Thursday, September 17, 2009

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Your first amendment rights, collectively is considered to be the most important out of all 27 amendments. Your mission on this blog is threefold. (three parts) One, decide which of the five freedoms you think is the most important and why. Two, which of the freedoms would you be willing to give up and why?(be careful). And finally, which freedom do you feel should be added

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today is the eighth anniversary of 9/11.
There are two sites I would like you to go to:

9/11 Pictures
9/11 Videos

While the video and pictures are very hard to watch/see, after viewing the sites.
1. Eight years ago you were very young, what do you remember about that day?
2. What is you reaction today after viewing the pictures and video.
3. What can the global community do to stop terrorism around the world?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


After viewing the President's speech in class, please answer the following:
1. What is your response to the speech? (Did it motivate you, etc..)
2. What did you like about the message of the speech and what did you dislike?
3. Do you feel that having a speech on the importance of staying in school should be delivered by the President of the United States? yes/no...why.
4. What other people would be effective in getting the message of the importance of school to all of the American students?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


1. An unconscious and bleeding woman was left in a road as several drivers swerved to miss her in south-east London.
The footage was taken from a bus camera, whose driver stopped to aid the woman. The bus cameras captured at least 12 drivers driving around the woman without stopping to help.
The 24 year old female suffered serious head injuries and was lying next to the cur with her head in the gutter.
Injured woman lying in road

#2. The accident—a 78-year-old man hit by a car and flung into the air—was shocking enough. Worse, was what happened in the minutes that followed: nothing. Traffic continued to drive by and pedestrians apparently ignored the injured man lying in the street.

#3 Elderly man beaten while onlookers do nothing. Click on the link and watch the video.

Would you have helped the victims, why or why not. Why do you think people did not help? As a community what can we do to make sure people help others?