Thursday, September 3, 2009


1. An unconscious and bleeding woman was left in a road as several drivers swerved to miss her in south-east London.
The footage was taken from a bus camera, whose driver stopped to aid the woman. The bus cameras captured at least 12 drivers driving around the woman without stopping to help.
The 24 year old female suffered serious head injuries and was lying next to the cur with her head in the gutter.
Injured woman lying in road

#2. The accident—a 78-year-old man hit by a car and flung into the air—was shocking enough. Worse, was what happened in the minutes that followed: nothing. Traffic continued to drive by and pedestrians apparently ignored the injured man lying in the street.

#3 Elderly man beaten while onlookers do nothing. Click on the link and watch the video.

Would you have helped the victims, why or why not. Why do you think people did not help? As a community what can we do to make sure people help others?


Kaitlin Sikkema said...
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Kaitlin Sikkema said...

I would like to believe that I would have helped the victims. However, I think being in a situation where you are watching someone being beaten or laying on the ground hurt is frightening to see, and you want to get away as fast as possible. Maybe that's why the other people didn't help. Or maybe they thought the other people who had seen whatever happened would help instead of them. But obviously if everybody thought the other person would help, nothing would get done.

Unknown said...

I would withuot a second thought helped the victims. There are not enough people in this world who are willing to help one another out and in my oppinion, it is one of our major flaws and a big reason we are in such a state of distress. Everyone thinks somebody else will do it but with everybody thinking only of themselves, nothing is getting done and situations like these happen more and more often.

cfarquharson1 said...

i would have helped the man. i would have helped anyone that is getting beaten. this is sad that a man would beat a 91 year old man thats just pathetic.

Tyler said...

I understand why some people would not help because you might become a victim but I would most likely help. If I was driving a saw a body on the road I would be freaked out but would stop

cfarquharson1 said...

i also would help a stranger in certain situation. i wouldnt give a stranger a ride. but i would give money to the or tell people were to go if they ask a question. things like that. i wouldnt do anything to put myself in danger really.

cfarquharson1 said...

i also would help a stranger in certain situation. i wouldnt give a stranger a ride. but i would give money to the or tell people were to go if they ask a question. things like that. i wouldnt do anything to put myself in danger really.

Zayne Wright said...

I would have called 911, or done something. I wouldn't have just left them there, because it's just wrong to leave them there.
Those people who drove by, or just stood there watching, are just as bad as the people who hurt them. They could have taken 5 minutes to help them, but they did nothing.
As a community, we need to teach everyone to help others. Would you want someone to help you, if it was you laying in the street?

Lotux L said...

I would've helped them because it's not nice, nor polite to not help, and I'm always helping so not to help them would be against my morale. I think the people didn't help because they aren't nice people or just don't care about people, ever. We, as a community, could just help people when ever they need to regardless of what they think, even if they are late going somewhere.

Tanner Sherlock said...

I would have helped that man because its messed up to beat someone that old, its not even a fair fight. I would have defanently helped the old man. I just think that the people who didn't help were scared of being beaten as well. As a community I think that people should show more courage and step up against things like this.

ijohnson3 said...

my opinion on this is its rediculous, people these days are very self centered and selfish. nobody cares about anyone else, its so unfortunate that people do these things and people die, a lot. People didnt help because all they care about is themselves. well there isnt much we can do. maybe arrest people who dont help others, but i dont believe that will help

Unknown said...

People in the world do not care about anyone but themselves. Humanity does not want to stop and help anyone who needs it. I would help those in the situations who need it. If everyone put others before themselves the world would be a much better place, to bad that wont happen.
Its impossible to make everyone help in situations like this, but maybe more would now from seeing examples of what happens when you dont.

hcookkelley said...

I feel like I would help the victims. Thats what I feel is the right thing to do. I don't understand how you could just stand by and watch as someone is clearly in agony. People need to swallow their pride and help others in need. This is sickening and heartbreaking! As a community I think it would be important to hold a "town meeting" so that way people can meet one another and have relationships, then when a neighbor fellow community member is hurt or in need, it would be easier to stop and see what is the matter.

Chelsea Gazia said...

I would have helped the person without even thinking. No matter how scary or dire the situation was, I mean how could you not help! People who didn't help have to be insane. People in society can be so cruel and unhelpful its awful.

Mrs. Burr said...

I think i would help a victim,but i would also be afraid and try to get away as fast as possible..Maybe the people that dont help the victims are scared they'll get hurt too if they help that person... Michelle

Unknown said...

a.I would most likely be watching what is happening with shock or asking myself if this is really happening so I probably wouldn't help just from being stunned you know. b. the reason he wasn't helped is because. c. Remember the last episode of seinfeld when The 4 of them just watched a man get car jacked and didn't do anything about it? Well that technically makes them accessories to the car jacking in this case a man getting beat like a bloody drum

Anthony Smith

ejones3 said...

I would attempt to help the person as best I could, because as an american citizen I find it disgraceful that a person would beat a man who took a beating protecting our country. I think they did not help because they feared that the man would have attacked them. We could help them initially to spread the message that sharing is caring!!!!

maria zambrano said...

I would help them even if Im not the one driving But what i just don't is that someone is on the street injured how can they not do something. they could at least called the cops to help them you didn't have to stop. And if you are watching someone get beat up you are as responsible as the person they are hurting. Mabey the reason that nobody wanted to help was because the didn't want to get caught in drama. I just think that this is so stupid that someone is practically dying and nobody is helping anyone. I think we we should have more police looking out after the the streets and not in dunkin dounut's eating dounuts. But we can't blame all of the cops they can't be eating dt too.ounts and saving the town. I guess it would be our faul

Mrs. Burr said...

I would have helped him. It wasn't right that people to stand there. It would be something that will come with a risk. Because I am willing to take a risk getting hurt. I think they didn't help because they are working with the man. To have everyone to help each other then we will not have to worry about anything. Brad Parker

mgriess said...

OF COURSE i would help the victims.
no doubt about it, if your a good person you will always help someone in harm. it doesnt matter who the person is, a stranger or not.

Embarrasment, people are embarressed to be seen with people whether there hurt of not. its rediculas and wrong. Or they just don't care at all about other people.

i think we can make these videos and photos public and more people will become more caring about others.

Kevin said...

I would have helped the victims, because they were clearly in need of help. Just because i don't know them doesn't mean i cant help them in a time of need. When someone is in need of assistance you have a clear obligation to help them. The other people didn't help because they are too self centered. They only care for themselves and no one else. As a community we have to help others and not only care for themselves. Just ask yourself one question, when you are in need of help; when you are old and getting beat up, would you want to be helped?

Megan Whittaker said...

I know I would have helped. I think that the reason why no one helped any of these victims is because they were scared to step out of the box and give a little help to someone in need. It was a very greedy thing that they did, just standing there watching a crime happening right in front of their eyes. Maybe they were even scared to get involved with a crisis like that. I would help them because I would want someone to help me if i was in a situation like that. The golden rule attributes to most of my decisions.

Adrian A. said...

I think I would have tried to help because the people being beat shouldn't have been they were completely innocent. I can't understand why people would just stand there watching. If I saw a person laying in the street injured i would go help. Well i don't think there is any way to make sure people help each other but you can only hope someone there during the accident will help.

vhernandez2 said...

I would of helped the victims because these were life and death situations that people needed help in. I think people are scared to get involved and try to fight back. We need to help others no matter what and even if we don't know them.

Mrs. Burr said...

I would have stopped rate away and helped her,it was like in human of those people yo just leave someone out there to die. I think people didn't help because they figured oh shes fine and it was their business. AS a community i don't think we can do anything but as individuals i think you should do whats right.
Yes i wouldve helped the man and called 911, i cant believe that all those people just walked by. once again i think prople dont Austin

areyes6 said...

Yes I would help anyone who is getting beaten. You would feel horrible if you just left the situation and found out that not only did the person get hurt really bad but might have died. I would have stopped and helped the old man who was laying in the street.

areyes6 said...

Yes I would help anyone who is getting beaten. You would feel horrible if you just left the situation and found out that not only did the person get hurt really bad but might have died. I would have stopped and helped the old man who was laying in the street.

piercej said...

i would have helped all of them because helping others is a part of my nature

agarcia77 said...

if i saw a stranger hurt in the road i would definitely make sure he/she is ok and if not i would definitely call an ambulance and stay with them until they go there. Also if i were to see that 91 year old man being hit i would go over there and beat the $#@! out of the guy and then help the old man if i couldn't i would hope someone would come and help me

anaelisa hernandez said...
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tallender said...

i think that the person that jacked the car is really pathetic. If he was so desperate to get a car he should've just stole a grocery cart and drive in that. I would of helped the guy as fast as i could if this event happened by me. I cant believe someone could do that.

mmaloy said...

It is tough to say whether or not I'd have the guts to go up to someone that is being beaten like that. Fear controls many things, and it can also control people. I'd be too scared to go up there and help him. It is sad but in my heart I know its wrong not to help I'd love I just don't know if I could have the guts to. Maybe to help people we should ask ourselves if we were in their situation would you want people to help you? I know I sure would. I always believe in peace and helping people. But when someone is being beaten its kinda scary. I'd be compelled to them but I'm sure the fear of being beaten myself would take affect. If I had the guts to, I'd say something. I know in my heart I would because its the right thing. But to take action and confront the attack, I don't know if I could do that.

Mrs. Burr said...

If I saw this happen to somebody for no reason especially for an old man i would and see what was going on. And if it was necessary I would use violence to stop the abuser. Fernando Loza

bherreraontiveros said...

I think if i was there and I had seen what was going on I would of helped because maybe in the future something like that could happen to me and I would want someone to help me.
I would of also helped because I know that's what it's right and no one deserves to be treated like that.

Elizabeth S. said...


James B said...

I would have called 911 and went to go help him, cause thats just wrong just leaving someone like that.

jdotson said...

It appalls and sickens me to think that in these instances not one person stopped to help the victums. I definitely would not have been able to stand by while an old man was repeatedly beaten, neither would i have been able to keep driving after seeing a person lying helpless in the road. I have no idea how other people, especially full grown people, had the stomache to stand by or ignore these things. I hope that in the future people will be more inclined to interfere.

Demi S said...

It's understandable that confusion would lead people to not stop for the woman on the road, and fear as well. If I saw a woman bleeding profusely on the road I would immediately stop, but I would be hesitant to approach her. Logical thinking would lead me to believe that I would call 911, or any authority that could help, but in the heat of the moment it's impossible to know what you would really do.
In regards to the elderly man getting attacked, it would be illogical and frankly unsafe to approach an obviously vicious man while in the heat of a fight. I would call others, maybe even someone BIGGER THEN ME, a man maybe.. to take care of it. I don't think I would just sit back and let it happen, but sometimes people will do sick things, and to act on impulse and get in the middle of a fight will ultimately just cause you harm.

Taylor P. said...

hell yeah I would have helped what has the world come to today, yeah its a scary situation but imagine being the person lying in the gutter bleeding or the 91 year old war vet how scary was it for him, and he went through WW2 thats just wrong i dont know who im more pissed at the people watching doing nothing or the attacker its just wrong on both of their parts. The world just needs to step up and say something when someone looks hurt and if they are faking it boo hoo you took 30 seconds out of your life to help someone that could have been seriously hurt and even if they were faking it tell them that its not a good idea and walk off is easy.

jburch said...

If their is a person who is getting beaten by another person especially an older person I'm going to step in to help just because its the right thing to do. for the people who didn't help COWEREDS just for the fact they were scared.

Destiny Beebe said...

I would help anyone that seriously needed help weather i knew them or not. I wouldn't let someone get hurt in a away that they couldn't help them selves.

Tashena Smith said...

If the stranger was really hurt to the point where they need to be hospitalized then yes I would help a stranger. If a stranger came up to me and asked me for money I would get scared and walk away, but if I was in the car then yeah i would give them some change. It really depends on the situation because I'm not trying to get myself hurt.

jack said...

I would help the old man. i mean who do those things. This video is hard to believe.

Jared H. said...

I would have helped all three of the victims no matter what I was doing at the time. If stopping my car to help an injured person made me a few minutes late for something, I'd deal with it. The lack of compassion in today's society is both appalling and frightening, and I can't really think of any reason why a person would refuse to help any of the three people.

If the Good Samaritan Act was enforced in Phoenix then people would be more inclined to help those in need. Even though people wouldn't be helping because they wanted to, at least they'd be doing something good.

Chase Fadeley said...

i would have helped them. especialy the old man that was being beaten by that black guy. he wasnt even that big and the people were standing around watching an old man get beaten by that guy! that kinda pisses me off. how could you just watch that happen?! i would have helped all of those people in all of those situations!

Elizabeth S. said...

In my mind, I believe I would, but if I was really in a situation like that I'd probably be too scared to actually do anything. That's probably why other people didn't help. Also some people just don't want to get caught into a situation like that, so they will just watch or walk away.

cbeach said...

If I was there, I would really try to help out the victims. If I was unsure about my own safety, I would still call an ambulance. I don't understand how people can just drive by and not even stop; would you expect people to stop for you, hunched over on the side of the road? Sure, it's ok to be afraid for your own safety, but the least you could do is stop and call an ambulance. Maybe the people who drove by were just in shock and were not sure what to do, but it's important not to hesitate when you think there could be a problem. If the person was fine, it's ok that you called an ambulance or stopped to check they were ok; at least you made sure they were. I think to encourage the community to be more caring for others, we should ask people one question. What if you could be that person to save a life, or jut help someone out who is in trouble?

olopezrodriguez said...

If i saw something like that i would help the guy and stand up for him.I wouldnt care what he would think

brefec said...

I think i would help or at least call the police and wait till they got their. I think people were scared to help the 78 year old man because maybe they thought the man had a gun or knife but they shouldn't have just stood their watching, someone could have called the police right away. as a community we could make sure to help others out by informing people to do something when someones hurt and even you doing it on your own because once people start helping each other out then you wont feel to scared or whatever to doing something as well, it could become a norm :)

anaelisa hernandez said...

If i ever saw someone who was hurt or even need i would do it even if i didnt know who they are.i also think think that it was horrible that noone
helped the old man!?

Mrs. Burr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
akemery said...

depending on how many people were beating them up i would help but if somebody was hurt i would help for sure

i dont understand why all these students are saying they would help no matter what when iv seen a majority of them run to see a fight at school

kcallan said...

In some cases, the statement, "you are only a victim if you let yourself become one" is extremely true. However, in the case of the brutally beaten elderly man, this is untrue. The attack on him was horrid and unnecessary, but so was the fact that there were people that stood by and did nothing but WATCH the heinous act take place. If I was in their position, I would do anything that i could to assist the one in need. I would call for help, throw things at the attacker, yell, or do absolutely anything that needed to be done in order to stop it. As soon as the attacker fled for whatever, reason, I would go and be with the victim, and tend to their injuries as much as I could. I don't see standing by and doing nothing when a helpless person is being taken advantage of, as even REMOTELY ethical. I help people as much as I can as it is, and seeing someone being taken advantage of in that way would force me to take whatever action I deemed necessary to help out. I am a firm believer in the saying, "you are only a victim if you allow yourself to become one", I also firmly believe in helping any and every person I possibly can, which is one of the reasons I would do anything in my power to assist anyone I saw that was in trouble.

Mrs. Burr said...

would hope and believe that I would help a stranger. It all depends on what the situation is like. I wouldn't put myself in danger or help the stranger if he was doing something really bad. Most likely in all, I would help him, but in a limited way, I wouldn't give him a ride that could put my life in danger. It might be scary at first, but then I'd probably start to feel bad if I didn't do anything. The person who jacked the car is pathetic. carter

GaryG said...

Yes i would of helped them. You are pathetic if you would just stand by and watch or drive by like nothing happened. we need to have morals as a community.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

i would have helped the Victims! I think being in a scary spot where you are watching someone being beaten or laying on the ground hurt is frightening! You Wanna help them but you don't wanna get in the middle of what's going on. people are afraid to speak up these days! people need to think of other people before them selves and help the people who are in danger!

ArianaCaballero said...

I would say that i would help a stranger in need, but saying it and doing it are totally different things. I think many people say that they would help but many times its fear to get hurt that stops them from helping others. I think everyone feels like someone else will do something, but in the end, nobody does anything. changing our community would be hard, i think we should all focus on ourselves and do good and encourage the people that do. :)

Alyssa Costilow said...

I would have helped the victims in a heart beat, because that is simply the way I was raised. I would never leave an injurged person just laying in the road help less. The only reason i can think a person wouldn't stop and help is maybe they were to scared to. But that is a lame excuse not to help save someones life. As community the only way i belive we can help with this situation is to simply stop being so passive about other people, and stop being so self absorbed. If every body thinks that another person is going to do the work, then nothing will ever get done.

Ian Erickson said...

I can Honestly say that i would like to help the stranger... but there is always the urgent times when you just need to be somewhere. it wounds bad and probably is. i would definitely help them if i wasn't in a rush though. I have no doubt about that.