say that violent crimes by teen could be on the rise, because even though it was two shootings, more could happen in the future.

I think spikes of crime are caused by a need for revenge, tired of being humiliated, and sometimes, just not thinking properly. I think they are declining because people are becoming more educated and therefore, don't suffer any of those problems as much nowadays.

Anonymous said...

thank Julain i like the securtity if we like security or not

Anonymous said...

I dont think the crimes are on a uprise on teens. Teens of course make dumb moves but some are more serious than others.. like for instance just the other day the middle school kid shoots a veteran and wounds two kids. i honestly dont think its a uprise because its not happening everyday

Anonymous said...

I agree with the thing about security Tristen: it could really help prevent crimes a lot.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know what should be done because it is not up to me. It is up to the state or federal government what to do depending on the crime. Based on the chart I believe it is obvious that since the 1980's the rate of crimes has gone way down. Which is some what good. It is good because it has gone down but it is bad because we still have a lot of crime due to the chart. I believe that the Vietnam War is what caused the spikes in the chart because not too many people agreed with the Vietnam War

Anonymous said...

I think its the atmosphere that spikes violent crimes because you are around violent ALL the time and it makes you do what they are doing and will try to be like the people they are around and they try to prove them selves so it spikes violent crimes

Anonymous said...

I don't particularly think that teen violence is on an uprise , i mean i member my dad talking about how almost every other week kids would call in bomb threats, and in my uncles school his principle was taken hostage so i don't think its really on a rise but maybe becoming more severe but i think its just the media that Makes it seem its happening more often. I think to prevent this would have to be a increase in security, although it will cost money i think it is a commodity that i think we can take at this piont.

Anonymous said...

first of all. tristen are you kidding me? armed security in school classes. that's wont help stop things like this from happening. if a kid is getting bullied and feels like no one is helping him/her. there going to take matters into the own hand no matter what you do. i think that violent crimes with teens are on the rise because bullying is more prevalent then it was 50 years ago. i think to prevent kids going this far schools need to take action when kids are getting bullied instead of turning there back and not taking care of the situation.

Anonymous said...

There is no way of stopping kids with serious issues shoot up there school. In order to stop that we need to stop bullying which will never happen. Kids are evil and mean to other kids and when you get bullied sometimes the only way you can feel better about yourself is when you bully someone else. You have to take that negative energy out of you. So the kids that end up mass murdering have nobody they can bully. It is a never ending cycle. Also most of the kids that do commit these hienous crimes are those who you would never expect to. So it is impossible to predict a school shooting. I feel like teen violence has increased tremendously. There have been so many school shootings in the past year that when I hear about one I am not even shocked nor surprised .My attitude is more like "Oh. Another one." I feel like the the spike in crimes in the chart peak in 1970s-1990s because in that period there was a far more amount of addictive drugs in bad nieghborhoods in that time period. That directly influences violent crimes. I think they are on the decline because people saw the terrible violence those drugs created and refused to take part in them.

Anonymous said...

I do think that security should maybe be increased at schools, maybe have one or two, maybe more, on campus's from Middle School and High School, but it's impossible to know what kid is gonna go nuts and slaughter other students or teachers.

Anonymous said...

Security is important for schools, not even schools but anywhere. If a kid could bring a gun to school then someone could bring a gun to church or like a movie theater. We need to step up in security. It seems like anyone can just step into any place and shoot it up. It may seem annoying to have all the security but it saves lives.

Anonymous said...

yea van where cool

Anonymous said...

maybe the school should have an anti bullying program that helps out for kids getting bullied. Ask their kids how their doing and if there is anything wrong with them. I think there is an uprise because most of the major stories are dealing with teenagers theses days. Maybe people should start asking the parents on how their raising their kids. I think the reason why there are less crimes today is because there is a lot less bullying also there were more drugs back then than now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't think security can do much when it comes to kids, Trisen, bringing guns to school. They could just slip a handgun in there back pack and walk right into school and surprise everyone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yea um ash i think you got a point with slaughtering students. we should have armed security .

Anonymous said...

Julian we could a arm here hahah just kiding

Anonymous said...

There is only so much we can do to keep dangerous things such as guns out of schools like add gates and extra security but from that point the situation seems to be out of our hands. The schools have no way of reading the minds of the children. There is no way to see what goes on at home and how the parents discipline their child.
It's truly an awful thing to hear when a shooting goes down at schools. No one could ever really understand why these types of things occur.

Anonymous said...

Just think about it, if we have tons of security just guarding the fronts and backs of our school and wandering the halls, wouldn't that just make students feel more insecure and in danger? It would give them an even better reason to panic believing that a serious threat is truly on the loose, when in reality danger could be all around us.

Anonymous said...

Arm security? Are you crazy tristan? It just leads to kids taking the gun off of them to shoot up the place

Anonymous said...

1.these crimes should be helped by having gated schools and security in every class like video cameras.
2.well i don't really know because the kid with the box cutter is the first i have hurt of teens killing. tell you the truth i really don't know what is causing all this violent actions. maybe new video games or maybe killing is "in". i don't know how teens or anyone can just kill for no good reason, its rediculous and stupid and just gives all teens a bad name. it needs to be stopped before it goes any farther.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying we have guards with assault rifles patrolling the halls, no that's complete idiocy, but at least give the guards some way to subdue, or defend against a shooter or some sort of aggressor.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1.) While there is the idea of making tighter security, I am unsure there is much we could do to make schools safer. Metal detectors could be used like those in airports to see who is in possesion of illegal items.


This url shows a graph of the amount of homocide from people ages 14-24 nationwide. Like the graph provided by Mrs. Burr, the crime rate is declining since its peak in 1993.


The murder rate in arizona has gone down because of a larger population every year. There are more people born each year, making the crime rate seem lower, when really there are more homicide victims each year.

Anonymous said...

I think teen violence could be on the up rise just because how easy it is to do so. Say one day a kid goes home, really angry, because maybe a teacher had yelled at him and got on his case that day. He's sitting in his room, only getting more mad, and an idea pops into his head. He knows where his parents keep the gun and he knows that it isn't locked up. The next day he goes to school and shoots his teacher. There's nothing we can do with complete confidence that will stop crimes like this but there are a few things. First off, if parents own a gun, they need to lock it up and not keep it in such an easily accessible spot. Secondly, I guess we just need more security in the class room like a security officer walking in every couple minutes just to make sure everything's good. It would probably make kids a little more nervous and second guess whatever decisions they were thinking about making.

Anonymous said...

my team got shelled last night

Anonymous said...

violence has been everywhere , I think school should put security or metal detectors out side before entering school building but honestly there nothing much you could do yo stop children bring guns to school. No i dont think crimes are on a uprise on tees , its just the mentality of each kid

Anonymous said...

I think to help prevent these types of crimes there should be more security at schools. But I do not think that it is a teen uprise because we would have a lot more shootings. The few kids that are doing this have something way more going on.
I feel that we had more security and now our security isn't doing there jobs. Which leads to more of these that can happen.

Anonymous said...

I think people often get confused when the word 'armed' is used. I said it already, giving security at school a gun is friggin stupid idea, but something that gives them a chance to save more lives, with out having to use deadly force.

Anonymous said...

Tristen we're not talking about sports dude..

Anonymous said...

Blogger [DRKCBRA] said...
Arm security? Are you crazy tristan? It just leads to kids taking the gun off of them to shoot up the place

How could they take guns off of armed guards?

Anonymous said...

hey i was kiding

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I feel like you cant really stop it, just prevent it more by more security at schools. But that would just cost and be a hassle for schools. I do not feel that teen violence is on the uprise, I honestly feel it has died down a lot. I'm clueless for why the charts spiked like that.

Anonymous said...

let me just say adults can be just as nuts as kids can be. i don't like the idea of a armed "guard" standing behind me in the middle of class. armed security wont stop the violence from happening all together. all it will do is maybe, stop it when it is taking place.

Anonymous said...

1.) I feel like even if we get rid of guns completely things like using knives and stuff would still happen. Sadly, the only thing I can think of is forcing students to carry see through backpacks and have checkpoints throughout the school.
2.) Honestly, yes. Teens are acting out more for almost no reason. It could be because something at home sets them off or something. We don't know what happens behind their closed doors at home. We as teens tend to build up our stress and other factors, then release it all at once. Some people just wait too long I guess.
3.) The crime rate could be falling because we have so many more ways to catch killers, and that could stop people from doing it. Another thing I realized is that around the 80's up until the 2000's, gangs were blossoming, and people were being killed every week. Weather it be because of a rival gang, or because of drugs and all that. Gangs have died down a lot since, but that was a huge factor to the high crime rates within that 20 year time period.

Anonymous said...

These crimes are, yes very upsetting, but what can we really do to prevent these crimes. I really don't think adding more security guards would help, if a person was at the point where they wanted to kill someone they would fins a way to work around security guards. Are crimes really on the uprise or are they just getting more dangerous because teens have more accsese to guns and harmful weapons. I think what causes the spikes in crime rates are people not agreing with what our government is doing with our army.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion it is not good how america handles the guns. It is too easy for kids or teens to get guns. In countries were it is not legal to have a gun, it doesn't happen that often that teenagers or children do rampages and kill many people.

America should think about how they handle their rights with guns. Actually everybody can have a gun in this country and in my opinion that is not right.
I think it would also help if the teachers would talk more about that with the students.

Anonymous said...

There is no way to stop it, end of story, no matter how hard you try, there will always be people that will hurt other's, and that's just a fact of this world we live in.

Anonymous said...

Robert your comment almost made me cry... that was beautiful, and so are you.

Anonymous said...

I think that the school should have metal detectors or should start getting more serious with security. Invest in some bulletproof windows or having a more positive attitiude towards kids. I think teens are commiting more crimes because they have more rage and anger in them. Also tons of teens don't like their teachers and some teachers don't respect them sometimes.

Anonymous said...

its not kids fault or the parent's fault its just how society (government)change their view how in how to educate their children ,today a parent's can't do anything to their children, because they will have the whole police in their houses. In my opinion some rights should be taken away from us because we have been taking advantage of them for a long time and used them to anyone who says no to us.

Anonymous said...

im so awesome champ

Anonymous said...

I dont think you can d anything to prevent theses types of crimes at school but to have extra security at the schools like metal detectors at the gates. more security would be better. violence in teens has always been here,there cant be an uprise when its always been there.

Anonymous said...

i think that all security should have some sort of item to defend the school from attack like a tazer and have a police officer on every campus.I really do not think that teen killers are on the rise but i could be wrong... every year crime rates rise and fall in states all over. Mabey its because there was a mass murderer between those times and thats why or someone killed someone earlier and a year or two later the body is found so its counted that year.

Anonymous said...

I think, the kids are not violent since they are born. Something must happened to them or with them, that they act like that.
Maybe violent video games or big family problems or something terrible else did happen, that kids do horrible things like shooting other people and also there own friends, like the boy in Nevada.
But I think they should not get into prison, because there they will become a lot more violent. Maybe a long therapy is helpful and after that a person who has all the time an eye on these kids to protect the the people around him for the first time. But I am not sure about, what is helpful or necessary for the hole life of them, that they never be violent again.
I don`t think the many guns here are the problem, because the Swiss has the most guns per average and it is a very peacefull country with no shootings. So only the persons who do the shooting have a problem and not the hole area around him, what is often told on TV.

Anonymous said...

rock on let there be rock

Anonymous said...

i agree with you ryan, i think more security in each class would be better.

Anonymous said...

Marcus, you never cease to amaze me with your beautiful comments. Ps: have fun at the fair.(;

Anonymous said...

I feel that if teenagers that commit these crimes need to go to counseling more when they have these thoughts of doing this kind of crime. adults should try and help students before they lash out in such a violent manner as these to articles indicate.
it may be uprised because of abuse, physical or emotional, pressures of school and other things and feeling bullied by teachers or studnts alike

Anonymous said...

Im not sure what could be done to prevent these types of crimes from happening. maybe teachers could pay more attention to their students...there have been a lot of shooting in schools whether its a student shooting or someone else. Teens don't think straight and are stupid and don't realize the consequences and problems they cause by doing something stupid like that. Maybe the causes of the spikes in crime are from people tired of someones joke (bullying), maybe revenge. Im not sure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i agree with you Rozalyn

Anonymous said...

it sad about mean teachers.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Paul, it`s too easy for teenagers to get the access to a gun here. And a lot of teenagers are probably raised with having a gun in their home, and they probably develop a lot of thoughts because of that. Let`s say they had a really bad day, they get home and know they have access for a gun, I think that starts dangerous thoughts.

For example, in Norway, no one has gun in their homes. And it is really hard to buy a gun, almost impossible. Only the police have guns, no one I know have ever seen a gun in real life, not even my father. And we haven`t had any episodes like that, no teenager has brought a gun to school and shot someone. And I bet there is persons that have wanted to do it, but they had no gun and no possibilty getting one..

So I think that is something that could be changed, and this terrible shootings would probably stop.

That was bad english but whatever

Anonymous said...

alpolgize would be a good song if a person geting arrested.
who the regional artist there one republic and then there kris aleen

Anonymous said...

sairet: you made a very good point about the uprise. i agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Okay, Paul and Mari are so right. I honestly don't think owning gun is a necessity for protecting your home. That's just an excuse. There are many other options to defend your home. Guns owned by the public is stupid. Period. For those people who want to say it's a great way for defense or whatever, think about it first. You want to stop violence with violence... wow. What a great point... (sarcasm intended) We should completely give up the right to bare arms. It really isn't necessary.

Anonymous said...

What should happen is parents should keep weapons out of the reach of people with a mental illness. I feel like the violent crimes from teens is on the up rise. Because of mental illness and violent video games. The spikes in crime are from the carelessness of people and the drop is from people getting smarter.