Thursday, September 6, 2012

Political Compass

In the last two weeks both parties have ran their National Conventions. I truly hope you watched at the very least a little of both!  Remember, regardless of your political beliefs it is important to know the platforms of both parties in order to make a informed decision in November. I know, you are saying I can't vote yet, BUT, you have a voice and you can influence those around you that do place their vote. Today you are going to take a political typology quiz to see where you fall on the political scale.
First click on the word below and take the test: 

Second, blog your results!! What did the political compass say about your beliefs? Do you agree or disagree? 

We will be following the Presidential election closely, this will be one tool to help you know where you stand politically. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

What era of American History interests you the most and why? Make sure that your blog post are at least two paragraphs long in order to get full credit. This is your chance to shine, your opinions are important. Start letting people know you have a voice and are planning on using it.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Stock Market Experience

This past week, you have invested $1,000,000 into the stock market. Evaluate your experience by answering the following questions:

1. How did your investments go? Did you make money? Lose money?

2. How did you like the activity, overall? Do you think that you will invest in the stock market in the future?

3. Imagine you lived in the 1930s and have invested all of your life savings (that $1,000,000 you used for the activity) into the stock market. Explain: how you would feel after the fall of the stock market October 29, 1929, AND the pros and cons of investing your life savings into the stock market.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

1920s Hidden Problems v. Occupy Wall Street of Today

The Roaring 20s was rife with hidden problems. The pro-business policies under Presidents Harding and Coolidge led to the "good life" for the select, few extremely wealthy at the cost of the majority of working class Americans. Sound familiar? We have heard a great deal in the news about the Occupy Wall Street Movement, where the privileges of the super rich 1% are bemoaned by the hard hit 99%.

Compare and contrast what you know about the 1920s stock market crash (read: with the claims of the Occupy Wall Street Movement (read:

What are some similarities that you see? What about differences? Do you think the US will experience a crash like that of 1929?

Thursday, January 19, 2012


"Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation." Oscar Wilde.

We have spent the last two days working on stations that had to do with the Progressive Movement 1880's-1920. The categories were:
Suffragette Movement
Worker Rights and Labor Unions
Big Business and Robber Barons
"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair on Food and Safety Conditions
Child Labor Laws
Factory Safety (Triangle ShirtWaist Company)
1. What do you feel are the three most important issues during this Progressive Movement.
2. Why did you pick them?
3. If you joined a Progressive Movement in 2012, what three issues would you take on and why?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


View the pictures from LIFE Magazine's 2011 in review.
Pick one picture that impacted you the most, write a
quick description and tell us why you picked the one you did.
Your explanation must be at least four sentences long!! Make sure
you pick a picture that truly "talks" to you.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Year in review: Part Deux

On Wednesday we discussed important events for 2011. The four categories are:
1. National
2. World
3. Local
I dropped pop culture and added the following:
4. Best movie of 2011

Your job for today's blog is to pick the most important event from each category and tell us why you think it is the most important.

For full credit your blog should have at least two complete sentences for each category.